Center gives day care option to parents with sick children Hy Angie Muni/. Of lh* Kmrralil When a child is sick, working parent* often are faced with staying home or hiring a sitter. Day i:ar« centers usually refuse to care lor sic k children Hut the Sick Child Cure center. 1047 Pearl St., offers an alternative. The center Is the only licensed sick child care program in the Pacific Northwest, and us of November 1985. one of six sick childcare programs in the country. ■} '’The center is a place where children can be comfortable during this first stages of illness or recovery." said Carrie Haynes, a center employee, •• 7 - ":''r The program will accept any child ;l mon ths to 12 years of ago us long us the disease is" -not contagions. . .. • Toressa llarfer said she established the / center about a year-ago;after attending BLOW-PRY > DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE VICTIMS May 4: May 4-11,1986 * OPENING EVENT. 1**7 FMU Paul Otum will given an opening statement Sylvia Frankel. Fnoculiw Director t>l the On*qon Holocaust Resource Center will speak on rh** literature of the Hr»kn aust Dr Tom Nalar Prolrwar nf Hi^ioty wtH sp^ak on the Nokxausi m d* historic DiSH W. « (Vntet i.: Kin.*»b Rivelmy ,'in< .non |u.M Th, m,.M prob*xuon*l <>l th, film-,! thlldri-n ..I HoVxaus! «ir vivocs Kani Thar C oarage to Cara” an Atidemv Award winning documentary <»n those who helped Holocaust vktm>' on PBS May 7: 4 "°Pm H0I.KAU.1 Panvl DUcuukra Komonia Ccnhn 1414 Kincaid Donna Samis I amilv I f','.,1 [.‘M Kabbi M.tnan Sillv tWrnaril Oflfti, Holocaust survivor B,Mtrt\ Ruhtu. U of O biuik'ni *"Pn> Bernard Offni “The Work" (ietlnuret i -Hing. U of O (ampus May 8: l*’ fOpm Heater Street Kleamer Band \ rh Memorial Union 4 pm Interfaith Memorial Service Gerlmger Lounge U of O Campus UNIVERSITY OF OREGON HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COUNCIL With Support From: EMU CULTURAL FORUM. JEWISH STUDENT UNION: HILLEL. TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL: CAMPUS INTERFAITH MINISTRY: CATALYST EIEMS. and RELIGIOUS DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION