Editorial ‘Civil defense9 plan new Reagan sham In the event of nuclear war. fear not. Government of ficials and documents pertaining to private property owner ship will be well protected. At least that is the scenario envi sioned by the latest civil defense plan of the Reagan administration. Under the $1.5 billion proposal by the Federal Emergen cy Management Agency (FEMA), 600 bomb shelters would be built between 1988 and 1992. A total of 3.400 shelters would ultimately be constructed to house local government officials during the “trans-attack period" the ther monuclear exchange. The rationale behind the plan, according to the associate director of FEMA, is to ensure “a viable democratic society after a nuclear attack." To help “retain and demonstrate ownership” of surviving property, land records would be housed in the shelters as well. And what of the general public? In the Reagan tradition of diminished government responsibility, citizens would lx* called on to "assume greater responsibility for their survival protection." If this sounds suspiciously familiar, it is. In 1982. the administration tried to resurrect long discounted civil defense plans. Using shovels, citizens would dig holes in the ground, cover them with a couple of doors and place three feet of dirt on top. For the millions expected to flee cities to the coun tryside, this would supposedly provide adequate fallout shelter. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Thomas k. (ones enunciated this fantasy best: "If there are enough shovels to go around, everybody's going to make it. It's the dirt that does it.” Such policies have one purpose: to provide a false sense of security and persuade the public to accept the notion of fighting and winning nuclear war. Indeed, the thesis of waging a limited nuclear war has been refined during the Reagan administration, which believes such a conflict can be won. In August 1982 the Dis Angeles Times reported that for the first time, according to National Security Decision Docu ment 13. it was official IJ.S. policy to prevail in a protracted nuclear war. This policy, adopted by the National Security Council in 1981. was incorporated into a five-year "Defense Guidance” plan, approved by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. Included in the document was the proposition that in the event of nuclear hostilities "United States nuclear capabilities must prevail even under the condition of a pro longed war." Also, the United States "must prevail and be able to force the Soviet Union to seek earliest termination of hostilities on terms favorable to the United States." While this administration's nuclear war fighting policies may differ slightly from the past, its rhetoric highlights the dangers of U.S. strategic doctrine. Despite overwhelming public opposition to the idea of nuclear war. the administration plans for such a scenario. In the face of scientific evidence that nuclear war will destroy most, if not all, life on the planet, elaborate nuclear war games are devised. Despite near unanimous rejection of civil-defense plans for nuclear attack, a revised plan to ensure the survival of "democratic society" is now in the making. The latest plan for civil defense will insure only that in the aftermath of nuclear war. government officials will govern each other. Despite the delusions of the administra tion. they will be the only survivors. Letters Hatred and fear Regarding Michael Cross' let ter of May (> Michael savs he "couldn'l care less if some might accuse me of ladng mean or insen sitive," based on his narrow minded Nazi-like stand against homosexuality and AIDS. Well Michael. I’m not going to call you mean because my terms for people like you an1 such that no paper would ever print them. It is people like you (and Hitler, Mussolini. Stalin. Pol Pot, Marcos, Duvalier. ad nauseam) who create the animosity and paranoia that is so instrumental in sending others to war and certain death to defend your bigoted and hateful ladiefs. What ever hap pened to charity, understanding and love? Obviously, you don't possess these qualities that are beneficial to all American peo ple. So please do the world a favor (both homo and heterosex ual) and run. don't walk, to the nearest cliff and fling yourself off. Then and only then will you fulfill your obligation to the American Constitution by pro moting the health and welfare of all! (We do not want any of those Nazi-like genes returning to the American people.) Unfortunately people like you lack the true courage to do anything but hide tiehind a pen Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Dally Emerald Publishing Co, al the University 01 Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. 