Council sides with library workers By Chris Norred WtilawW State-employed library workers gained support in their push for recognition Monday The Interinstitutional Library Council on Monday approved a request that the state Per sonnel Division consider a library assistant series of }ob classifications. The ILC includes the director of each library in the State System of Higher Education. In its request, the ILC listed five issues of concern it wants the Personnel Division to ad dress when writing the guidelines for a library assistant series. The issues rose out of discus sion at the ILC meeting in which some library directors pointed out possible disadvantages of such a series. Library workers at the University and around the state have been lobbying for a new Job-classification series that would recognize the technical and specialized skills required for library work. All non-management, non-academic employees paid by the state of Oregon are classified. Their Jobe are ranked in comparison to other state Jobs, then placed in a category along with other Jobs that have similar rankings. Library jobs currently are listed in the general clerical classification. The ILC is pursuing two goals: that a library series provide recognition of library employees’ specialized skills, and that it pro vide an improved career ladder specifically for library employees. Other issues of concern center on the worry that a library assistant series might be too exclusive The ILC asked that the Person nel Department take care to avoid an overly ex clusive series. In the long run. an exclusive series could result in library jobs losing ground in com parison to other clerical ranks, said Melvin George. Oregon State University library director. Support for raising general clerical classification pay might be more widespread than support for raising library classification pay, he said fohn Evans, director of the library at Eastern Oregon State College in La Grande, said an exclusive series would kill his library. The small labor pool in la Grande would make it difficult for the library to find employees if workers aren't allowed to transfer classifications without losing status. Evans said. The ILC also recommended that a library series not inhibit flexibility in library direc tors’ recruiting and hiring of workers. "I don't want to be stuck with having to hire somebody in a library classification over somebody in another classification who is more attractive for the job." said Len Freise. library director at the Oregon Institute of Technology. i Laurels ^ Keith Downing and David Meyer, computer and informa tion science doctoral students, have been awarded fellowships by Tektronix, Inc., a Beaverton based electronics firm. The 12-month fellowships are worth about $20,000. Laird Kirkpatrick has been appointed associate dean of the University law school. Donald Van Houten, associate dean for academic per sonnel, has been appointed ac ting dean of the University Col lege of Arts and Sciences. The appointment begins in late August. Theodore Palmer, professor of mathematics, has been nam ed to replace Van Houten as associate dean for personnel ef fective Sept. 1. Richard Hill, University pro vost and vice president for academic affairs, has been elected vice president of the American Sociological Association. loan Acker, University sociology professor, has been elected to the American Sociological A' iociation's com mittee on committees. TINO'S SPAGHETTI HOUSE 017 7 A 342-8111 Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Service! * •free delivery wllh a minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon - Fri 11 00 - Midnight Sat 5 00-1 00 a m Sun 5 00-11 00 p m BUY OME GET OME FREE (with this coupon-18 years or older please) LAZAR'S BAZAR YOUR WATERPIPE HEADQUARTERS Scales. Clips. Tobacco ft Posters 57 West Broadway, Downtown Eugene 687*0139 Otter espire* 8 / IS / 81 * while «upplt last* this oiler good on all glass waterpipes h.-. m&m VOLVO Owners Take advantage of our FREE Safety inspection and SPECIAL Ipine Import ✓ /Servi Call for an appotntmefTor just drop by Springfield • 12th & Main • 726-1808 ALL WORK GUARANTEED VOL YOcSpecuU^ RISE AND SHINE BREAKFASTS From 8:30 A complete tSi Delightful Breakfast Menu Inchidint: Hazelnut Waffles f:««s with Brie and Prosciutto i At Your Leisure Now Fiction Children » Book Hoorn fcx tensive Mystery Section Out ot Stale Newspapers Handicapped Access BOOK and TEA Ivmk-tori' and > afc 1646 E. 19lh • Sun lues 8 30 6. Weds Sat 8 30 10 —-UOBookstore— $495 vcr H RENTAL with 2 FREE moviM Your Sion ilnet 1920 89* Se 13(h 8 Kincaid M F 8:30-5:30 888 dll poppf > 675 E. 13th St. 343-0846 L’ 11:30 am to 10:30 pm DAILY CLOSED TUESDAYS