Calendar For the Week of August 7-August 13 FILM TlMttday. S-7 Cinema 7 “Sylvia" 7 and 9 p m 44 general. 4' 50 viudenu Friday. M Cinema 7 TV I9ih li*cmaii«iul Tournee of Animation' 7 Wind *45 p m V4 geneial S3 SO dude no Saturday. M Cinema 7 (See t-mlay'»loimg) S«wto», ft*I# C inema 7 Tile Idlh Imeiiuiional Tournee of Animation" 4 TO pm 47 matinee 7 and *13 P m 44 general. 47 50 viudcnh evening rirniw Mumtai. S-ll Cinema 7 "TV t*U» International Tournee of Animation 7 and * 15 p m IT Turvdat. S-12 Cinema 7. "The loth Inir mammal Tournee of Animation" 7 and V 14 p m 44 general IT Til ludemi TSrdnrvday, *-17 ' Sleeper'' 177 laarrnie 1pm 12 adulu, 41 children Cinema 7 (See fuevday'* loony i MUSIC Thanday, d-7 Fiddlin' Sue. Uncle T and johnny A martin Community Court 6 JO p m Free Call M7-SJ0J lot further info Friday.M Jwf P»»uif Thru downtown mall } p m Free Street Outer Iml Fakom and The Allnightrrr Barnet Cable*' parting lot ( JO p m $2 Sal tar day. *-* Saturday Market Varttuit muvK all day Count Dance. vailed by Rub Fohe*. rmn« by Own Sehwall. Linda Oamrlum. and Barry Crarmrll Saturday Market J p m Free AIm> at Coltn Kelly Middle School. ISO Howard ft p m II hugenc Folklore Society m.mherv M nut member* The Klectrn Boundary Dweller* and The Growth Company, claw* rock and roll, hrnefn tor the IV86 "WOW li t Our* lun dranrr The WOW Hall. Comtttuntt> Center lot die Performing Aft*. Fighth Avenue and Unwin Street Dmir* open at 1 p m SI SO Call 6S7 I7at> lot lutthet into Street Dance I ranviuer and The Nu Vue I formerly TV V«*i Barney C'tNn' pari my M » JOpm S3 Sunday. «• It Niyhi Whale. Mi Monroe Part 6 JOp m Free OU Tayhtr't Church o' dr Bluer 9: JO p m Cover charyr Bune Tavern Blue* Jam 9 p m SO eer*» MandBj.HI Old Taylorr Bluer lam 9 p m SO cents Pnppr’r Grill Moure Dave Mmhell >ar/ 9 p m Free Wednesday. i-I.J The Ja« M'», biy hand mall fountain Noon Free Call 4M IfOlf lor lur ther mfo The Jarr M r hry hand Westmoreland Pari h JO p m Free Call 6*7 S JOJ lor lur fher mfo THEATER ' The perfr>rmed by Matnslagc Theatre Compam dovhnhmn mall. central («njn»4in August 7. It, **. |4. 15. and 16 # V) p m 15 advance. S6 m the dom Advance Ik kefs available at Backstage Literary Uw. ami the U»wff Level p m Aug 2 and 9 at 2 SO p m SA Sib SO Call AR7 S000 lor resets ationv ami further info Baby " performed by t-ugene Festival of Muvtcal Theatre Soreng Theatre. Hull Center Aug 7. S. 9. 13. 14, IS. and 16 at * p m Aug 10 at A SO p m Aug 3 and 10 at 2 30 p m SI0 SO Call A87-SOOO for reserva iron* and further info Stand up Comedy on Morvtay* at * .10 p m St Amateur Open latent Night on Tuesday at 8 SO pm SI Film Festival on Wednesday * ai 7 ,10 p m Free popcorn Preferred seating for all of the above with dinner reservations ('all 1417900 foe reservations and further info MISCELLANEOUS Thaciday. i-T Variety Acta Fifth Street Public Market Noon Call II4-OIW for further into Scandinavian Festival Swedish Duy lure lion City 10 am-10 pm Friday. M Scandinavian Festival Danish Duy Jure non City 10 am 10 pm Saturday.M Saturday Market F.ighth Avenue and flak Street 10 a m 4 pm Final, crafts and entertainment Scandinavian Festival Finnish Day Jure ttonCity 10 a m 10 p m .Sunday. *-10 Variety Acts Fifth Street Public Market Noon Scandinavian Festival Norwegian Day Junction City 10 a m 10 p m Compiled by Bob Webb 686-INFO Tape 651 Library Continued from Page 1 eluded in the general clerical categories The new classifica tions expand the number of general clerical categories, and establish new. specialized classifications for a variety of jobs that were formerly called general clerical. Hut a new. specialized library series is not included in the new classifications And many of the library workers feel slighted Hut Anita {.each. the director of the state Personnel Division in Salem, said library workers should not have been surprised. "We announced at the outset of the classification study that there were seven or eight clerical iobs on which we need ed more information before we could decide whether to develop specific classifications with them." (.each said. The Personnel Division is still in the process of gathering in formation about library work, she said. The decision on a library series is scheduled for sometime in the next three months. I-each said. University Personnel Ad ministrator Marianne Long, who is in charge of placing workers into the new classifica tions. said library workers will not be placed in a clerical classification until after the state Personnel Division has decidod whether to develop a library series. That decision will be based on information gathered at two Oregon State System of Higher Pc^ CC ^'on,'nu,f^ ^rom Pa8R i discouragement about the arms race, she said, but recent political support for test bans indicates that people feel stronger, more confident and less afraid of the future. Peter DeFazio, Lane County commissioner and Democratic congressional candidate, con tinued the message of op timism. He referred to a debate among Lane County Commis sioners in which he was accus ed of being a radical because of his views on disarmament. “Who is the radical? Is it radical that I want peace? Is it radical that I want my children to grow up without the op pressive fear of nuclear war?'