Now Raaarvtng lot SUMMER AND FALL Voty eloAn. very quiet big one bedroom • fully furnished 8-tool walk m clOMt Conlot inland kitchen. cour lyatd, Inundiy facility. lota ot covered paming Cornai ot 18th and Aldai M3 <103 72*2 6 9 Quads CAMRUS COURT OUAOB Junt on# Mock Irom lha library Private ralrigarator. vy bath all utllltiaa paid, trom $188 Bob or Rally. 1544 Aider no 21 Mi 4490 6662 ttn CLEAN. NEW CARPET. UIIHtO* paid *159. aummar *99 1888 Mama, Manager no 4 342 4781 2204 Itn Lost & Found LOST OOLO WALLET with valcio Subaianiiai reward Ptaaaa call Phil ai 298 5982 It found _ _ 5-8 FOUND PARAKEET Call and Identity ,1 by color mala ot tamale Maraya at 4859888 »2 LOST Sometime in the laal throe mon lha Setfcu wrial watch chariahad aa gin REWARD Plaaaa can Engiiah Ottica 688 3911 lo leave meaaaaga for S R Mavaaty __' •_ . ** REWARD Lost prescription glasses 4130 on or ilrat east o( campus Black/tleat nma .call 883- 1242 attar 5 pm ' Food & Drink nunctrociuiift EVERY WEDNESDAY Frozen ,y Yogurt Specials Cones or Dishes 50< Yogurt Sundaes 99< 888 E 13th S81 Willamette & EtGE.Vrs FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with Us! TODAY S MENU: • Ham S CKMH filled croissant • Pohi Seed crotutfll with Ricotta Hwt ChMi« | • BroccoU 4 Fan Cheese crolaaanl Stretghl loam I Ha own 11.40 am | M F* 7 00400 SSI E 10th I Saturday 8-3__484 i«W CHRLA Presents Hard Times Lunch P* Thursday 11:30-2:00 MENU: Black Bean Soup Entomatadas, con Tortilla with Cheese. Tomato Sauce or Meat and Rice. Fresh Fruit Drink All For Only $2.25 Coffee & Dessert extra Eat Wonderful Ethnic Food and Support Human Rights 1236 Kincaid 484-5867 Patio Dining Events Thi EMU CRAFT CENTER pnianli ■ frao lecture WOOD TURNING with Dan Kuitka Thursday May 8 7 PM Forum Room EMU Tha presentation includat slides ol Dan a own professional work as wall aa documentation of tha prestigious National Wood Turning Exhibition Dan will discuss turning methods on tha wood lathe and will have many ex amples on display Tha lecture is free of charge For Into call 686 4361 __ _7333 54 Holocaust Memorial Week May 4-10,1986 Wed. May 7 4 p.m.-Koinowa Center 1414 Kincaid Holocaust Pane! Donna Sand* Rabbi Mana Sill* Barnard Orton Boalrla Rubin 7 30 p m Gerlmoei lounge. UO Bernard Orton Slide Rroeentatlon Tbe Work Complete tchedule abailable in EMU Guttural Form Ottlce Suite 2 EMU M« 4371 Sponsored by UO Hotocauat Memorial Council FREE U of O Song & Dance Troupe Spring Show May 9th 8 pm Beall Hall Music School Free Admission _ . 72866 9 ATTENTION! MORTAR BOARD NEW & OLD MEMBERS MADATORY MEETING Thursday, May 8 6:15 pm 107 Gilbert enter So. entrance Whitewater Rafting Free Clinic May 7, 7 30 PM Outdoor Proflram EMU #864565 7239 5 7 WRRS presents: Thursday May 8 LESBIAN Night at the MOVIES LIANNA: a prof s wife fells in love with e women SUSANA: an Argentinian women's coming out story DVKETACTIC erotics DOUBLE STRENGTH experimental 150 GEOLOGY 7:30 pm - FREE pari el lesbian and Gay Pride Weak 726 7 5 8 THURSDAY 12:30-2:00 for Holocaust Memorial the HESTER STREET KLEZMER BAND EMU Rm 167 THURSDAY 7276 5 7 G.A.L.A. presents Free films Silent Pioneers and Michael a Gay Son Wed 7:30 123 Science I. 686-3360 more into _ 7290 5 7 Entertainment j TODAY 12:00-1:00 NOON GIG Peter Thomas EMU Fishbowl 7277 S7 Bijou Late Nite HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND Vo Thun 11 pm 12 Frt Sat MkJnila *2 50 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center U Of O '•••phone hotline. 