ASUO positions open Students who wish to apply for one of 20 ASUO Ex ecutive positions available for the 1986-07 school year will have until Thursday to do so, said Caitlin Cameron. ASUO vice president-elect. Positions include the ASUO Executive assistant, state af fairs and assistant state affairs coordinators, finance and assistant finance coordinators, editors for The Record and the ASUO Course Guide, an assistant editor position and an advertising manager position. Pay varies from $100 to $175 a month and is both work study and non-work study. Only University students enrolled at least half-time are eligible to apply. Applications are ‘ available at Suite 4. EMU. VOLVO Owners Take advantage of our FREE Safety Inspection end SPECIAL Call for an Springfield • 12th & Main • 726-1808 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 3A*Y0LY0c$ptc«Uist' .UQBookstore— C^^aTURPaY CElEDr^TiON^ AT THE UO BOOKSTORE AGES 3~t> It 00 IN THE GENERAL BOOK tXPT. May 10 — Mother’s Day Lutz says he will beat Packwood in this month’s primary election By Andrew LaMar Of I hr Emerald Joe Lutz said he will beat Sen. Bob Packwood in the race for the Republican Party's nomina tion for the U.S. Senate. Only 49 percent of BOO Republicans recently polled ap prove of Packwood's perfor mance, Lutz said, which is a substantial decrease. Lutz said he will win the primary because Lutz supporters will be more likely to vote than Packwood supporters, who don't think Packwood has a chance of losing. Lutz spoke to about UK) peo ple Tuesday night in Gilbert Hall. ‘ . "We’re feelrhg better every •single day/’ Lutz said. "Had the election been a month ago, we would haVe lost, but., we’re right on our timeline,. We're feeling fantastic about May the-20th." * A representative from the Co m m.i 11 e to Re-elect Packwood. however, said . Packwood “has a ground swell . of support.” The Christian Legal Society, which sponsored the event, invited both Lutz and Packwood to speak, but because Packwood could not attend. Sandy Barua spoke briefly in his place. Barua said the last poll he saw conducted by The Oregonian showed Packwood's approval rating with Republicans at more than 60 percent. Both President Reagan and Sen. Mark Hatfield are endorsing Packwood, and Packwood easily will be re elected. he said. Packwood and Reagan have not had a good relationship, Lutz said. Packwood has called Reagan a senile president who is destroying the Republican Party, he said. Lutz said the only reason Reagan is endorsing Packwood is for political reasons, which shapsave —■—■rff/Miff cenreRSEESEZE* COMPARE We make savings simple it 7 Coburg Road FRIENDLIEST SERVICE AROUND The Big Y 2175 W 7th COBURG STORE OPEN 24 HOURS BIG Y LOCATION OPEN 7 AM TO 12 PM WIZZARD CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID 32 oz. S-|49 NALLEYS SWEET RELISH 22 oz. OUR WINE DEPT IS THE BEST POTATOES 15 lb bag «2 s 6 7*/U BONELESS CHUCK ROAST USOA Choice $107 fe per lb. KRAFT BBQ SAUCE IS oz. 16 Variety S-J12 foe Lutz include Pack wood's support of Rnagan’s fax reform bill. Because Packwood is chairman of the Senate Finance Commit tee, he will have great influence on the bill, he said. Also, the Republican Party's policy" is to" support in cumbents. he said.’ . And 98 percent of Packwood's campaign funds come from out of state, Lutz said. He refered to the 19t»8 race for the U.S. Senate between Packwood and then incumbent Wayne Morse. ' "It's an amazing thing. Mr Packwood accused Mr Morse of raising too much money and then.too much money, from out Of the state." Lutz said, -"It's „ almost an instant replay" of this election. Lutz alsO criiicized parts of the tax reform bill saying it would hurt the Oregon economy. _ _ • The federal budget should lx? balanced, he said, and to do this, waste should be cut from the military budget Responding to a question about divestiture of funds from South Africa. Lutz said that although apartheid is a a horri ble system, two wrongs don't make a right. "It's interesting to me that we want to divest ourselves from . .American businesses doing business with South Africa, but the same crowd doesn't scnwin about doing business with Marxist govern ments." Lutz said. "We should scream all around and at least be consistent." To another question. Lutz said although he has asked Paekwood to debate him, he doesn't, think he will accept. Pack wood couldn't gain anything from a debate, he said. One of the primary reasons Paekwood bent Morse In lflfiH was because Morse consented to debate Paekwood. and Paekwood is aware of this. Lutz said. Paekwood should just acknowledge the fact instead of making excuses not to debate. Lut.z. said "Nothing would please, me more than to debate Bob Paekwood, and I think I could lieat Bob Packwitod," he said. Many audience members were disappointed that Paekwood was not in attendance. "I'm disappointed that Senator Paekwood didn't show up." said Mike Hamilton, a Spr ingfield resident. "I think it would be more fair (to the voters) because the issues would come out more clearly." University student Brad Reed said he thought Lutz answered questions from the audience very clearly. "I would have preferred that (Paekwood) had come," Reed said. G R E E K • T A V E R N A Real Greek Pood Deliciously Prepared Still eating Still drinking Still being merry STILL HERE ., . for another whole year! 675 East 13th Eugene mmuiOm VKom IM THE ELECTRON IC60ePT. UO BOOKSTORE