Snorts Recreational salmon fishing season ready to kick off PORTLAND (AP) — Recreational ocean salmon fishing opens Memo. 1 Day weekend along much of the Oregon Coast, says the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The season begins May 24 between (lapc Falcon, near Man/.anita. and the Oregon-Califomia border. Fishing between Cape Falcon and Cape Blanco, near Port (Word, will close on Memorial Day, May 26. then reopen for a longer run June 28. Angling south of fiipe Blanco will continue uninterrupted until Sept. 7 or until a 40.0O0-fish quota for chinook salmon is reached. The recreational salmon season north of Cape Falcon will not open until June 29. The ocean already is open for bottomfishing trips in that area, however. Fishing licenses are required for all ocean sport fishing this year Anglers fishing south of Cape Blanco will have to deal with some catch restrictions during the early season. The daily bag will be limited to no more than one chinook and one cobo. Minimum size limits in that area will lie 20 inches for chinook and coho, and anglers must use bad)less hooks. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE Other 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT. All ed* mutt be paid lor in advance unlen* » btllma enanoement he* established FW billing *r rangements please cell CM 4343 or slop by the fiTHUdid Classified office 300 EMU RATES t f cents per eord for lb* f*r*I day and 14 cent* par word for con aecutiv* days lb« ad «t run without change Tan word minimum charoa is 1170 for the first Insertion and ft 40 tor con secullva insertions 9-POINT (SUHne) 12-POINT (It 2Vime) 18 POINT (li SOflme) 24 POINT 111 TVttne) BOX BORDER *1 25/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: S5 40/Inch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S4 DEADLINES LINE AOS 12 noon tne day belore publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Deity Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the m. adnmic year (September Junei and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June August) ERRORS The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible tor more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion The ODE * liability t« typographical e< rors, incorrect insertions or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely lo the cancellation of charges concerning portion of space reflecting the error Coma See Th* Locally Manulaclorad BLAZER™ XT • 690 k on Mother board • 2 360 k drives • Hi Resolution Monitor • 30 day return policy • Full 1 year warranty Computers $1295 ECI 540 Oak St 343 9393 MF M Set 104 For Sale » SIX ALABAMA TICKETS. Cantei balcony faction 2X Km* 6695GJ1 V V13 STEREO INCLUDING Radio AM FM receiver cartidg# lape tacordar play#' Panasonic racord play#' 12V***)C22' sound speaker* $150 34M0M__ HITATCHI STEREO IMCIUOES AM EM radio racord player <. art ridge recorder player plus sound speaker* 22 X2t $135 3*54056 513 COUCH $50/060 < -»Pn*»r furniture. 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YAMAHA SECA 4m. $ mu»tr ftetl Jon 466 9746 6 13 19TO MAVERICK 1)60 663 ?834'OoOd linnipoitplion 5 14 Travel SINGAPORE 170S RT Cali today to insure your spot Campus Travel Center EMU 342 3170 6236 OW Wanted SEEKING HOME TO RENT Bach festival June July 7 Can collect early AM <2131 466 9856 5 16 Submit Your Photos Aperture summer showing deadline May 30th Come to Cultural Forum tor more into _ 5 16 Opportunities JUNIORS. SENIORS GRADS Give yourself credit Apply for Visa Master cart! Sears and /alas cards No employ ment high acceptance rale Today EMU 10 5 5 13 TMF EMU CRAFT CENTER is a< applications for instructors in Mater color, enameling, and calligraphy App ly ground floor. EMU or call Carol 6R6 4361 7327 5 14 Help Wanted GOVERNMENT JOBS SI6 0J0SS9?30fyi Now hiring Call 806 68/ 6000 Ext ft 964? lor current federal list_' ' ARE YOU GOOD at organizing being in charge of 1400 foreign students meeting people and working with various organizations’ If you answered yes then you may qualify lor the position of directorship of the Foreign Student Organization We are seeking a person with leadership abili ty. ciealivity and familiarity with the different cultures represented on this campus Directorship requires full com mitment to the organization good com municalion skills, and compatibility in working well with others We are accep ting applications from May 12 16 Blank applications are available in Rm 206 EMU Deadline for applying is May 16 5 pm Position includes stipend If you meet these qualifications and have fresh ideas we encourage you to apply1 _ 7309 5 16 BE AN OREGON COMMENTATOR! Join the Oregon Commentator Apply now tor staff positions Including EDITOR Applications and |Ob descrip lions available in Room 203 EMU Kick some butt joing the Commentator Oregon Commentator IS an Affirmative Acbon/Equai Opportunity Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply_*_ Gain practical experience and skills in the areas of: ADVERTISING COMMUNICATIONS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT The ESCAPE field Studies Program it accepting application packets lor tha foliotaring positions Position & Due Dates □tractor. May 13 Public Schools Div» slon