WordPro Word Procatsing IBM Macintosh npocralisl 256 E 18th ]4] 20S1 lln 343-0969 Word Proeaaaing/Typing and Photocopy Contni Id# Sludtni Spacralitt#/ Bu»rna*» Prota«»ionals 2ss emi ism Sin Block# Irom Campus PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING f'1iling/Di»k Storage Coliaan '144 7040 19 pm Nail day tarvlc# ■ ___ _ 7114110 OUAUTV WORD PROCESSING Spaelahrmg in tarm papar# Call Kao 342 434/ . ________SJ6 NEXT DAY SERVICE Tarm papar# raauma*. dlManation*. disk sioraga maw mailing# RIGHT WRITE 343-2162 ■ ’ ' . . ' _ »6 KINKOS LASER DESIGN RESUMES Poatar rush order* Open 7 day* . ' . - • . . B041UWP TYPING UNLIMITED Oraduat* School Approvan Computartrad Word Procaotlng 345 3414 ” ' • ' ■■■ -;•. 73S4HPM ' WORD PROCCESSINQ .fatm papar# lhasr# manuscript#" r#*om*a: eor ratpoodonc# mail liStt/labaM ale >, Oporr di'aly S 304 pm Saturday by ap ■ pomlmaoi Tha Floppy 0**c. 3AS4S10 >.■ •:' Bootes 100.000 SfOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40 S0"S> oil ll#l pfica« •Te«lbtx)k..Ciiii Nola.iMag Armas* USED BOOKS’BOUGM VANt) SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7*0 Eaai 13H< . *•." 4973 lln Bicycles jGltANE^'x.; ■ Tout da .Franco'23 rva» Mayic‘ G 40» Sumdur '(-.ompjinaniViAypeaiJ’ stock*#. _ *300 347 4ad2.Crft*oo Ewh.CdrRi'.OQ'SO ■ LADIES TOURJSTER. tlKEmn.th - Shimano 10,»p**d gaai-’^tinidnjlighi in . •aood’cbndition'FSOS (nagoiiabiaV 34SsaajHairanrHjji*) ; ' - ;•> 'so 56cm Molobecane Cinalli bar# and Siam cotumtout tubing modota tor aka# Call NfCkMT 9399 $700 O B 0 ‘5 9 Cars & Cycles Inleiceptor 4984 Honda VF500F I3S0 itoda# a* canam running cond 345 4851 As# lor - K#n| Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC W» ivMp ybii luiri I hr RIGHT Roommtl* C«ll 6ST82I1_J__ 6194 tin WESTSIDE LARGE ROOM \m) dm, 480 mo Morning* A «vnningt> 343 TD68 S7 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING. married couples and single parents possibility of »m mediate occupancy or place yourself on wailing fist Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom $ 144/mo. t bedroom St 15/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $120/mo Future openings expected alt areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept 606-4227 4942 tin SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIDE MANOR 1S10 Harris Furnished quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry facilities available From StOO Call tor more details Manager 344 26ST Bennett Management Co 1143 Oak St 44&6991 _(__ JOWlIn EUGENE MANOR: High rise living at its best 4S4-7441. _2211 STUDENT COOPERATIVE ASSOCIA TION has single and double spaces open Rates will be prorated wdh 10 per cent discount Call Campbell Club at 6833453 or Janel Smith Coop at 603 3722 _ 7222 5-6 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Large, very clean very quief 2 Bedroom apartment Fully furnished with garbage disposal lots of parking, sunder k laundry facilities 663 8919 _ 7241^9 Now Reserving for SUMMER AND FALL Very clean very quiet big one bedroom apartment fully furnished 6 foot walk in closet Center island kitchen, cour tyard laundry facility, lots of covered parking Corner of !8th and Alder 343 4103 7242 6 9 1750 ALDER Furnished 2 bedroom apis '/> block lo campus Laundry covered parking In wall managed complev Rasidanl manager 667 0684 or 485 1707 IPM Co, 1111 Pearl_#0271 In QUIET COUNTRY LIVING >n the southwest hills Beautiful t and 2 bedroom apis with view tennis, pool rec room laundry Close lo city bus line Prospect Park Apts 17t0 Not thview Bivd 484 6553 7153 tin Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Just one block from the library Private refrigerator to bath all utilities paid from 1169 Bob or Kelly, 1544 Alder no 21 3454490 ___ 5882 tin CLEAN. NEW CARPET. Unities pad *159 summer $99 1666 Harris Menager no 4 342 4261 7204 tin MILYARD STREET QUADS. 2 blocks Irom campus lurnished/private sink neat quiet *144/mo *139/2 mo lease Low summer rates Cell Jay 3 30 7 30 pm 4856120 1750 Milyard St bo 24 6042 56 Lost & Found LOST QOLD WALLET with velcro Substantial reward Please call Phil at 756-5962it found . --56 ■ FOUND PARAKEET Can and ideniily n by color, male ol lemale Maraya at 4859868 • ,5.7 LOST Sometime in It.,- lh- • ths Seiko wrist.watch cherished as gilt REWARD Please call English^Office 686 3911 to leave mess'sage toe S R Maveely . '. •. -58 REWARD •lo«t prescription gt§9i#!i 4/30 on or jojit Mtf oi campus Black/clear rm»a caM.663 f7j2Caftat£ pm * ,*• ^ ♦ Food & Drink ei'uf.nfs FALL CREEK BAKERY L5AAAAJUUUUUUUUIJIA*»i NEXT TO 00 BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: . • Turkey ft Chaata ttttad cronunl '• Spinach ft Chaaaa hliao croiaaant Straight from tha cyan 1 t.