Emerald charged with sexual discrimination By Lisa Loving Of I hr Kmrrairi A grievance* over selection o the 19Hti-H7 Oregon Dailj Kmereeld editor may leHtl to a se> discrimination lawsuit, accor ding to an unsuccessful applicant. Michelle Brence. managing editor of the Emerald. is pursu ing University channels te challenge the Oregon Dali) Emerald Board of Directors selection of Community Kditoi Paul Sturtz for the top spot or the campus paper. The board, a 10-membei panel composed of students faculty, staff and one communi ty newspaper representative voted 5 to 4 Thursday night ir Sturtz's favor. Board chairmai Scott Diehl, of The Register (iuard. was not present. Brenci ami Sturtz were the oidy ap plicants considered by tin board. While a University legal ad visor has counseled her to ex haiist all Emerald grievance procedures first. Brence sail she is willing to sue tin Emerald hoard if she deems i necessary If a lawsuit ii brought, she said. “I have • feeling it would tic a sexua discrimination suit based on af imitative action guidelines." The avenues lor addressing Brenr.e's complaint are urn lear According to Diehl. "At this point we’re not even sure wha the procerJure is for reviewinj the grievance." Bill Kittredge. director of thi ASUO Office of Student Ad vocacv. said. "My understan ding of her grievance is that she's saying she is a more qualified woman who was not hired in lieu of a less-qualified man." Criteria for selection of the editor, however, was not specifically spelled out, said hoard member Allan Lazo. I don’t think there was any ' real official criteria that we us ed." ho said. "I don't know if them should have l>eon or not." I azo added that all members had the same information about the applicants. Current Emerald Editor Julie Shippnn. a member of the lioard who participated in the deliberations, said. "I believe i that people hat! p re-decided > against Michelle as an applicant." ■ Elect ed st uden't board member Jennie Hr inker ! disagreed with Shippen's analysis of the selection pro cess. "The whole function of the Emerald board is to make a 1 democratic decision," Hrickor I said. "I don't see how |>e(>plc can think there's been an in I justice done by the committee.” Shippen said Brence's opi i nion pieces written earlier this year, during her tenure as editorial page editor, partly hindered her bid for the job. ; "Plain and simple. Michelle wrote editorials,” Shippen t said, "and from time to time the editorials would be directed at i ■>’, student groups." Shippen said some student > Itoard members participate in organizations that were criticiz ed by Brence. HT1 d 1 Tl ^ (:ook. The handbook will la* used as a reference manual and may help retain Student Senate members. Lawrence said. $1 off any pizza! name _ ■ phone _ (tspires June S. IMS) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene One coupon per pizza ■ DDK Oregon Daily Emerald ODc OriSgiOTinSalTyTlrnerahi Ot)E 1 V»*qon daily Emerali C Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Km [>aily Emerald ODE Oregon Dally Emerald ODE < )reqon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon D “I don't believe that some of the people on the board have the Emerald’s best interest in mind," Shippen added. "I think their being on the hoard has to do with extending stu dent politics where student politics don't belong.” Of the 10 board members, seven are students. In addition to the Emerald editor, those positions include one elected University student at large, two representatives appointed by the ASUO president, and three members elected by and from the Emerald news, production and advertising departments. Shippen said. "You take a gamble when you let the ASUO president appoint people (to the ODE Hoard). You question whether or not they want to be on the board for the right reasons.” ASUO President Lynn Pin ckney appointed only one board member, contrary to general procedure. Pinckney failed to appoint the second board posi tion. which later was filled through a Ixtard appointment. "How one person could destroy a board that large is beyond me," Pinckney said. She added. "I think Adam Apalategui (her appointee) has All Day Every Pay Mon. • Fri. 8:30 • 5:00 519 E. 13th 485-1940 been a fine board member. Mis interest in the University is campuswide.*' Hricker disagreed with charges that politics had an un due effect on the deliberations. “What I was looking for in an editor was someone who could bring a positive change to the Kmerald,” Bricker said. “I didn't think Michelle was the one to bring that change about." Of the candidates. Bricker said. "I thought they were pret ty equally qualified.” She add ed that Sturtz's lack of ex perience on the Kmerald is balanced by his work on other publications, while Brence's background centers almost ex clusively on the University paper mince rocKLEirc Eugene s Own Gourmet Ice Cream Campus. I 3th Sr ttilyard Sun Units <>|H ti HI I I |>.tn. f n S,»| HI mnlniqhl EVERY FRIDAY Euphoria Ultra-Chocolate Sundaes $ 1.25 GET 10% OFF EVERYDAY! With your U of 0 Student I D. & Current Fee Sticker THE BRANDS YOU WANT: • Patagonia • North Face • C B Sport • Sierra Design • Royal Robbins • Woolrich • Sierra West • Columbia cMcKenzie Outfitters 79 W Broadway Valley River Center 485-5946 683-2038 SAVE 35 T0CC% REPLACEMENT-SOFT CONTACT LENSES Replace lost, Damaged, or Discolored Lenses at a fi nfsjj-ifi si»Aik ftrininnt rrocTKWi ct nwir vn^inoi Cost! 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