,#*e U Op o. Besides studying for her degree in Sociology, junior Patty Stout is also learning valuable skills through Army ROTC. “I am enrolled in Army ROTC because my Dad en couraged me to. His main reason was there was no obligation for the freshman and sophomore years and there was a good chance of getting a scholarship. After my freshman year, I decided I en joyed ROTC enough to attend Basic Camp at Fort Knox Kentucky, where 1 won a two year scholarship.” “I really enjoy ROTC. It does not take up a lot of time, and 1 have done things I would not normally do, like rapelling, orienteering, and at tending Army Airborne School. I am also developing leadership and management skills that I probably would not get anywhere else.” "The most important thing I have gotten from ROTC is the ability to set goals and the discipline to achieve them. 1 take more pride in my school work and do better in my classes than ever before.” "When 1 consider all the skills, experience and con fidence 1 am getting now; and the promise of much more when I get my officer’s com mission, 1 am really glad I join ed ROTC. I now know I can achieve arty goal I set for myself and I have a great future ahead of me because of it.” For Information on Army ROTC call 686-3102 or visit 1679 Agate St. ARMY ROTC BE ALL YOU CAN BE.