24 hours 7 day* Strictly contidential C«H 886 4488 144 tin IF rOURE in doubt About pragnancy call Birthright 687 8651 316? W MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys consigns and trades For appt 344 7039 380 E 11th 4960 WHF VIDA BARN. Available lor parlies, etc Details 485 3222 during business ttout *_ 7164 tin FRIENDSHIPS COMPANIONS. SASF Sweet Memories Bo* 1537, Newport OR 97385 _ 6 9 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION Don t forget to file your INTENT TO BEGISTER CARD Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Office 722869 REWARD! loet sentimental gold rope bracelet It evening Please call 6630641 5-6 RIM FLOOR HOCKEY Purple Helmets Din skit gott! Hans Erik Horn Clay Hunter Paul Llnhart Rob Gordon John Oenheimor Greg Morse Dan Hart Ty Chapman Tack, your goalie. Nils Mekkar Vik Andreasson am Tippenhansen Tjohn _57 MARCIA: Wednesday is hump niaht at the Mill Camp Wednesday May rth is litttke King s Night Come visit the King LOVE. JOHN 0040 5-7 GREEK WEEK FRISBEES On sala Irom any Gamma Phi tor S3 un til Greek Meek 7258 5 9 GRADUATE STUDENTS in Counting, Industrial Relations or related field In leretlad In Career Development? me Career Planning and Placement Service It currently accepting applications for Career Couteling Interns To begin Fall term, 1966 Submit resume and cover letter to Gina Hutton, 244 Hendricks Hall ^Deadline May 19 72765 7 IS ART IN TOUR FUTURE? Apply tor a Graphic Arts Internship with Career Pfenning and Placement Service for 1966 87 For more information, call 686 3235 Deadline for applications May 19, 1986 7279 5 7 DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term you need to tile an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD it you're planning to attend Ihe SUMMER SESSION There it Slid time to do it so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Otflca or call 686 34 75 7228;6 9 IFC RUSH COUNCIL is now taking applica tions for Fall Rush Counselors. Applica tions are due Wed. May 14, 5 pm in Suite 5 EMU. ,7262.57 WHAT ARE VOU DOING THIS SUM MER? Making $1480 possible avg’ pe» frto and. getting great experience Several spots Possible in" tervtew call 687-0104 V". v v 5$ Oelt Eric and Tri Delt Kendall Congratulations on your pinning! Love, the Tri Celt’s _ " 57 AO LISA NUNLEY Congratulations Miss Greek U of Of We re proud of you! Kelly alexandre CONGRATULATIONS! The UO Lew School wants you but not as bad as I do Given your living arrangement, you ve made a wise choice ot profession Alter ail. Let! can I be around lorever to cover lor you-know-who! Congratulations (lor the acceptance not the living at rangementsl) ALYX OARCEY K : To the only person in class •hat read all ot Tess You ve got the se» Congratulations to the new KELLY iesteyea REB 5-7 ra)B Amy Hathaway Racquel Monies Kelly Brooks Spring Pledges: Joan Parker Bonnie Shaw Welcome! 7280:5-7 (DAO It was a rockin time. Love to do it again. KAO 7282:5 7 Dawn Drew ra>B Loves you' Congratulations on getting 2nd runner up in the Miss Greek Pageant' _ _ 728157 Great job Iggy! We re proud ot you Alpha love YOUR SISTERS 57 KAO Laura Beames Congratulations on being Miss Greek First Runner Op! We re proud! LOVE. THETAS. 