97403 The Emerald operates independently ot the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is privale property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law General Staff Advertising Director Production Manager Classified Advertising Assistant to the Publisher Susan Thelen Russell H Steele Vince Adams Jean Ownbey Advertising Salas David Wood Sales Manager. John Boiler Jessica Cederberg Michael Gray Laura Goldstei.. Robin Joannides, Carlos Lamadnd. Marcia Leonard, Shawn Leuthold. Catherine Lilia Shawna Reed. Kathy Stein, Joan Wildermuth, Laura Willoughby Production Vince Adams. Kelly Alexandre. Lynne Casey. Shu Shing Chen. Ellen Cross. Stormi Dykes Manuel Flores. Shannon Gaither, Ross Martin. Mary May Rob Miles, Angie Munu. Charts Parker. Ken Parrott. Jennifer Peterson. Geoff Ramvllle Michele Ross. Alyson Sim mons, Gregory Tipps Editor Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Assistant Editorial Page Editor Sporls Editor Photo Editor Friday Edition Editor Sidelines Editor Night Editor Associate Editors Communlty/Polttics Student Government Student Activities University Allans General Assignment Julie Shipped Michelle Brence Jolayne Houtz Alan Contreras Scott Harding Robert Collias James Marks Sheila Landry Allan Lazo Kirsten Bolin Lisa Loving Stan Nelson Kim Kaady Chris Norred Mike Rivers Reporters Sean Aumaker. Tonnie Dakin. Deboiah DeYoung, Craig Harris. Tom Hill, Kim Kaady Jell Lutzky. B J Thomsen Photographers Lynne Casey Shu Shmg Chen ManaCor vallis. Steve Gibbons. Derrei Hewitt Ross Martin, Karen Stallwood. Mike Wilhelm News and Editorial 606 5$11 Display Advertising and Business 666 3712 Classitled Advertising 686 4343 Production 6664361 Circulation 686 6511 or desk, and dictate hatred and fear. I hope the divine finds it within its heart to forgive peo ple like you. but I'd rather believe that Dante was right in assigning a special place in hell for you and those like you. Robert Hotta Graduate, History Unconscionable I would like lo (ill) attention lo thi! haphazard way in whic h University Security and I hi* Traffic. Appeals Department operate. I was c :ited last term for park ing my bicycle on the landscap ing outside Allen Hall I peti tioned the citation on the grounds that: a| there was in adequatn parking around Allen Hall, and: h) what parking was available was overgrown with shruhlien to the extent that on l\ three or four slots were usable. My petition was denied. I appealed that finding, and my appeal was also denied. However, it seems much more than c oinc idental that the same day I received my second petition denial, an additional hike: rack was placed outside Allen Hall. Two weeks before, the overgrown shrubbery had been removed It's obvious the* Traffic: Ap peals Department did find my objections valid and moved to take c are of the problem. Subse quently. I find it uncons i tunable that they refuse to ap prove* im petition Marti (ierdes GTF, lournalism Act your age I’ve been on campus for three years and often read the letters printed in the Kmerald. Some are amusing, some are in teresting, others are educa tional. Yet a new breed like any other has evolved lately, one of complete and utter absurdity. I'm speaking specifically of those letters written by, what was his name? Hutch. Skippy, no, it was Ulake. Now. it is totally against my normal rational judgement to give attention to a child throw ing a tantrum. However, when that child's tantrum turns into sheer destructive intentions that are printed in a publication for thousands to see. it must be brought into further light. Blake, didn’t your mother ever teach you that this world is full of people that subscribe to different points of view? Whether you are a frat-rat greekie, an SPA herbal, a spineless democrat or a Nazi Keaganite, most of us co-exist without harmful intentions. Blake. Why the hell can't you? Can you be so insecure as to constantly put others down to boost yourself? Well, if so. you've failed miserably. In a re cent letter you claimed it would be your final one, but I doubt you would pass up an oppor tunity to thrust yourself into the spotlight again, now that you have succeeded in gaining more attention. Let me try to put things in a way that you may be able to understand. Blake, act your age and not your shoe size. Scott Bateman Journalism Letters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters con taining fair comment on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to 250 words, typed, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is turned in. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style. Letters to the editor should be turned into the Emerald office, Suite 300, EMU.