Sports Kemp, Georgia reach settlement ATLANTA (AP) —The state of Georgia paid Jan Kemp $1.08 million on Monday to avoid another trial of her allegations that she was fired by the University of Georgia for protesting preferential classroom treatment of athletes. After an agreement was signed by lawyers for both sides and approved by U.S. District Judge Horace Ward, Kemp left the federal courthouse with a check from the state. Under the agreement. Kemp will rejoin the Georgia faculty July 1 as co-coordinator of the English section of the Developmental Studies program. A federal jury awarded Kemp $2.58 million on her claim that she was fired for protesting special treatment of athletes in the remedial Developmental Studies Program. Ward lafer reduced the jury award to $680,000. Kemp could have forced a new trial on punitive damages by refusing the reduced amount, and negotiations for a settlement liegan. Kemp received $79,681 to make up the wages she lost since her firing in 198:t. $400,000 in punitive damages. $1 for loss of professional reputation and $601,318 for mental distress. Her salary at Georgia is to be $30,356, an amount that includes raises she would have received since her firing. Kemp sued two university officials for firing her after she protested preferential treatment of athletes. Named in the suit were Virginia Trotter, the school's vice president for academic affairs, and Leroy Ervin, associate vice president in charge of developmental studies. Sports Shorts The Oregon golf learn stands in fourth place after the first round of the Pac-1l) golf tournament in Thousand Oaks, Calif. The first day of competition was marred by winds guating up to 40 miles per hour. The Ducks are 15 strokes behind tournament leader DSC. as they put together a :iH-hole score of 794. "It was the worst day of golf I’ve ever seen." Oregon coach Scott Krieger said. "It was a survival contest out there today, and our guys survived. I'm really proud of them." The Ducks were led by Rob Huff who fired a 79 and a 77 for a 156 total. Huff stands in a tie for 11th place, while USC All-American Sam Randolph leads the tournament with a a 147 total. The tournament will conclude with single 18-hole rounds today ami Wednesday CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: All ads must be PM lor in advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For billing ar rangements please call MM343 or stop by the Emerald'Classified office. 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word tor the first day and 14 cents per word tor con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is SI.70 for the first insertion and SI 40 tor con secutive insertions 9-POINT (Subnet 12-POINT (Sl2S/bnet _ 18 POINT (Si SOOmei 24 POINT (SI TSfline) BOX BORDER *1 25/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: SSAOAnch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 25« DEADLINES LINE ADS: 12 noon Itie day before, publication ■ • • DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS: 12 noon two days before publication There is no cash refund for ad cancella tions A credit will be issued lew Mute advertising For Sale 1M0 OATSUN 210. 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