7283:57 Ar Carrie Bon Mark Congratulations on your pinning Love, the DG’s 7285 5 7 Golden Key Honor Society Will meet TODAY at 4:30 in room 110 EMU. Elecyphs- for Jhe positions of Treasurer and-Historian-witl be held Nominations'will be accepted 5 7 xo Is proud to announce their new members! Congratulations SheNy Quisto Kara Sorenson Leanne Llttrell Heather Wagner Use Rosen ' • ■_ 7288 5 7 ¥> T Happy Anniversary! I love you more every da Keep the faith. Yours lovingly, SWEETS Happy Birthday Phi K Psi Mick Stop by and pick up your presents! I love you, your sister, Jana 25$ HOT DOG NITE Every Tues and Thurs at The Pad on Franklin Blvd. 5-7 Wants to Know Who and What You'd like to see and hear Next Year! Drop by EMU into Booth Wednesday Friday tor further details ATTENTION Graduating Seniors M.A. and PM. CANDIDATES Cap and Gown representatives will be In the store to take your commence mem regalia orders. Tuesday, May 6th Wednesday, May 7th 8-5:30 pm Personalized Graduation Announcements Information Counter Orders lor regalia and graduation an nouncements should be placed as soon as possible 13th * Kincaid M-F 7 30-5:30 686-4331 SAT 10 00-4 00 Newman Center Roman Cat hoik Czjmmunilv at the University of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays 5:15pm Sundays M0 am 1100am 730pm Worship Wednesdays at MOpm 1850 Emerald St • 343-7021 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is now accepting applications for sum met and tall term PEER ADVISORSApplications ere available in 141 Straub The applies lion deadline is May 9th at 3:30 WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON’ 7267 5-7 A HERPES EDUCATION/SUPPORT GROUP will meet tonight ,May 7th at 7 pm in the EMU Margaret Bailey Nurse Practitioner from the Student Health Center will be there to answer questions Call the Lifestyle Planning Program at 686 4456 .lor lurther. I n f o r m a t i. .o n\ 7 2 8 8 :-5 - 7 PI PHI PIE SALE TONIGHT 6-7:30 pm 1518 Kincaid _ , 5-7 QUICKER than ducks In the Mil trace FASTER than registration THE MAYFEST FUN RUN MONDAY MAY 12th 5 30 at the Mittrace at FrankHn Register in the EMU _ 7289 5 / RUN INTO MAYFEST* Fun Run at the Mittrace on Franklin Monday May 12th at 5:30 Help kick off a week of festivities Register at the EMU 7289:5-7 Syd Sienkeiwicz Yes' Here it is* Your very own Birthday wish Happy Birthday to a very special person. You re a great friend MART1.5-7 MARIO; Cheer up Celebration tonight YOURS, FRANNY 5-7 Harold and Knut You ve Heard ol the Indianapolis 500 well we re in me Indianapolis 5000 Congratutaiions guys! WICK._5-7 Mazatlan Reunion El Torilos Wed 4-7 5-7 HOLLY Fell* Cumpleanos (tardel de Brad y Christa 5-7 LOSE WEIGHT! '10-29 tbs/month 'No chemical drugs 100% guaranteed 344 5813 5-5 KEVIN DENSMORE. I've enioyed the past couple ol weeks How about hoi tubs on Friday night, and wear that good smelting stutt Y.B. 5-7 Desperate DARCY: I don’t need an honorable pro vision I need you LIZZY. 5-7 Birthday Beat BLOOM COUNTY /-1 QVKM.MY wowemJL outer covex... she ptwep Me xeovjse MY SOPY fS NO CONOeX HUT-rtee.. by Berke Breathed wai I* NOT JUST A hunk or deer / im far MTAHmOf eeEfswA&y, ]M'A* 50 CPU6L* „wr (&>, m*r a imm.