Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1986, Page 2, Image 2

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Solutions exist
Dan Goulet actually calls for
quarantining AIDS victims
That makes as much sense as
leper and tuberculosis colonies
or not allowing people with
hepatitis to work around food.
Get real Dan.
Why violate people's civil
rights? Remember — life, liber
ty and the pursuit of happiness.
Dan. if some people want the
right to spread their diseases to
others then what of it? And
Dan. AIDS can be stopped
without your proposals before it
wipes us all out
Today over 1(M) types of AIDS
virus are flourishing. If even
one exists today, or develops,
that could be passed by insects
as easily as malaria (this
possibility increases as the
number of infected people run
ning around increases) then
what of it? Solutions exist.
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Were AIDS to hop into the
bug population, we could
always dump enough poisons
into the environment to com
pletely eradicate all biting in
sects. This, of course, would
seriously impact on the
ecosystem and practically all
birds, freshwater fish and most
other non-vegetarian wildlife
would perish. But hey. such is a
small price to pay for sexual
freedom, isn't it?
Also, as millions died, nan
infected people could be paid
huge amounts of money to have
large families — like the Soviets
do. This would keep the
imputation levels adequate and
would lie welcomed by Mor
mons Catholics and conser
vative Protestants who very
rarely catch AIDS, and who
prefer large families. Now that's
a way to get rid of humanistic
Lori Parkman
Better way
I am writing out of concern
for the rising cost of education
at this and other college cam
puses around the U S. For those
of you in support of divestment,
have you thought at all about
the repercussion at this univer
sity? It is simple finance. If you
pull your investments out of the
companies doing business in
South Africa, which are some ot
the best low-risk stocks and
bonds, you will be putting the
University’s endowment at
great risk. This could raise your
tuition greatly because on the
average, the return on universi
ty investments wili be lower
This is because the University
will be limited to more risky
securities to invest in. which
could lead to our money, being
lost to those investments.
Other than our moral
gratification. I don’t see how
divestment will help the blacks
in South Africa gain their much
deserved freedom. If you don’t
believe me (and there is no
reason why you should. I do not
claim to be an expert like many
who write to the Emerald), mad
the article “The Drive to
Divest” in the recent issue of
Newsweek on Uampus. I was
shocked to find out how little
effect divestment would have
on the South African economy.
I think it is very noble that
this student body, is trying to
make a change where a wrong is
lining committed. There has to
lie a better way to bring about
change in South Africa, though
1 hope we find that way soon.
Michael K. Magee
Kina nee/Management
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I -ast Thursday’s K mu raid in
cluded an article which dealt
with University Senate action
on the motion to extend the add
deadline, in which u statement
was misattrihuted to me. I did
not say that students should
know the content of the courses
they take prior to registering.
The comment was made by
another senator. I believe that
students can have only a
marginal understanding of what
a course will he like before
registering, and I supported the
motion to extend the drop
Robert I. Hurwitz
Music Professor
Safety first
Nobody harboring the AIDS
virus. (HTLV-lll) should, ho
allowed entrance into America
We should follow Saudi
Arabia‘s exampleand adopt the
plans now being considered by
our government to ban infected
individuals from immigrating
to the lf.S. .
The U.S.* (institution mail
dates that government .promote*,
the general welfare of. America..
At the very least, laws shout'd be
passed designed to protect
public, health. . ••
The majority • of Americans
support the idea of quarantining*
AIDS patients Also.nobody
with irrbVdll virus.'pumping
through their body should./be ,
allowed to work arocind food,
children or in health fields". Fur
thermore. since homosexuals
are by hir the number one*'risk
- group for AU)S in.fect ion -/any
homosexual caught donating .
blood. sperm. for:artificial "in
semination or organs should,!*•
fined and or jailed!
I couldn't care less,if some
might' accuse.me of being mean
or insensitive. In troth, it’speo
ple who hac ked (andthose stub- .
Ixjrn enough to still' hack) "ac
ceptance of homosexuality, and
who attack traditional morality,
”who are the real villains. Such
people deserve as much credit
for AIDS as those who. indulged’'
in lifestyles that made such
epidemics inevitable
The blood of every .victim of
AIDS, and the perhaps millions
of future victims, is on the
hands of those who helped
assault traditional morality, and
those who continue to stand
against measures to combat die
AIDS epidemic.
Michael Cross
(•raduate. Political Science and
’ History
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Not mentioned
In reBpon.HU lo Mr. Jacobs' ac
cusation that many lesbians on
campus, particularly ourselves,
an; sexist, we point out that
nowhere in our letter was
gender mentioned
May I suggest that by making
an assumption that we were
singling out males. Mr. Jacobs
was himself being sexist. In ad
dition, as co-directors of the
Cay and Lesbian Alliance we
represent an organi/aition made
up of men as well as women. It
was not manly lesbians who
were addressing the issue of
homophobia. Nor do our views
as an organisation necessarily
represent those of all lesbians
and gay men on campus.
The phrase "white,
heterosexual, able-bodied rich
kids" was followed by "not-to
imply that any one group of In
dividuals is responsible for
these offenses." We were not at
lacking nor "alienating" any
one group, nor implying value
judgments, but merely poin
ting out that other realities.ex
ist There is much diversity on
this campus that can.be sup
(Kirted and celebrated by .its all
We wholeheartedly agree
w ith Mr (acubs that wo ail need •
to Work together, to solve the
problems., o.f "Judgmental
abuses CAI.A consistently
supports and endorses tiro ef
. forts .of other organizations to
end oppression oh all level's.'
We/applaud the efforts, of all . _
„those"who also work for.'an end.
do injustice. : • . •
V o |udy. C. Hncn
Co-Directors, Gay
*• ami l.nliian Viliam e
A dollar a day
'. Shoot « photograph, quote’a
couple nf’ptMtjdd/ami give your
story a personal touch1 - that
si ileitis to lie the recij>o for l hi* ar
''’Hole atMiiii the’GTF picket’ Uni*
•«)I)K.' April°28): •
The'^impression': created by
this report is that (il l s face a
. financial ,p r o h Iein . t hat
Chancellor William Davis is in
charge of die situation', anil the
(JtFs will make iF through, the
next months anyway •*<* just like
» (lien - :Mittermann/ the GTF
ipioted,••worn states, "This isn’t
something thai’s going to break
us, It’s jtisl one more thing in a
realty tight budget.”
Maybe so for GTFs who are
U S. citizens, equipped with
the American pioneer spirit,
who c an work off campus, are
eligible for tax breaks and have
other resources. For foreign
GTFs, however, things look dif
ferent. Since 1085. more than
15 percent of the monthly
$500-000 have been wilheld for
state and federal taxes, leaving
us with about $430-400.
That means our April
paycheck will leave us with
about $2H0-340 to live on: after
taxes, about $150 for the tuition
waiver taxation will be
withheld. Next month, same
procedure. And in June, once
Clearly, this is not "just one
more thing" for us. This will
break our neck, in fact. For the
GTFs I know, there’s simply no
way to make do on that amount
through spring quarter. Maybe
Glen could help us out with a
quick workshop on "How to
survive on a dollar a day."
Gert Fehlner
GTF, German