Auto Repair Car Care with a Conscience Audi • IMW Dortch* *VoM»wag«n ANo Rom*o fL/oo*an Automotive Spsciotsti 497-0040 1975 W 71h Avenue trugene. Oregon 97402 Hout 6 am to 530 pm Help Wanted AUTHOR/PUBLISHER needs student researcher familiar with Pac MW flora, fauna, sea life, terrain. Indian life circa early 1800 s If Interested, send name address phone no and hourly wage re quirements to Dark Horse Publishers, Ltd . P O 70192, Eugene. OR 97401 by 11 1546_10-28 HALF TIME, non renewable eight month position as counsalor in the University of Oregon Counseling Center Requirements are Ph D in counseling or clinical psychology strong interest In individual counseling treatment Position open from November 15. 1986 through June 30. 198/ Salary competitive Applications and further information available at the Counseling Center. Room 209. Student Health and Counseling Centers building, on campus Application clos ing date November 7, 1986. 5 pm 8052 10-27 HALF TIME, non rene* month position as substance abuse specialist/counselor in the University of Oregon Counseling Center Re quirements are PhD or Masters degree in counseling or appropriate discipline Position open from November 15. 1986 through June 30 1987 Salary competitive Applications and further information available at the Counseling Center. Room 209, Student Health and Counseling Centers building, on campus. Application clos ing date November 7. 1986, 5 pm 8052 10-27 FOREIGN STUDENT NEEDED to live with American family Cook one iapanese meal a day plus light housecleaning, exchange for room and meals Winter Spring terms 485-6301 after 6 pm._ 10-27 WORK STUDY POSITION with local social service agency $4 50 per hour. 12 to 16 hours per week Good typing skills and a willingness to learn data en try on an IBM compatible PC Call Lucy at Sponsors 485-8341 JO-28 WORK-STUDY Maproom Afternoons Lane Council of Governments is hiring a work study qualified student for its maproom Exposure to our Geographic Data System and planning issues $5 per hour Call Virginia Jurasevich 687 4393 10 28 Help Wanted 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS lit! S16 04O-iS9.230/yr Now hiring Call 005-0670000. E*l R 9642 10 30 BABYSITTER NEEOEO for 2 gMtt, age 7 and 14. occasional *v*nmg» Have own trantportatlon 720-0631 messaga 10-27 NIGHT OPENINGS, combination in houw and/or delivery Pan lima Hard, fast pacad work Lafe mghta, ovar 21 Need own dependable insured auto Ap ply 13 pm Track town Pina 6010 10-26 PART TIME typing and tiling. Mon Frt 6 am through OX or 10 Location right ne*t lo campus Phona 343 3333. ask for Richard Greene BOX'10-27 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD la curran tty ac cap ting application! for tha poailion of photo aditor Ap^ pllcanta muat ba efficient managers and have aolld aiparianca In photography and photo procaaa mg/printing parttcularty rotating to journalism Tha position require* about 40 hours par week and ei tends until tha and of spring tarm Pay is about 3350 par month Piaaaa submit portfolio with application Pick up an application and job dascription at tha Emaraid office Suita 300 EMU Daadiina for submittma application is 5pm Thursday. Oct 30 Tha Or agon Daily Emaraid is an affirmative action, aqua* opportunity ampfoyar tax SORORITY NEEDS house parson 3430643 for Information 10-29 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN .it — of rapairing simpla sctantiflc in strumants such as