TYPING/EDITING C»tl Sara 8800739 Vita A M,n#fcard Accepted _ _ _ 4944 MUHE GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST u»mo IBM Solon rit: Ml Call Mina between 0 a m and 10 p m al 720 9024 4900 MW yrt OUAUTY TYPING "1 ' • {3 Lafoly'ti's QSpecialties • Grad’jaia Approved • Spacialltlng In dleaecletlons. theses, term papere. reaumet. tellers 344-7231 WORDS “R” us Brandy 4*4 4044 Shaw Naa 442 7094 Oualily lyping/word processing Papar*. resumes editing lap# liantcrlption* manuscripts irioMKodiafteriaiian* Q'sd School app vd IBM compands 4710 llri Typing Resumes Tiantctipiioni Word Pfoeasalna Dttk siorayn Sheds. J4S 4JJ0 sterlings ■ ■ BWOdln Word ProeaaaingrEdlling-Baaumaa 7 aal'AccmalarOrak storage Clos* to U of O-Psm 344 7A24 • " ’ BMBtm WOOD PROCESSINGS YPING . At lor datda • E > c Wlanl Rolliahn 344 0430 ' ' ' . . ' 4-29 PROEE SSiONAl WORD PROCESSING EdMing/Oiaa Storage Coftoan 344 7040 f Opm - Nan day gannoa . • • ■ 71 14 It', WORD PROCESSING Spall chad, in eluded JoAnn al jAC INK 747 7140 ’ * ■ / MHPS9 ■ OUALITV WORD PROCESSING SpaciadTing in. farm paper* Call Kan 342-0347 ; 4t« $1 TYPING 686 0812 •- : *■ • - ' M K C TYPING SERVICE WORD PROCESSING BY KAREN. El paga/M latum* 4411117 ” ; Q441NEM OUAUTY WORD PROCESSING. Specrah/mg in, lawn papert Call K#n 1424047. ~ • ' • ' • • ■ M> NEXT DAY SERVICE 1 arm-paper» re turrtat dr aterl at ton*: disk storage meat mailings RIGHT WRITE 343 2162 ' _•_\' • • :. so I KINKOS LASER Of SION RESUMES Poster rush orders opan 7 -days i _'•■||||- | '': -■ • . 0041 UW1 WordPro Word Ptot eKing IBM Macintosh tpeeiaiist 204 E . 10th 3412041 . " 7210 tin j Services CARE! RINOECISlON’ . Nataf chart tnunirel ckw.Wk • Hon*. opIMnun selling. strengths »ree*ne**ax, spaciatetuim'eii Based'on .. you. noi norm* 3430919 > MM5 2? ! WRITERS KNOW MORE WORDS FOR IT* Rrotesionsl juttltng lot person -or,. (MMK1S. 14 I1BH , M116 22 . ‘RESUMES Sleteal ihe an Xiuirit Cover. tellers Oy.a protesstoner write, and mtarvtewer M3-0S.lt .- ..* J MWM6 9 EDITOR Educational business ana national manuscripts Book drall* amI mass* ••H orne Ell/abelh C Lyon - MA *04919' MWM6 22 MOUSES IT TING, Mature teacher 344 3? 14 . .. SB Sound Systems JIM'S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W Sin 343 7683 Monday thru Friday 9am 6pm Saturday 9am I pm 3146 MEM Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40 V)-,. all list nr leal •Tailbooa»*CliU Notas»Maga/ines» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITM FAMILY BOOKSTORE ESS Eaal 13th 4973 tin Bicycles 23" MEN'S SCHWINN Con'inanlal pile ad lo Mil quickly 330 343B2S1 3 3 Cars a Cycles 1979 FORD FIESTA. $1060 OBO Oaya 484 3741 ava342 2473aaMor Erin V55 Interceptor 1964 Honda VFS00F 1350 mila* a» callanl running cond 343 4651 AaL tor Kant 37 1984 HONDA ELITE 150 /(X) milaa sail at $ 1000 Evenings 345 8865 5 5 SCOOTER: Near In EBBS Yamaha 50 Rl*a, 600 mi Red Call 343 2917, or 663 6219 $495rollac _ 5 7 7t FORD VAN. $2900 Sell mi trade S69Q992 V5-6 BICYCLE TUNEUP $12 SCOOTER TUNEOP $24, Try us and comparel Campus Cycle shop 146/189 6 6 78 SAAB 99L Runs tin# $1600 OBO 484 5879 57 It It true you can buy leapt lo< S44 through the u S government? Get ih# Itelt today I Call 1312 742 1142 E»l 8534 _ M MUST SELL 68 VW But Rebuilt angina good body, good brat runt graall $1200lotter 683-0213 5-5 Travel SPECIAL STUDENT RATES. Round trip lo Tokyo $640 Pricat dua lo nta maka cttarvation no* Call Fu|iko (2081 668 9740 5.5 Wanted SEEKINO HOME TO RENT Bach latlival Juna 19 July 7 Call collacl aarly AM (2131 488 9868 510 Submit Your Photos Aparlura tu.nmat thowing deadline May 30th Coma lo Cultural Forum lor more into Opportunities Scholarships Available Sophomorea and under. tree rntorma lion NSRS Bo» 888 Eugene OR 97440 ■ _ M DYNAMIC NEW PART TIME income op porlunity. Recorded mettage 344 8521 • ■ . " »8 LOSE WEIOHTI ' to 29 ibwmonih 'No chemical dfugt tOO*K. guaranteed 344 5813 5 8 Help Wanted QOVERNMENT JOBS $18 040-069 230Tyr Now luring Call 805 887-8000 Em R 9842 lor current federal net 5-13 ""■ .. .. 