Head (?) May 20. Human Ser vices Division Head May 20, Publicity and Registration Coordinator. May 22 Assistant Director. May 27. Out door School Division Head (HS). May 29 Compensation for all positions ts available For more information, please call 696 4351 All applications packets are due by 3 00 pm ESCAPE is an AA/Equal Opportunity Employer 7332 5 16 PUBLIC RELATIONS TRAINEE. Friendly high energy people needed to pass out gift certificates for membership resorts See Emmett JLD 1511 Agate _5J2 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD ift now accepting applications for all staff positions for 1986 87 The deadline tor applying for managing editor and news editor is May 16 at 5 p m Applications for all other positions are due May 23 at 5 p m Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald office EMU Suite 300 When applying tor a position, please attach clips (at least three but no more than ten) and references Staff positions are managing editor, news editor, editorial page editor editorial page assistant, photo editor, sports editor Friday edition (entertainment) editor Sidelines (sports) editor graphics editor ad ministration editor, student govern ment editor. University editor general assignment editor, community editor and politics editor Monthly pay averages between 1300 and H25 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an At firmative Action. Equal Opportunity employer__ ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY. VY time for campus ministry Responsibili ty for office operations (word process mg filing, scheduling staff appoint merits accounting) and administration of budding use end maintenance Musi interact effectively with students facul iy, church and community persons Send resumes to Wesley Foundation. 1236 Kincaid. Eugane OR 97401 by May 19th 7307 5 16 OTF POSITION AVAILABLE University Library Reference Oeparimen?, September 15, 1966 June 14 1987 Assists m reference and bibliographic instruction MLS and/or raaaarch ax parlance required Apply to Andrew Bonamict. Personnel Librarian (x3 >56) Applications received on or before - une 2 1986 given priority consideration An AA/EOE Employer_7320523 SEARCHING FOR A MORE REWARDING WORK-STUDY JOB NEXT FALL? If you re interested in alternatives to the standard University curriculum and/or experimental and innovative teaching techniques, consider work mo for SEARCH, a student run ASUO agency, offers students the oppor tunity to teach a class to their peers, and helps organize and present non credit workshops We are taking ap plications tor the position of Director. We need an individual with initiative, responsibility, independence and thoroughness Experience in teaching or education administration is helpful but not essential This job offers a high level of responsibility and hands-on experience in educa tion and management Respon sibilities include Program develop ment. liaison between University ad ministration. ASUO and SEARCH, troubleshooting, public relations, management Offered on a work study or stipend basis For more in formation cell SEARCH. 666-4305, or visit EMU 110 7328 5 14 ATTEND SUMMER SESSION in the high country Wyoming! Relaxed at mosphere, quality courses and unsur passed outdoor recreational activies One and taro week courses as well as eight week classes May 19th through August 1st Low tuition possible through the National Student Exchange (NSE) program For informations, con tact your campus NSE coordinator or Summer Session. University of Wyom mg. Laramie. WY 820715-15 STUDENT ADVOCATE: The ASOSU in vites applications for a newly created position within student government The position title is Student Advocate and is responsible to the ASOSU Presi dent the Student Advocate is responsi ble for assisting student government in implementation of policies, helping with administrative duties and doing research Applicants need to demonstrate good communication skills and knowledge of the higherr education environment Depending on experience, salary is $13,000 SI5.000 per year The position starts July 1 Mail resume with references c/o ASOSU. Memorial Union East. Corvallis, OR 97331 Resumes must be postmarked no later than May 21_7322 5-19 ATTRACTIVE HAND CAR wash help Paid cash daily Call 7460401 and leave name and number V.S-16 LEGAL SECRETARY: Opemng for legal secretary Business litigation tx pertence requded Excellent benefits Salary commesurate with experience Send resume to Marrang. Long. Watkln son $ Arnold PC 101 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene 97401 Equal Oppor (unity Employer 5-19 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU •m UJtlL. I'M OFF. Mi OOOKJt KIOSK FINALLY 0PF-N5 TODAY' \ A GOOD LUCK, awe. i hope IT60& wen IT WILL. TH£ STO&SPONE A LOT Of-PRO MOTION I lit 0EUPES, AMERICA HAS A LOVE AF FAIR GOtSG WITH CAPTAIN ClCVES SUPER COOKIES! >F FAST 0PEMN6S ARE ARY INDICATION, IT'U. de-A MOBSCENE \ THERE TOOAi' PONT BUYOM!PONT' lBUYCIM! IOI>\\ s SPKl'l \l. SKUK.H I KKmTOR\ FREE SPECIALTY COFFEE * lit fit r of frritt h Roast. (ti\la Rutin, hrt-unl Jt‘ tut. or him k Ira with the purthtur of ant rnlrrr Refills hall price with the sales slip Open Mon. - Ihur. 4:.V> • IO:JOp.m. ■ for Coffee & RasUies