* he asked. People need to get aggressive about peace, he said. A strong Cash For Textbooks Mon Fri Smith Kamil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 military is needed, he said, but "peace is patriotic." It is worth celebrating the 41 years that nuclear bombs have not been detonated in anger. DeFazio said. He added that the Nov. 4 ballot will include two impor tant measures: one that would declare Lane County a nuclear free zone and one that would declare Eugene a nuclear-free zone. The commemoration ended with the traditional floating of lanterns. Lanterns are floated on riven around the world every Aug. 6 to honor the souls of those who died in the 1945 bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. p——CLIP COUPON f 1 FREE Soda i plus I 1 CO OFF I I any slice 111 30 - Midnight, Mon ■ Fri | 3 30 Midnight. Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 686 9598 L Offer Expires Monday 8/11 . ——CLIP COUPON— J Education libraries, a study of the work at the Oregon State Library in Salem and a recom mendation from the In terinstitutional Library Council, which includes the director of each State System library. “The key to the decision is if we find enough jobs in the library setting that are significantly different from other kinds of clerical jobs.'' Leach said. A petition signed by 54 of about 70 library workers at the University was delivered last week to George Shipman. University librarian. The peti tion said the people in the library believe their jobs are more technical and specialized than general clerical jobs, and advocated a separate library series. The petition also urged the Personnel Division to consider such a series with the participa tion of library employees and the Oregon Public Employees Union. "We were concerned that the executive department was not being very responsive to library workers' desire to participate in the decision process," said Kathy Wittwer. an accounting clerk at the University library. Library cataloguer Sharia Davis said she and co-workers have been fighting for a library series for five years. An earlier attempt at develop ing a library series resulted in a single classification in which all library worker* were to be placed regardless of their actual duties. Davis said. That series was turned down by the In terinstitutional Library Council. The recent efforts at revising DINNER SPECIAL Chicken Sautee with vegetable and steamed rice CHINA BLUE Restaurant 879 E. 13th 7 T 343*2832 - «_L Sharia Davis has been fighting for a specific classification series for library workers for five years. classifications for a comparable worth objective seemed like the perfect opportunity to establish a library worker series, she said. “When the new classifica tions came out, we said 'wait a minute, where is the library series?' “ Davis said. “Now we're trying to push the IIjC to get support,” said Kurt Wilcox of the Oregon Public Employees Union. But not everyone agrees on what support means for the library workers. John Evans, director of the library at Eastern Oregon State College, said he is concerned that a library aeries might ex clude people without library ex perience from recruitment lists. Tom Pfingstun. library direc tor at Portland State University, expressed concern that a library series might hinder transfers and promotions of library staff into other occupations if they are recognized only as library workers. And restrictions on recruitment might arise from a library-specific series, he said. At Oregon State University. Library Director Melvin George said his past experiences with a library classification in Illinois lead him to oppose a library series here. The library workers in Illinois were the moat undervalued workers in the syatem, George said. ‘if Oregon could devise a system where the positions were comparable and the pay was comparable, then I’d have no objection,” George said. “In Illinois what tended to happen is that library workers were specifically undervalued." • CLOSE TO CAMPUS • A.&E Certified 'fechnidan Tune-ups * Brakes - Fuel Injection 1*17 franklin «W. Eugene, Or. *74*1 41S-S1U L_ 7