-OO am M E 7 30ft 00 861 E 13th Saturday S3 <84 166? TONIGHT 25$ Gourmet HOT DOGS 1»th ft ftgata iftcisy e imk Events Tha EMU CRAFT CENTER praaanl* a traa lactura WOOD TURNING with Dan Kuitka Thursday May 6 7 PM Forum Room EMU The presentation includes slides ot Dan s own professional work, as well as documentation ot the prestigious National Wood Turning Exhibition Oan will discuss turning methods on the wood lathe and will have many e* ampies on display The lecture is tree of charge For info call *606-4361' 7233 5 8 U of 0 Song & Dance Troupe Spring Show May 9th 8 pm Beall Hail Music School Free Admission 7266 5 9 ANTI-APARTHEID RALLY! Rescheduled for Tuesday May 6 12:30 EMU Courtyard BE THERE TO PROTEST! V -_'_7281 5-6 WRRS presents: Thursday May 8 LESBIAN Night at the MOVIES LIANNA: a pro!:* wile tails In love , with a woman. SU8ANA: an Argentinian woman's coming-out story QVKETACTIC: erotica OOUBLESTRENGTH: experimental 150 GEOLOGY 7:30 pm - FREE part ol lesbian and Gay Pride Week ■ , , V.; ■ - >72678-8 The Council lor Human eights In Latin America ‘ ' and Linlteid College present Anatolio Liceta Representative, Latin American Service for Peace and Justice “HUMAN RIGHTS and the DEBT in PERU” TODAY 7 PM Latin American Cultural Center 1236 Kincaid St. Eugene (next lc U of O Bookstore) Sponsored locally by Latin America Support Committee and the ASUO For information 464-5M7 7265*56 rfi T Holocaust Memorial Week May 4-10,1986 Tursday, May 8, 12:30 Hester Street Klezmer Band EMU Courtyard (in fishbowl if raining) 4 p.m.-EMU Breezeway Holocaust Memorial Service 7:30 p.m EMU Room 167 Konmlyn Feig "Millar's Death Camps 40 Yaars Later Friday, May 9 6:00 p m Temple Beth Israel 42 West Hannah Goldrich Shabbos" Complete schedule available In EMU Cultural Forum Otfice Suite 2 EMU 666 4373 Sponsored by UO Holocaust Memorial Council FREE Whitewater Rafting Free Clinic May 7. 7 30 PM Outdoor Program EMU 6BS4365 _ 7239 5 7 Entertainment MOTHER’S DAY Picnic for Peace Amazon Community Center south lawn Sunday May 11 noon, to 2 00 Sponsored by Mothers foi Margie *>S TONIGHT MAGIC SWAN AND THE DUKES TAYLOR'S Hallucinogenic : 5-5 ", KEGS TO GO BIG SCREEN TV Sunday Night-Free Pool Tuesday Hot Dog Night Thursday Beer Night Friday Night-Dart Blind Draw Saturday Duck Game Specials Ptuafltalian food available from our service window ol Pizza Pete's Italian Kitchen. Black Forest Tavern 2657 WILLAMETTE _344-0816 w ;mnct rOCRLtnv Hot Fudge JY-‘ Sundaes 99t EVERY TUESDAY E 13th 861' Willsmettf O Personals PROBLEMS? Crists Center. u of O telephone hotline 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call 686 4488 3144 tin PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687 8651 __623 U VIDi-. BARN: Available for parlies eft. Details 485-3222 during business hours_ _ 7154 (In FRIENDSHIPS. COMPANIONS. SAS£ Sweet Memories Bo« 1537 Newport OR 97365__6 9 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION Don't forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Office _ 7228 6 9 MARCIA: Wednesday is hump night at the Mill Camp Wednesday May 7th is litttke King s Night Come visit the King LOVE JOHN _6040 5-7 GREEK WEEK FRISBEES On sale from any Gamma Phi for $3 un til Greek Week 7268:5 9 REWARD! Lost sentimental gold rope bracelet Please call 683 0641 evening 5-8 Wants to Know Who and What You'd like to see and hear Next Year! Drop by EMU into Booth Wednesday Friday for further details BRAD: Congrats on becoming Walton's new R H G.C. Rep for next year Good Luck' R.W. 5-6 Eric Berg You're going to be over tbff^iill this month. Amazing Unbelievable... *-6 STRESS! Get rid of it with a few deeply relaxing 20-minute sessions in our state-of the-art Wolff System sunbeds Bring m this ad today (May 5th or 6th) and receive $10.00 OFF the regular 10-session prices SumShower 485-2323 874 E. 13th Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Up the stair* nest to Kinko't iFC RUSH COUNCIL is now taking applica tions for Fall Rush Counselors. Applica tions are due Wed. May 14, 5 pm in Suite 5 EMU. _ 7262 5 7 I "--1 DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARO if you re planning to attend the SUMMER SESSION There is still time to do it so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Office or call 686 34 75 7228:6*9 Phi Delt Strangler Who are you? From the blonde in the black you met Friday mght 5-6 WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS SUM MER? Making $1480 possible avg per mo and getting great experience Several spots still open Possible in tervtew call 687-0104 5-9 IAE ASSASIN was a blast once again we are looking forward to a wild spring term with you guys The party has just begun' ¥ kkt 5-6 PI PHI PIE SALE Tomorrow Night 6-7:30 pm 1518 Kincaid 5-6 Desperate SAE ALLYSON BAIRD Got any embarrassing pictures I can ex pose to the world0 Had any humiliating jobs0 Maybe a compromising position or two0 THE ORIGINAL * TOWER OF BABBLE Desperation is a sorry state Don't tell me you ve never been there because I know better_ _ BUZZ BONIB BOGEY BEANHEAD: You're the best! Your Spurted Wife BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed mt weepy? *5. (WP now m BKXBH.