Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1986, Page 4, Image 4

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Gay and Lesbian Pride Week
to celebrate strength, diversity
By Scott Harding
CM lit* Knwrald
There are many signs of
University acceptance of gays
and lesbians, say leaders of the
Gay and Lesbian Alliance. But
there also are compelling
reasons for the group to hold its
annual Gay and lesbian Pride
| Week.
‘it’s sad in a wav that we
have to have Gay Pride Week,"
said Imah funiper, co-director of
GALA. Actual and threatened
discrimination against gays and
lesbians, in housing and
employment for example, are
primary reasons for such
events, she said.
A picnic and potluck at Skin
i , ner's Butte Park Sunday marked
| the start of the weeklong (May
4-11) occasion, which features
' lectures, an art show, films and
panel discussions.Most events
will be held on campus.
juniper likened the gay com
munity’s struggle fur societal
acceptance to the struggle
undertaken by blacks and
women in their quest for full
voting.- occupational and social
rights. Like the post-war civil
rights, protests. she said, the gay
community also must be vocal.
"You have to make a lot of
noise. You have to make people
realize the extent of discrimina
tion.” she said. "We don’t want
privileges, we want our rights."
I.ike other oppressed groups
in the United States, gays and
lesbians often hold cultural and
educational events to foc;us
public attention on their status
and the daily prejudice they en
counter. she said.
"If we weren't so oppressed,
we wouldn't have to be so visi
ble. We’re not attempting to
alienate the community."
juniper said. Rather, the various
events of Gay Pride Week are
designed to acknowledge that
UO Bookstore
gays and lesbians are more
diverse than the images
perpetuated by- media and
cultural stereotypes, she Said.
"Wo’re viewed as this
homogenous group, which isn’t
true.*' she said. For example,
political, occupational and
cultural preferences are as
diverse among gays as thev are
among '‘straights.” she said.
Derogatory images of gays ef
feminate men and masculine
women — also are superficial;
she Mid. ‘
"All types of people.'are gay
and lesbian." Juniper said.
(lay Pride Week also will
serve as a celebration for the
Kugene gay community, "so we
can gain strength from each
other.” said Judy Finch, co
director of (JALA.
Many of the cultural events
are designed to offer support to
the gay community, by pro
viding a forum to discuss ami
celebrate the gay lifestyle.
GALA is offering the most coni
prehensive celebration for gays
and lesbians in the Kugene area.
Juniper said.
" We want to tell gays and les
bians. 'Yes. you have a reason
to be proud, there is a reason to
celebrate and be strong," she
said. . •'. . ■ .
Two events of significance ,
are tonight's keynote address by
Leonard Graff, director Of f lav
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Bights Advocate# in San Fran
cisco. tie is expected to discuss
current legnl issues affect i nn
gayS and lesbians Friday . May
9. Pat Bond will perform her
one-woman show that examines
the 40-year relationship liel
ween Eleanor Roosevelt ami
Utwerta Hlckix k. the first
woman reporter for the
Associated Press
Both activists encouraged all
seKnientsi'of the community to
attend: Ideally'; they said, the
week,"1*".activities will have an
impact on non gays by.address
ing their,fears what isoften
cal|ed':*‘ homophobia. ”
"If we can dear up some
myths for people, if we can help
educate. . .and dispel some
misconceptions." even for one
individual "then that's one
more person who doesn't laugh
at an AIDS joke or believe that
lesbians want to he men.
juniper said
The discussion of social
issues related to the gay com
munity. such as AIDS, is in
tended to improve the dialogue
on those subject*, she said
Other scheduled topics anti
semitism. drug and alcohol
abuse, apathy and activism
slv*w tite interest and will
bigness of the gay community
to address themes with political