JOURNALISM MAJORS can preregister for fall term, 1986 courses May 20 • 22 More information available in 201 Allen Hall FREE SANDWcIT Buy any si/e Seafood and Crab Sandwic h — Get any other sandwir h of the same si/e FRf F with this coupon. < t)U|M»n ir«‘s May ' l‘WW. Oh 5%&/t j tSUBQMY* Sandwiches & Salads I 13th & Hilyard • 484-6955 | Open 7 Days a Week til 2:00 AM! Et al. MEETINGS College Republicans meet to day at 4:30 p.m in Century Room F EMU. MISCELLANEOUS An ice-cream .social for facul ty and students will he held to day from 3:30 p m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Gerlinger Alumni l^iungo. Sponsored by Mortar Hoard and the Dean irf Students. A graphic arts internship is available with Career Planning and Placement for next year. cHurnpiltry "Yogurt isr' t}]CuMuffu i s 844 Pearl St. Eugene 683-5978 Contact Cina Huston at tWi-.12.15 for more information INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views on Monday through Wednesday in Room 244 Hen dricks Hail for the following recruiters: May 20: Coos County Kdui.a lion Service District Jspeech pathologist: TMR; jfschooj psychologist: learning Disabilh tv Resource: visually handicap p«d|: Upjohn Company (phar small prices Paul's Bm 11 le sfi<>p j CLEAN OUT your room j AND MAKE I BIG $$$! .. Buy an AD for 3 Days, 3 Lines,' and It’s only. (The only restriction is that your items for sale have to be under $251) each.) ★ ALL ADS WILL BE LISTED UNDER A SPECIAL SPRING CLEANING HEADLINE ★ Sell anything you have and save money while you MAKE MONEY! Sell TV's. Stereos, furniture, clothing, records, musical CL • instruments... WHATEVER! Ads must be prepaid Bring yolir ads to hny of the following locations and see the money flow in! EMU Main Desk UO Bookstore ODE Main Desk 3(X) EMU (Use the elevator) maceutical sales rep), group meeting. 7-8 p.m. May 19 in Century Room A EMU. May 21: Poway Unified School District (K-12: special education; secondary science; math; English). May 23: Foote. Cone and fielding (general development program). May 29; Southland Corp (field representative). S i K«~«f |> space is still available for the following recruiters; Today; Klamath Falls School District No. t and Union High School District No. 2 (educa tion. special education posi lions): Peace C o r p s (volunteers); Rubensteins (sales, marketing). Wednesday: Peace Corps (volunteers): Rubensteins; Nor I h w e s t Paper Fibers. Weyerhaeuser Division (plant manager); U.S. Navy (officers programs, nuclear power programs). Thursday; Eagle Point School District No. ft (language arts, science, math: all 9-11). Friday: |eld Wen. Inc. (production management trainee). Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite 3(H). is noon the day before publication. Ft als are run only once, with the excep tion of interviews. Events with a donation or admission charge will not la; considered. Events occurring nearest the publica tion date, and campus-oriented events, will Im: given priority I *COPIES* I Krazy Kata 1 Try Uml I 884 East 13th at. f. for GREEK WEEK/ PARENTS’ WEEKEND May 1218 and Everyday CHEER mid me *M« UWVIMITV 610 E. 13th at Patterson St. 485-3655 Delivery Service