THE ASUO is currently accepting applications for the following positions: State Affairs Coordinator State Affairs Assistant Coordinator University Affairs Coordinator Events Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator Publicity Coordinator Finance Coordinator Assistant Finance Coordinator Program Coordinator Executive Assistant Project SafeRide Coordinator Editor of THE RECORD Assistant Editor of THE RECORD/COURSE GUIDE Advertising Manager Editor of the COURSE GUIDE 3 Comptrollers Minority Force Coordinator Women's Task Force Coordinator Applicants must be a student at the Universi ty of Oregon. All posi tions are paid, stipend or work-study available. Applications and job descriptions are available in ASUO, Suite 4 EMU Application deadline is Wednesday May 14, 5 pm. 7321 5-13 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC We help you Itnd the RIGHT Roommate Cell 687-8213 6194 lin For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples and single parents, possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom $144/mo 1 bedroom $115/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom S120/mo Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous Ing Oept , 686-4277_4942 tfn SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE W000SIDE MANOR 1«f0 Harris Furnished quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry facilities available From *100 Call lor more details Manager 344 2*57 Bennett Management Co. 1143 Oat St 4866991 _7062:tfn 1790 ALDER Furnished 2 bedroom apis Vt block to campus Laundry, covered parking In well managed complev Resident manager 687 0664 or 485-170? IPM Co. till Pearl 8027Ttn OUIET COUNTRY UVINO in the southwest hills Beautiful 1 and 2 bedroom apts with view tennis, pool rec room, laundry Close lo city bus line Prospect Park Apts 1710 Nor thviaw Blvd 464-6553 7153 tin SUPER SUMMER RATES TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Large, vary clean, very quiet 2 Bedroom apartment Fully furnished with dishwasher, garbage disposal, lots ot closet space lots of parking, sundaek laundry facilities 683-891$ _72416 9 Now Reserving lor SUMMER AN0 FALL Vary clean, vary quiet big one bedroom apartment lully furnished Stool walk m closet Center Island kitchen, cour lyard. laundry facility, lots ot covered parking Corner ot 18th and Alder 484 4103 7242 6 9 EUGENE MANOR High rise living at its best 484 7441 72n tin LARGE TWO BEDROOM APTS. All ap pkances. close to campus Call Larry at Ban Property Management 6882060 616 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Just one Mock from the library Private refrigerator. v> bath all utilities paid from *169 Bob or Kelly. 1544 Alder no 21, 345-4490 5882 tin CLEAN. NEW CARPET unities' paid *159 summei *99 1886 Harris. Manager no 4 342 4261 7204 tin Child Care PIoomt Montessoni Summer Program starts June 30th 484-0934 613 Lost a Found LOST GOLD WALLET *t!h vatcro Substantia* reward Pie*»* can Rhii at 726 5952 tf found »18 REWARD Lost prescription glass** 4/JO on or fust vast ot campus Black'ctaar nmi Call 6&MT43 attar 5 pm 5-13 Food a Drink TACO TUESDAY 35‘ hus lii_m*l Et'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO COOK STOKE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Turkey S ChMH lltlad croiaaanl • Spinach t Chaata IWad croiaaanl Straight from tha man 11:00 am M F 7 300 00 Ht E 13th palumay 8-3 __itM IMU Events Anti-apartheid Posters “CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY” are available at the ASUO office and the UO Bookstore $2 7393 5 13 DANCE FILM FESTIVAL FREE Tonight 7 pm tMC Documen fanes and excerpts fiom ballet and modern repertories_7150 5 13 Student Campaign (or Disarmament presents: They ntvcr had a chanca lo IN thaif childran grow up To watch aach othar grow old To fia up tha house, to taka that vacation Because it only took an inatant to ahattar thair draama T E S T A M E INI T Tuesday 150 Geology 8:00 pm FREE! Enthtainment CASWELL HALL PRESENTS AN EVENING OF INDECISION Friday May 16, 8 30-12 30 Carson Otntng Hail Indoctston coma on at 10 30 Si 50 in advance or 12 at the door 5 13 x miner rimcift Hot Fudge Sundaes C 99t f’ EVERY TUESOAY gM E. illh Ml WlUamattf KEQS TO QO BIG SCREEN TV Sunday Nighl Fra# Pool TuasdayHol Dog Night Thursday Born Ntgnt Friday Nighl Oarl Blind Draw Saturday Duck Oarna Specials PiMaillolian load aval labia Kv our sarvica arindovr ol Plua Pata'a ...lien Kitchen Black Forest Tavern 2657 WILLAMETTE 344-0816 TESTAMENT Tuesday 731*613 Personals PROBLEMS? Cnet* Cantei U of O taiaphona holllne. 