Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1986, Page 2, Image 2

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IFC loan for GTFs
worth considering
University President Paul Olum has suggested that in
cidental fee reserve money be used as a loam hind (c^r
Graduate Teacrhirtg Fellows. -3 \o 'W103) /ij
GTK leader Chuck Hunt has told the Incidental Fee
Committee that for now, he’s not interested. His position
may change if other sources of money for GTFs are not
The loan fund idea should be carefully considered by
the Incidental Fee Committee. If long-term integrity of the
reserve account is guaranteed by the state system, the idea
has merit.
The IFC does not permit fees to be used for certain ac
tivities. such as food or lodging. Fees should certainly not be
regularly used for personal loans, but the ASIJO has a pro
cess through which fees may be made temporarily available
for otherwise ineligible activities.
The credit committee, a pseudo-agency created by the
IFC. handles loans for such activities on a smaller scale.
Although the GTF loan idea is unusual, the IFC could use
the credit committee model to set up a loan fund.
Provided University and state system rules permit, the
IFC could authorize a temporary transfer of incidental fees to
a special account in the financial aid office. GTFs could then
apply for aid based on need. Loans should not be made
directly to individuals, or to the GTF Federation.
Before approving such a project, the IFC should be cer
tain that any money repaid to the new account is immediate
ly credited back to the incidental fee reserve.
The IFC should agree to such an emergency bailout only
if the University agrees to bear the burden of collecting debts
on the new account, and agrees to reimburse the account for
any debts uncollectible after a reasonable period, perhaps
the end of the 1986-87 fiscal year.
If these conditions can be met. setting up a loan fund is .
simply a large-scale version of what the credit committee
has been doing since its creation in 1982.
We still believe that the state system’s decision to begin
withholding tuition waiver taxes is unnecessary, and should
be reconsidered.
An emergency fund is just that — temporary aid to deal
with an unpredictable disaster. It is not a long-term financial
aid plan for GTF's.
Gay pride events educate
to increase understanding
Gay and lesbian Pride Week is underway at the Univer
Iv. Non-gays should take advantage of the opportunity to
urn more about the gay community.
The rights and roles of gay people are an important part
of social and political discourse — gay rights legislation is
widely discussed, and has been passed by 41 cities and the
state of Wisconsin.
Gay men and lesbians suffer from extraordinary
stereotyping — the limp-wristed man and leather-clad
woman — that represents only a tiny fraction of the gay
Gay people throughout history have disproved
stereotypes for those who have eyes to see — Alexander the
Great was hardly a wimp.
The contribution to society by Michaelangelo, Ten
nessee Williams, Adrienne Rich, Leonardo Da Vinci, lames
Dean. Gertrude Stein and countless other gay and lesbian
people is beyond question.
Lesbians and gay men. visible or not, are part of
everyone's life. Learn more about them this week.
Oregon Daily
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday
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.Mr. Frary,
You believe yourself to be
worthy of some sort of divine at
Tehtion I art mi; put that in
perspective. You an; a |person of
no special significance among
four billion others.
Vou are on a fitly planet,
circling a mediocre star which
is among billions of otJw*rs in
our'galaxy. which is diself one
auiong billions ofothi*r galax
ies. And yet you have the gall to
call, professor Rousieve vain.
It still amazes me how much
you. and other religious )>enple.
can ignore. Findings in
astronomy. archaeology,
psychology, etc. am apparently
lost on you.
Closed mind? The good pro
fessor has. at least, not swallow
ed a mass-produced theology
which you seem to have done.
Religion is junk food of the
^ Historical fact; The dinosaurs
ruled this planet for millions of
years. It is strange the; Bible
makes no mention of them. A
Tyrannosaurus Rex would be
kind of hard to miss, don’t you
Nevertheless. I believe your
money to lx; safe;, considering
you have an emotional stake; in
your beliefs it is quite likely
there is no evidence you would
accept as proof against your
view. This non-falslfiabllity is
found in many other. related
p s« u d o - p s y c: h o I o gin s.
astrology for example
Donald Moventon
Dearest latah and, friends.
This Is a very simple .message
for your very simple minds „
Regardless of your ignorance,
intolerance and hateful at
tiludos toward normal people,
we will continue to rip-down
your flyers. *
Because we art? overwhelm
ingly threatened by■your, .qtleer ’
existence, we white. heterosex-'
ual. able-bodied, rich-kids will
continue to express that our
reality is the only one that exists
here on campus and that anyone
that differs form the norm is
merely a perverted mutant':. Not
just any mutation, hut a muta
tion that kills with its spread of
the AIDS virus, a crime worse
than abortion.
i tried to pretend for five
minutes that you had a'righl.to
your unreasonable queerness,
but I couldn’t picture it. (iod
did not mean for you to la? with
another woman nor for a man to
tie with another man.
So release your phobias and
haired toward your fellow man.
come to grips with a realistic
reality, and pull yourself out of
the dyke (dike?) that you’ve
fallen into.
Dan Martin
Needs answer
In {he Iasi few months I have
mailed at least 250 letters and
cards to university editors
around the the United States
reminding them of Hritain's
wars (more than any other na
tion in Europe) and of its land
grabbing, again more than any
other nation in Europe.
Also, its double invasions of
America and burning of our na
tional capital in 1H14. I remind
them that THE RESULT OF
TO HUJiSIA I ask them what we
gist from Europe.that we need?
Anti I ask dairy oftheir learned
professors . ever . suggest that
• President- Keegan's, defense of
■ Zionist temiristnin Palestine is
'm.ikingus millions of Moslem
• enemies.v, ■ <•
' Why do we guard foreign
borders while bur-own an* .in
vadad by „ millions of sneak
aliens? Why am wo always
ready to bankrupt ourselves and
'Sacrifice bur sons in some
foreign war?
O.l. Krannamurt
•— Sat ramento. CA
Paying respect
*=Whon .1 first arrived at the
.1bdversity tw'o-and-a-half. years
ago; my host-family, met me and
housed me :iintll I was assigned
to a dor’mitury room. This kind
couple took, away any envision
ed doubts I had about living in a
foreign country All this while
wa shared our, experiences and
spent many precious moments
A fortnight ago. Richard Mc
Cord, my host fatlnir, suffered a
heart attack and passed away. I
was naturally saddened at los
ing such a dear friend, my first
in the United States
To the Foreign Students
Friendship Foundation. I thank
you for assigning a wonderful
host family to me. I hope this
lienefici.tl program will be ex
tended indefinitely to future
foreign students. And to
Pauline McCord and family. I
share this most difficult period
with you.
C.M. Cheng
Letters Policy
The Kmerald will attempt lo
print all letters containing fair
comment on topics of interest to
the University community.
letters to the editor must be
limited to 250 words, typed,
signed and the identification of
the writer must lie verified when
the letter is turned in The
Kmerald reserves the right to edit
any letter for length or style let
ters to the editor should be lum
en into the Kmerald office, Suite
mo. KMU