oacilloscopas and ph maters Must ba UO student and prefarably ba work-study certified S5 25 hour If interested, contact Dave Brumbley at 666-4516 9041 1G28 Get involved in ASUO Apply for student govt, positions of Executive Assistant, State Affairs Coordinator, Assistant State Affairs Coor dinator, Assistant University Affairs Coor dinator, Women's Task Force Coordinator. Deadline for applica tions is Oct 30. Job descriptions available in EMU Suite 4 ASUO is an Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer Women, minorities and differently abies students are encouraged to ap ply___8051 10-28 Roommates ROOMMATE NEEDED lo share three bedroom apartment with 3 other easy going people Own bedroom Near cam pus $117 per month plus utilities 1860 Alder Call 486-1643._10-27 TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM h, u . campu*. Quiet area, well to-wall carpel modern kitchen Rent $200 e month plus Call 342-7396, Keep trying 10-28 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL tho>»**>onM »ct*«nmo »n<1 matching QuM'ly home* cvaitabt* tuilabK room m.t«» c*ti W7M13 r9Tt trr. For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING UO Westmoreland I bedroom furnished Ht5/mo 2 bedroom furnished |M4mo Amuon unfurnished 2 bedroom Sl2Qht>o Future openings ea peeled Winter end Fell Terms Merrted couples end single parents eligible Call UO Housing 68A4277 for inform# lion 7568 Itn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHEO V2 bedrooms *245*425 485 2823 7*40 tin Dorm Contracts OORM CONTRACT for sale Call Shelly 4psa7n taw OORM CONTRACT for sale Calt Kathy 486*833_ taw FREE SIX PACK i* you buy m» iloim contract Cali 4869605 Collier Ask for Ramsey _ 1027 OORM ROOM in Clark Call 485-9454. ask lor Todd Muhlheim 10 29 U.l CONTRACT Call Mark 685 8137 taw OORM CONTRACT 4869132__ )Q27 UNIVERSITY INN hr sale Call Don 3465767 10 30 OORM CONTRACT Robert 3458163 10 30 Meetings DISCUSS BRAIN CONTROL Write to 0 Mueller 1430 Willamette no 524 Eugene OR 97401 10 27 Events Dr. Colette Craig presents a slideshow on The Autonomy Plan for Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast MON OCT 27 7 PM Latin American Cultural Center 1236 Kincaid St One in a series of Biweekly discussions sponsored by the Council for Human Rights In Latin America For into 484 6867 8058 10 27* Events A HILLEL/JSU “BASIC JUDAISM” Itortnnlnp 1028. Kotnoma Cantar. 14th and Kincaid. 3 30-5 pm FREE/ Rabb* HANAN 8057 10-7/ Can’! decide what to do this Halloween? Go where you can do It all! The First Ever BALLROOM BASH HALLOWEEN EVE OCT 31 Dancing • Music Magic Let’s do it up! More details tomorrow... Food & Drink EQGS ON THE RUN. Scrambled pochat »t STUFF IT. 1210 Alder Open for breakfast too' u'■ ' Entertainment The Girls ot Dyment in vite the men of UO to be one of... Dy’Men of Dyment Coun tryouts are Tuesday Oct 28 7-9 pm in the Dyment Lounge 10 2S' 1 /Jtcadml EMU REC CENTER EMIJ Ground Moor 686 37 I I $y»it»i WEST SIDE FOREIGN AUTO 1069 W 3rd 464 4930 jSitmcJai stu’S Eugene bicycles 8!h Ar Monroe 344 2173 SECOND NATURE 446 C 13th 343 3362 EMU Ground Eloor 686 371 I Gatdi- £ tytjk JABBERWOCKY I *>H Mllytrd 4H« OW> (?AImw BAMBOO PAVILLION I27S 4ld«-i 34S ^7HM ^mk> SoeJii EMERALD CITY COMICS 770 r 13th 343 2368 EMU COMPUTER LOUNGE r.MU Cjrownd Moor 686 4 >33 TIME WARP 1344-3336 tt> Appt Jfa 70* ONSEN HOT TUB RENTALS Ojukn Avf 545 lMfll ^PEACE CORPS 244 Mtrndrteks Mall dU€»3i3S Af~i* 7oo~ THE