World news Waldheim fails to get majority, will face run-off with Steyrer VIENNA. Austria (AP) — hurt Waldheim, the former IJ.N. socretary genera) who has been dogged by claims he hid his Nazi past, received the most votes Sunday bid fell just short of the ab solute majority necessary to win Austria's presidency. A run-off election will Ire held June H Ih?I ween Waldheim. *»/. the candidate of the conser vative People’s Party, and hurt Steyrer. the can didate of the socialists who head the governing coalition . . ; - .. Interior Minister harl tiler.ha announced the. : results, which were based .on 10b percent of tire voting districts reporting, but ..described as unofficial . 4 ' . . '. .Waldheim received 2.:t4:i. tK7 vptes. or%4f).H4 percent, and Steyrer had 2.IM>l.i62 votes dr 4:tc7 . ■ - \|H*rc«nl, ■ 1 • ' V • ".v V.' : I'reda Ideissner Plan, .thecandidate oftbeen vironnientalist (ireens, won 5-.r> percent, and.Otto S» r.inzi.ja pan-(jermap nationalist; received t’.jJ. .. ; percent ' V ; •. fy,. After .the results- were announced. WaldheinV >a»i he expired, the. controversy [wet his Nazi pafst^to' die do.Cvn during the. next ffye weeks.’ "although surely- there w ill Is- attempts here and theh*‘tp interfere iii the ejection campaijin. •.' 'Hut do not;forget these interventions have a.oujetroui-; private organlzatiohfcT. and■"nut;.frt»n( Hovef.nments l think that-must lie taken inlo i on, s {deration," Waldheim said, apparently referring to allegations made against him in recent weeks by the World Jewish Congress. Steyrer has said a run-off election would work in iris favor be( arise he would attract sup porters of Meissner-Blau “This election is not yet over. . . I believe that ; my chances are intact. I believe I am more, at* tractive on these issues (the environment), thin the other candidate.." he'said. • 'r. /./•• Meissner-Blau sard she would not; tell her f . supporters how they, should,vote in-the cnit-off. , More than: f».4 million. voters were riligibje and turnout was nearly ‘JO. percent. The winner -i sur:« rteds Rudolf KirtiHschlaeger';who iksteppi/rg (lown at the end of two six-year terms as prest rib e«l ifv. l*tW •: ■ -y.'■'“C:V The campaign for the presidency. .'rt - e erpmon ialposf ..was t he mdsi/biiter in ‘Austria's post r Wor ld ,W’ar 11 history. ft forced ’Austrians 'to ciriifront-their part iu thrcariurn^ rrf fltthyr's.Cef- V litaity.du'ring .VVorhi War II and agaiic raised die , Isstie,«d ahlf;Si!miiksm-,,,'‘ ‘ ' Y ' Y ..The • World jewish Congress hail accused; ; AValdh.eim - of hiding, hik menibursht)>Yin f'JaziY youth groups before World War II and of conceal ing; hik wartime a C’.ernrah rinit that cbmmitied.atrociiies in the Balkans ; ' ■1 ■■ ■■ Hi coupon I PHOTO SPECIALS! | I C o u p o N GLOSSY PAPER ★ NO LIMIT 35mm 126 110 Develop and Print C-41 I ★ 4x6 COLOR * PRINTS 3 FOR $ 1.29 3Smm slide only 24 Exp. Prints..$4.95 q 36 Exp. Prints..$6.75 U REPRINTS....5 FOR $1 q N Coupon must be presented when film is brought in. 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JO. of Stillwater Okla . was arrested early Saturdav and was tentatively scheduled to lie arraigned on air piracy 'charges today in ll,S. District (amrt in Portland. Nobody was injured in the hijacking, which began on the twin propeller Swearinger Metroliner at, 10:20 p.m. Friday and ended peacefully with Thomas surrender at l:4.r» a in Saturday at Hillsboro Airport lie was aide to force the pilot to land the plane there with unspecified threats, said Fill special agent Hart Cairi No weapon nr explosive material wits found,. Hijackers are> usually interested in larger airliners that can travel greater distances..said Milt knoll, president and chairman of Horizon "It's like,a car thirl, going next* door and stealing the neighbor's tricycle." huoli said "It's incredible SPRING BARGAINS SPRING CLEARANCE SALE APRIL 4, 5. 6 TEf SMMTt •os- < TU SMMTt tt) Ml *»*<*«*•'* SWEATSNMTS •*#..... flifCf SWMTPAMTS Nea»r H*»if 2.00 2.00 8.95 7.95 COTTON SNOOTS LONO SLEEVE TS NYLON RUMMNfl SNOOTS StlMQ RUNNING SOX CofVM M * »p* 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.95 RUSSILL HEAVY WEIGHT FLEECE SWEATS HOODS 19.95-CREWS 12.95-PANTS 12.95 NAIM SUITS 1 ATHLETC Hon Thun 0:304 30 - Saturday 0 00-0:30 94 Wool Brood way ■ Eugono, Oregon • 343-1280 Downtown Mall ★ COPIES ★ Krazy Kats Try lia/ 864 East 13th at. Don’t forget... 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