—UO Bookstore^ Book Views Plain Text essays by Nancy Mairs The art of writing personal, yet informative essays and. better still, those that grasp the very heart of a universal human condition, is alive and well in Nancy Mairs "Plain Text “ Institutionalized for severe depression, stricken with multiple sclerosis. Mairs is a college instructor, a PhD in English, a feminist and author of mi award winning volume of poetry, a mother of three, an agrophobiac and a keeper of a wide variety of house pets. Biograhpicaiiy recorded. Nancy Mairs emerges, through her essays, to the present, wit ty, intact and with an amazing capacity to witness humor In her set backs She covers a broad plane of subfect matter ranging from being a "fortegn student advisor" to "a potential teenage suicide." from an In competent scientist" to a "a cripple." Each essay Is saturated with historical, observational and clinical fact depicted through a fluid, con versattonai tone and manner And funny In letter-form Mairs speaks as a feminist and as a mother to her adult son— l am demanding something of you that tehee more courage than entering a battle not to enter the battle I am asking you to say "no" to the values that have defined manhood through the ages — prowess competition, victory — and to grow into a manhood that has not ousted before. It you do. some men end women will HOKUM and even deep*as you They may caM you spineless, possibly even (harshest ol curses) womanish But your life depends on it My Die depends on it t wish you well Now go help Aunt Helen with the dishes l love you — "Plain Text Is a lesson in persistence and courage ot one woman's teaming process The author is a feeler, a questioner and a seeker of ideas But. above all. Nancy Mairs remains a scholar with an insatiable quest to know "Plain Text" deaerves wide attention and praise I say brilliant - Reviewed by Kerry Paul May Available In the General Book Dept. $1 5.95 hardcover Your store since 1920 1.Hh & lUncjtfd M f MO b 30 SAT 1000 4 00 tit-4131 Check for money-saving coupons in the Oregon Daily Emerald Dormitory RAs selected for next year Dormitory resident assistants, or RAs. for next year have been tentatively selected and the Housing Department now is waiting for accep tance letters from the students. Fifty-four RAs were chosen from t37 ap plicants. The selection process began in early April with general meetings for all applicants, followed by group exercises and 45-minute in dividual Interviews, said Dick Romm, residence life director. Romm said 10 of the chosen applicants will be seniors next year. 15 will be sophomores, nine more will be sophomores academically but have been in school for more than a year and the rest are juniors. He declined to give a list of names since he has not yet received all the acceptance letters. RAs already have been assigned to com plexes. and (he Housing Department has a good idea of which dormitory each person will be assigned to. Romm said. In order to recruit students according to affirmative-action guidelines. Romm said he has taken posters around to various ethnic student unions, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance and student organizations. "The last two years, we've tried to go beyond just the Housing Department itself." he said. The department is looking at proposals to put two RAs. rather than just one, in each dormitory, Romm said. That system was implemented at the University Inn last year because of the size of the floors. Romm said the department has appointed a committee to study the idea, but the soonest it would be implemented would be the 1987-88 school year. Et al. MEETINGS The Student Sene's meets today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. New Phi Eta Sigma members wi!! meet tonight at 6 to elect officers in Room 112 EMU. All new members are encouraged to attend. The vulnerability and shortcomings of "Star Wars” as a defensive system is the topic of a lec ture today in Room 116 Esslinger. Professor Davison Soper of the Physics Department will speak. All are welcome. Check EMU Schedule for time of lecture. Coffee Bean of the Month Excelsior Cafe House Blend $A10 O lb. $3.15 VMb. $1.65 'Alb. KINKO’S 860 E. 13th • 344-7694 Correction The May 30 edition of the Emerald incorrectly identified Jodie Mooney as one of three summer In cidental Fee Committee members. The three sum mer IFC members are Ar mondo Morales, Bob Baldwin and Laurie Clark. Time to say get out of here, you knucklehead, write me you oaf, or tell that favorite professor exactly what you think of him (well, maybe not exactly). Just don’t leave without giving your friends a PARTING §H€)T 15 words for $2.00 Deadline is Friday June 6,12 noon. Place Parting Shots at the Emerald Office (Room 300, EMU), UO Bookstore, and the EMU Main Desk PHONE:_ ART NO.:_ MESSAGE: NAME:_ ADDRESS: AND IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO HEAR FROM THEM AGAIN... Add some artwork printed in Parting Shot Blue for only $1.50: Some classic Parting Shots from last year: ■ (j) 3? 4 p* 4- 4 A*? * + > * ,A» t 0- -0