BIJOU 492 f I Mh <*♦*> i4V* CINEMA 7 Mftum BUHl 0*70733 RAGS TO RICHES v*> f i l|h__ SECOND THOUGHTS 770*0 t. 13th 343 1312 KmisJ* UUkinf THE GRAND COLLECTION ICrth flr Krad Jawlirt ym'i CAMPUS CYCLE SHOP I I 28 Aider 345 738«J *7n*ir*id EXPRESS CAB CO. I84*> Sunrise 7410564 Airport & City Limousine Service 184 S Sunrise 741 0364 2/ydaf* @LiLmf OLD FRIENDS I I2B A AUlci AAA IAIA Entertainment A'9Tfg*i Nit* KAfcar at Ih* bijou 11$ tMrttf on the fvy ••f# m mghtTt MM MAT TNt« lAOOtAK * MM FERRIS BUELLER*S ONI MAN S STRUGGLE TO TARE IT EAST Frt Sal 11 AVSun Thur. ISAS AAminlon S3 SO SOON S* Troubt* Mi uni* CMn* CURTIS LIVES MOTHirtQ THIS EVIL even Dies EUGENE’S 10th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BALL FRIDAY OCT 31st 9 PM Uoyd Jones Struggle featuring Curtis Saigado Tt>« Allnitnr/ & The Part Kings Spooky Specials for Bast Cos luma *« M ADVANCE 17 AT DOUR Tic hats available a! Everyoody s Records RESTRICTED 21 4 OVER 10 REQUIRED Produced by DooW# Tea TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU! uo STUDENTS! WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A SEASON TICKET? Whan you buy season tickets to University Theatre's 86 47 season of five terrific shows, you can share them with a friend use them for an unusual and »ne« pensive Christmas. Menukkah. or b*r thday gift invite your parents lo visit for the weekend and treat them to an even mg of theatre impress your date they’ll never know you paid only S3 per show UO students pay only $15 tor five shows you save enough to see one show absolutely FREE Faculty end staff save, too Call 686 4191 or tome to the bo« office M the Robinson Theatre Monday thru Saturday from 12 to 4 pm to order your season tickats now 7967 1027* Q: How do you tell It 500 people you need a nde to Portland? A * with an ODE CLASSIFIED ADI Entertainment A Q'ttfX \HlM A*Oot**tXy *♦* (?&♦** HELD OVEN NY POPIRAP DEMAND S#*o*» y n A Sat 7 30 pro Only Sun thru Thur« 7 p«n Ontv Sunday CU*g*in Matin#* 2 JO pm And alt snow* Monday S3 ALWAYS STUOCNT DISCOUNT WflO |r*^Mr»« taparaia adtniiiion) f uy«n« Rtmmtmt thru Ocl JO Show* Fr» A 5*1 930 pm Only Sun thru than 9 pm Qnlv Sunday Bargain Matmna 4 Jo pm ami ait shows Mon 13 (raquiraa ««pnr«t« admission) THE BIJOU • MUST END SOON n omo HOSKINS TYSON CAINE jyMs Sei in London s sleazy King * Cross area. this Cmasi FWm Festival win n«r IS S well acted remake o» Ihe classic myth of the Slinky, myitenout courtesan and the guy who falls for her Mens lisa It one of those wonderfully tragicomic movies that you'll talk about for a k>ng time Don't miss Iff Fn Sal 7:IS 4 9 30 Sun Thors • IS ft • 30 Sunday Bargain Matinee 4 pm 13 BATED R FOR LANGUAGE. VIOLENCE SEX AND NUDITY Gen Adm 13 TS/Students w/ID $3 26 Miser Mon S3/Free popcorn Toes NEXT Home of the Breve Laurie Anderson Clearly Natural Glycerine Soaps in 16 different stents Th*y moetun ^69!U Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 24th & Hilyard • 343-8142 DUCK PAC10 10 DS/DD Disks 100% Error Free Green & Yellow Disks S14.95 EMU Ground Floor ROKEP 683-7355 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Htuar OH' LOLA' neuo my ume KRSMWHON ' Yi6, m rnixtp YOU, TOO ' \ MHAT’i mi r ' MUT *00* rmevrs for m first ttmf * TOMORROW * PWNtF * AT YOU1 PLACt ' on., ex. ho. i AM eMTnwfiva WHY, Tim'S NOTWNb HO. NOWm IV FWP mf&me to sr&m& m emuib wrm m? MfWft TO m MIR mm lj> mr. boom. i noivm * I njtu *w uerrwb PttXCKP MV (KXLW OLNl »y M/tNi I