Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    Holocaust focus of weeklong event
The holocaust during World
War II was a period of history
that must never be forgotten to
help prevent if from happening
again, said University President
Paul Olum Sunday during
opening remarks for the Univer
sity's Holocaust Memorial
"We must never forget
because by not forgetting, we
can do everything in our power
to not let it happen again.*'
Olum said.
About 9 million people w
lews. Poles, gypsies. Russians
and others were exter
minated during the reign , of
Adolf Hitler, from HKJ3 to 1945.
Port he first time, the t In I ver
sify, has set aside a week to com
memorate the holticeust during
lire annual national I lavs of
Remembrance of .the Victim of
the Holocaust, created bv.an act
of. Congress during the' Carter
•{ ad rrj.hu si rat inn •
• °"•This is not a Jewish issue
this is a human issue.'*; said
(iathv Zosel who represented
the Campus Interfaith Ministry
tin the l hiiversilv Holocaust
Memorial Council. .• which' is
sponsoring ilie event
. “People want to rentVmhef so
people won't forget, and it
won't happen again " saiil
Kotivn Mai/els. co-director of
the Jewish Student Union and a
memtier ol the co.uncii. She
estimated tliat alNiul III perc.ent
ot the campus population is
A variety of free films, iec
lures and panel discussions are
planned this week
•Today. the film “Kaddish”
will bo shown at 7:30 p.m. at
the Wesley Center. 1236 Kin
caid St. The film is about the
children of survivors of the
. •*. > „t 4fiirllHtV gr«|»fct«
?Tii»)sd*fv.' fhb t'eniple Beth
Israel 4^; VV : 2.1th ’Ayt’... will
..* celebrate Yum haShoah at,7:30
' . p-.lji! Tliicdav :is designated l>y
the'lewish ciiiuiiiuititv .in a day
bt reiiieiiibra uc e l’JtS'also w i 11
sliovy "•'The (Tbiirage to,'Care-•"
an Academy- Award-winning
diHaimentary almut4those who
helpod; holiiCHust victims
• Wednesday. a holocaust
panel discussion at the
koinoiiia Center. 1414 Kincaid
SI . at 4 p.m.. will include Don
na Sands, family therapist: Kab
bi Italian Sills: Bernard Often, a
holocaust survivor: and Beatrix
Knhin. a University student.
At 7:30 p in.. Often will give
bis slide presentation. “The
Work." in Geriinger lounge.
The presentation has three
segments dealing with Of fen's
personal experience in Na/.i
point of sanctuary is to try to
protact refugees and to prevent
deportation and mistreatment of
Cadbury compared the sanc
tuary movement to the civil
rights movement of the 1950s.
“The courts' decisions then
about what was legal or illegal
were wrong." he said, referring
to decisions regarding the
legality of blacks sitting in the
front of buses or eating in cer
tain restaurants. "The govern
ment is saying we’re breaking
certain laws and we're saying
those laws are wrong," he said
"It's deer to us that they're
wrong. The law that really ap
plies has been excluded from
consideration," he said. Cad
bury cited the international law
of the Genova conventions that
says refugees fleeing persecu
tion should not la- returned to
their homelands.
The prosecution in the
Arizona trial maintained that
the defendants violated ll.S.
immigration laws by helping
people who came to this coun
t r y only for tcon o m i c
Hut the; defendants claimed
they lawfully aided people who
were fleeing persecution in
their homelands.
After a trial that lasted almost
six weeks, the jury deliberated
more than 47 hours before retur
ning a verdict finding eight of
the 11 defendants guilty.
The defendants included a
Presbyterian minister, two
Roman Catholic priests, a nun
and seven church layworkors.
Defendants found guilty of
felony conspiracy charges may
face as much as five years im
prisonment and a $10,000 fine
each. Those found guilty on
other felony counts face the
same prison terms and $2,000
The Eugene sanctuary move
ment includes the Central
Presbyterian Church, the
Unitarian Church of Eugene and
Eugene Friends Meeting.
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death camps.
The firs! part. "Process
B7815,’’ recreates Offen's per
sonal holocaust story with
photographs of his family, the
ghettos, deportations and mass
executions. It ends with libera
tion and the discovery that his
two brothers had also survived.
•Thursday, the Hester Street
klo/.mer Band will play at 12:80
p in. in the EMU Courtyard or
the fishbowl in the event of
rain. At 4 p.m.. the |ewish Stu
dent Union will sponsor a
holocaust memorial service at
which poetry Will lie read.
A* 7:.Ill p in.. I)r. konnilvn
l-'eig. a professor at.’Snii. Fran
cisco Stale 1 Iniydrsijy and an in
ternationally known holocaust
scholar, will speak on "Miller's:
Death Camps:"' Forty ".Years'
l-iUir.” in Kudin in" KMU. 7
Feig is the only;known person
. to have .spent. I ime; in all "of
Hit lei 's official concent rat ion
i Camps, and she is"'considered
the leading expert on Miller's
•Friday; the Temple Belli
Israel will celehrale Shahhos. or
tlu> |ewish sabbath, at 8 p in.
•Saturday, an Interfaith
Memorial Service will lie held
at 7:10 pin. in CerJinger
l ounge w ilh singing and poetry
The Holocaust Memorial
Council made up erf the EMU
Cultural Forum, the lewish Stu
dent Union. Campus Inlerfaith
Ministry. Hillel. Catalysl Films.
Temple Beth Israel and
Religious Directors Association.
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