Going to the YMCA... Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity members took a trip to the YMCA Monday night dur ing the Greek Week Air Hand Competition at McArthur Court. The Lambda Chi's Village People performance was good enough to earn them first place among the frater nities.Among sororities, the Tri Dell's rendition of the theme from "The Revenge of the Nerds" was the top entry. Mayfest features exhibits, entertainment May fast, the University's annual spring celebration of the campus and the community, got underway Monday with a full schedule* <>l events in the* KMI The Student University Relations Council has planned a week of activities that will end Sunday with "Hands Around Campus." a human c hain that will form a link around the* KMU from Agate to University streets. An aerobic s dance? class runs from H to 'I a in Index m Ksslinger I bill and will he repeated again at -4 p.m. in Cerlinger Hall. Kxhibits and seminars on health will be featured today from It) a.m. to t p.m. on the KMU Terrace and in Rooms 110-111 An exhibit of lilac k art runs today end Wednesday in Room MiT KMI A i ampus in* c ream social sponsored liv Mortar Hoard and the Dean ot Students is scheduled from :t: to to 5:110 p.m. in the ('.erlinger Alumni l.oungc In addition to daily events. several Maylesi activities run through Friday. in* lulling I ho Myslorx Dim I Contest and ()nl\ IK) Trivia Listeners ot radio station klH’k ian call in and win prizes bv correctly answering trivia questions about the l Iniversity. Friday marks the beginning of Parent's Weekend and the Willamette Valiev Folk Festival. Musical entertainment is si hedulnd through Sunday on the east lawn of the IMl A Night on the bricks" street dance sponsored h\ the Black Student Union will feature the hand Carrera and run from 7 to It) p m Hands Around Campus was added to the schedule to show the Universilv's support lor Hands Across America a nationwide effort to feed hungrv and homeless people, said Mavfesl Chairperson Becky Markee s Festival to focus on black artists The annual Black Arts Festival opens tonight with a presentation on black artists by l)r Samella Lewis. Lewis is a consultant for the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities and a member of the Fulbright awards Screening Committee. Lewis will deliver the keynote address tor the Black Student Union-sponsored festival tonight from 7 to ft p in. in Iti7 FMU. Lewis, a leading authority and historian on Black American artists, is the founder of Black Arts Magazine: An International Quarterly. Lewis also established the Los Angeles Museum of Afro-American Art in t‘l7t», and h.i". written numerous artii les and books dliout black artists and art Many of the artists recognized in the keynote address .ire featured in an art exhibit which opens today in 107 KMU. (AIK Director jewel Hell has donated works from her private art collection tor the ox hihit Art works from famous international ar tists. as well as local and student artists, will be displayed The festival concludes Sunday with a gospel jamboree on the KMU West I awn from I I a in to 2 p in John (iavnor's ( dispel Knsem hie and ensembles from various areas i (lurches w ill perform —o § nth S44 71M VOLVO Owners Take advantage of our FREE Safety Inspection and SPECIAL Ipine ii i ipv ✓ /Servi Cert for an appointment y just drop by Springfield • 12th & Main • 726-1808 ALL WORK GUARANTEED c2faV0I^0c^p6CUL/&f~' r Tuesday Only! $2.00 OFF Any large or medium pizza BAST Chicago Style Pizza. Pasta and Calzone! 652 E. Broadway • 345-4114 For carry-out or DELIVERY J Speak Morse Code and collect $7,000 cash. It’s part of the Army’s Cash Bonus Procram. And Morse Code Interceptor is just one or over 70 skills carrying bonuses ranging from $2,000 to $8,000. Once you qualify and successfully complete training in a bonus skill, the cash is yours. Many of these skills are high-tech, and many have applications in civilian life. "Io hnd out about all of them, call your local Army Recruiter. SSG Bruce Leas 687-6431 ARMY BE ALL YOU CAN BE. In And See IV/xil fiierybody In Town Is Talking Ahout 1.04 40 K • I >• uhli li*nsi!v. dn . -• I uli ()m Yimi W.manlv • tO (lav Return Policy only with 10 hard disk $1295 $1575 i ( >).. !* M l. I l| I I. s.autiLiv lot. ECI EMERALD COMPUTER international I ufrnr • Only Miuiu/m furrr % SNiukh>ni 540 0«k Street. I ugrne • 343 9393 Pick a Paper that counts The Oregon Daily Emerald