kinko's LaserDesign * Resumes ‘Myers ‘Invitations ‘News lx tiers •Rush Orders •Package Discounts * Document Storage •Spell Checking kmko's OIM N 7 DAYS 860 E 13th ^ J 344-3344 We Pay CASH for Class Rings & Wedding Bands Small Ring (9 Grams) Medium Ring (IS G'ams) Large Ring (21 Grams) Jumbo Ring (33 Grams) 14K 10K $34.00 $25 00 $57 00 $40 00 $00 00 $55 00 $125 00 $86 00 WE BUY AU KINDS OF GOLD RINGS. JEWELRY. COINS. Prices sublet I to market changes WE BUY ALL KINDS OF SILVER FLATWARE. COINS. JEWELRY. at 3690 Franklin Blvd (Glenwoodl ON YOUR LEFT NORTMSIDE Brhmd the BIG RED DOORS 726-1735 >13 PROFESSOR HEIKO A. OBERMAN University of Arizona, Tuscan Department of History will present a lecture on: THE ROOTS OF ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE A(JE OF RENAISSANCE ANI) REFORMATION Wednesday, May 14th Room 207 Chapman Hall, 8:00 P.M. Informal Reception for Professor Oberman 4:30 6:00 P.M. Collier House (Faculf\ Club) inline sfHWunnl h\ thi liu%inu lU tfiicsi C»muwittrt uf (W/nr <*/ iit\ . spewed an invisible cloud of radioactivity over Europe. The Soviet Union did not acknowledge the accident until Mon day night. April 28. after high radiation levels found in Scandinavia and Sweden demanded an explanation. In Brussels, a senior official of the Euro pean Common Market said Monday the trading bloc had agreed to bar imports of fresh foods from the Soviet Union and six Hast Euro pean countries within a t>40-mile radius of Chernobyl. Poland said the action could cost it hun dreds of millions of dollars, and invited Western experts to inspect its anti-radiation controls. Vladimir l.omeiko. the Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman, told a news conference Monday that local officials were guilty of any mistakes made in reporting and handling the disaster. Computer contest ends on Thursday A $500 scholarship or cash award from Apple computers will be presented to the University student, staff or faculty member whose name is drawn when the "learning to Win with Macintosh " computer contest ends Thursday Over 300 people have participated in the event since it began April 15. said coordinator Andrew Peterson. The contest is being held in Room 105 of the Computing Center. In addition to the prize money. Peterson said the event give* people a chance to get hands-on experience with computers. Each participant views a five-minute introduction to basic terminology and procedures involved with Macintosh computers, which are manufactured by Apple The introduction depicts a typical student struggling to complete a term paper by hand. Peterson said His problems are solved once he learns to use a computer. A survey which follows asks the par ticipants if they plan on buying a computer in the future, as well as their name and address. Peterson said Apple has hired Gary Reynolds and Associates, a marketing finn based in Wisconsin, to verify contest winners and handle promotions. Politicians continued from Paso :i other candidates knowledge of foreign policy is limited. "We don't gel briefing from Casper Weinberger. We respond to what vve read in U.S. News and World Report." I le says be is most concerned with middle-income families tiiat must put their children through college, hut are not eligible lor federal financial aid To remedy the problem, he has devised a student savings in vestment plan that would grant parents tax deductions on their savings for college hound t hildren. While he believes cuts un necessary in the Department of Kducation budget, the current federal financial aid budget and loan allocations should remain jJf||m^oodSewice DELI Sandwiches, Pizza, Fruits, Bagels, Croissants, Pastries, Soft Drinks Brownies & Chocolate Chunk Cookies 9am -11pm Mon - Fn 8am - 11pm Saturday 12am • 7 30pm Sunday intact. Claiming "everyone’s an en vironmentalist," he advocates "multiple use" of Oregon's wilderness. Sporting a U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsement. Long notes that Oregon must protect its business because "they're the ones that create jobs. " MAKE MONEY to AY I | irt oW Hand ( Joining WE BUY. TRADE | * CONSIGN I quality clothing mew to 2 yrs nidi ] Kcmember us when cleaning out I your closets. Or just come browse I through our unique shop I Call Mornings for Appt. 1 344 7039 SAVE MONEY 10 6 non. Sal. 360 l. I Ith. | between mil ft tllqh I_cur ft SAVE__J