24 hour* 7 day* Smelly confidential Call tMUII _3M«1 *n PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS FfM pregnancy testing Birthright 6S7 6651 __623 0 FRIENDSHIPS. COMPANIONS SASE Sweat Memone*. 0o« 1537 Newport OR 67366 __ __M PLANNING TO REOISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION Don t i or gel lo We youf INTENT TO REOISTER CARO Slop by 333 Oregon Hell of the Admission* Ofttce 722S6 9 VIDA BARN Available for parties etc Detain 4RA 322? during business hour*_7154 lln 250 HOT DOG NITE Every Tues and Thurs at THE PAD on Franklin Blvd. DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term you need lo ftl# Bn INTENT TO REGISTER CARO you re planning lo attend the SUMMER SESSION There is still lime lo do it to stop by 333 Oregon Mall or !be Admttsions Office Of call 686-3475 7228,6 9 COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS Western Computer Systerms and Alpha Health Cara are looking tor computer programmer summer inters Signup now'221 Hendricks Halt 73155-13 ARTS * SCIENCE MAJORS/MINOHb Augment your studios with some prac ttcal experience Summer internships m public relations. promotion sales marketing, research, and program development available Sign up in 221 Hendricks Hall 7315 5-13 SOCIOLOGY MAJORS: Oeln |7 perience and credit with summer intern ships m corrections and community service organizations Sign up in 221 Hendricks Hall 7315S-13 HISTORY MAJORS ■ . r with the chance ot a life time Intern Ship promoting WISTEC s Magna Carta exhibit Other positions available Sing up In 221 Hendricks HaM _731! SCIENCE MAJORS Want a new challenge with a chance to gam ex perience and credit? Summer intern ships available for museum exhibit design and other areas Sign up in 221 Hendricks Hall 73155 13 ENGLISH MAJORS. Pul your writing skills to work Summer internships available in public relations, research, promotion, and video production Sign up in 221 Hendricks Hall 7315-5-13 PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS Summer in ternships in corrections, child cere in formation and women s resources Sign up In 221 Hendricks Mali 7315 5-13 ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS. Gam experience in rotated fields of study Summer intern ships available now Sign ups 221 Hen docks Hall 7315 5-13 CRICHKIND... FOR RECOVERY Sin* Rtchhind f« Slit* Strut* AXO SARA H*ppy 20in ButNjay LOVE. CAROLYN ANO DANA ______ $ 13 WORK AT SUMMER OR FALL Mac Court ragtslratton a* a yoluntaar tarn •arty r«9*stratton tor voursaff S»Qn up May »6 at IN» Off tea of th* Raotstrar Any question* caff 666 31B2 F26SS13 REWARD $30 For I Nr return of my blacfc/wNta swatch watch Go buy your own* Piaasa caff 464*270 J^13 •F YOU THINK YOU *>- a *•' ■ ■ Mystary Ouch • » caff •Mansion 5866 MYSTERY DUCK CLUE No.2 My dm I* in* t»gg*>i that 1 *h«i lh*y Ml Uy I ow* II lo lh* iuD|*cl I m*cn *n in tontyting way lo ni*-i ool in* day __ tt»VU AXO Here we ere we're all together Havin' fun What could be better? LET’S DO IT ¥ T*9t\ K 11 A(• s’ C«e loconlinua <*hai you suited > 0 s u THETAS Gel ntady lo( a gmat Grnah 5 tl Sun/Fun Thai s the forecast' Don t lei patnlol sunburn ruin your playtime School s out In less than a month Get ready lor Summer Fun with a few quick and relax mg sessions m our Wolff System sunbeds Avoid the Iasi minute rush Come in Today! SunSHOWCR «•**»* 1/4 I t lit. Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Up the stairs noil to Klnho'i * SPECIAL* SPECIAL* Express Cab Co. Limousine Service M por porton lo import call in adnanco 741-0564 M06 tfn UO MAYFEST May test Events! 8 a.m. Free Aerobic* ESL Center Gym 8:15 UO Trivia; KDUK FM 105 10-3 p.m. Wellness Day Exhibits EMU Rm. 110-111 10-4 p.m. "Hands Across America" EMU Lobby 10-6 p.m. Black Art Exhibit 167 EMU 11:30-1 p.m. Noon Gigs EMU Courtyard 3:30-5:30 Campus Ice Cream Social Gerllnger 4 p.m. Free Aerobics 220 Geriinger Spring Cleaning In Tha OOC ClattlllxU MAY 14th-30th Spring Cleaning 3 Lines 3 Days $5 Save almost $2.00 • Clean up tha garage • Chack under tha bad. • Claan out your trunk. • Don't lease It tor your..landlord. Sell it! Discounted Spring Cleaning ads will be published under a aeperate category heading Irom May 14th through May 30th A rail able at: ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Lobby (tO am I2» UO Bookstore Cashier's Desk EMU Main Desk S230 maximum selling price tor any single ilem in Spnng Cleaning art BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 'TO rn. 0. STOCK. POTT cmf science my Mem OfflCCR... 'STM STMTKK VMS’? snurtM. cmtae fwjecr *3L 2W rrs pwoh> JtHOSMWT ' (MS Of THIS M6AN6 POUOH ' OUT one I nano.. \ MM6 6emN' A Mffl? CONRCEP ptmvmeim m# * / v> ff\V