1—.i THE ASUO is currently accepting applications for the following positions: State Affairs Coordinator State Affairs Assistant Coordinator University Affairs Coordinator Events Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator Pu bl icily Coord in at o r Finance Coordinator Assistant Finance Coordinator Program Coordinator Executive Assistant Project SafeRide Coordinator Editor of THE RECORD Assistant Editor of THE RECORD/COURSE GUIDE Advertising Manager Editor of the COURSE GUIDE 3 Comptrollers Minority Force Coordinator Women’s Task Force Coordinator Applicants must be a student at the Universi ty of Oregon. All posi tions are paid, stipend or work-study available, Applications and job descriptions are° available in ASUO. Suite 4 EMU 7240 58 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is no* accepting application! lot post Hon* coveting Higher Education Student Activities Both ate associate editorship pos lions, requiting about 30 hours a week Jobs are non workstudy. pay is about $300rmo Applications and |ob descriptions »»e available in Room 100 EMU Applications ate due Mon May 5. at 5 pm The Emerald is an At tirmaltve Action Employar Women and minorities are encouraged to ap JH___1*1 WORK 8TU0Y STUDENT Research Assistant to research, write, edit and type while working on career plann ing protects Contact Greg Hem; 6M3872723258 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC (Ve help «»! find the RIGHT Roommate an o«7^>i l _BIDS tin VESTSldE LARGE ROOM. $80 dap 480 no Mornings $ evenings 343 7888 5 7 For Rent JO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples tnd single parents, possibility ot Im nedlate occupancy or place yoursell on valtlng list Westmoreland lurnlehed ipartmenl, 2 bedroom $144/mo. 1 jedroom $t 15/mo Amazon unfurnished ’ bedroom $120/mo Future openings npacted all areas Contact UO Hous ng Dept . 688 4277 4B421flt SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOOOSIDE MANOR 1S10 Harris Furnished quad! with shared Of privets haln Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry laclllttas available From 5100 Call lor mora dalalls Manager 344 2657 Bsnnslt Mannor-ment Co «143 Oak St 465-6991 ____ •__ 7062 tin 1750 AIDER Furnished 2 bedroom apla v» block to campus Laundry, covered parking In wall managed complai Resident manager 8870684 or 465-1707 IPM Co, till Pearl 6027 tin QUIET COUNTRY LIVING in the southwest hills Beautllul 1 and 2 tiedroom apta with view tennis pool, rec room, laundry Close lo city bus line Prospect Park Apts 1710 Nor thylew stvd 4646553 _ 7153 tin EUGENE MANOR: High rise ilvlng at its beat 484 7441 __ 7211 STUDENT COOPERATIVE ASSOCIA TION has single and double spaces open Rales will be prorated with 10 per cent discount Call Campbell Club al 683 3453 or. Janet Smith Co-op at 685-3777 7222 56 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER ANO FALL Large very clean, very quiet 2 Bedroom apartment .'Fully furnished with garbage disposal lots of parking, surtdeck. laundry facilities 6838919 ■' - ' ' • • •_■ y'_ 724169 Now Reserving lor SUMMER AND FALL Very clean very quiet big one bedroom apariment fully furnished 8-loot walk In closet Center island kitchen, cour •yard laundry facility lots of covered parking Corner- ol 18th and Alder 3434103 • • . 7242 6 9 MALE OR FEMALE Live in Chi Psi this summer lor only 5340 utilities paid Full tamy payable in advance Call C B 0« Angoe’ al 485 9682 _____ 5-5 QUIET. NEAR CAMPUS f riendly small complai 2 bedroom lownhouse June I Privet e patio carport laundry dishwasher Lovely, will go Iasi Sum met 5250 Also 1 bdrm coming up Myrtlewood Apis 1437 High St 5-5 Quads CAMPUS COURT OUAOS Jusl one block from the library Privets refrigerator v> bath all utilities paid, from 5169 Bob or Kelly, : .1544 Alder no 21 345 4490 5882 lIn CLEAN NEW CARPET Unities paid 5159: summer 599 1868 Harris. Manager nb,4,;i42-4B6t 7204 tin EHLyARO;STREET QUADS 2 Works trbm'' campus ' lurnished/privele sink neat quiet -5144rmo 51362 mo lease Low summer rates Cell Jay 3307 30 pm 4856120 1750 Hilyerd St no 24 6042 56 Lost & Found BLACK RIM PRESCRIPTION GLASSES. Bright orange case 4 30 86 around 20th 5 £ mar aid call Susan 344 5571 56 Food & Drink FI'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with Us! TODAY S MENU: • Ham I Chaaaa lill«d crolaaanl • Poppy Sood cioHuM with Ricolts Mart) ChMH • Broccoli S Fate Chaaaa craiiunt SliMpil form lha ovan 11 00 am m f r jo-eoo Saturday 8-1 881 E 13th 484 1662 Events ANTI-APARTHEID RALLY! Rescheduled tor Tuesday May 6 12:30 EMU Courtyard BE THERE TO PROTEST! _ r»i 5-e Whitewater Rafting Free Clinic May 7, 7 30 PM Outdoor Program EMU 686 4365 _ 7239 5 7 The EMU CRAFT CENTER presents free lecture: WOOD TURNING ° with Dan Kuitka Thuitday May t 7 PM Forum Room EMU Tha presentation includes slides ol Dan s own professional work as well as documentation of tire prestigious National Wood Turning Erhlbition Dan will discuss turning methods on the wood lathe and will have many e» amples on display The lecture is free of charge For into call 686-4361 ._ 7233 5 6 Entertainment M She ♦w f 4 Block* Wool ol ComfMJt Mt?4M rWI POPCORN TUtSOAV Two Enthumaistic Thumb* Up!! Ebft/S**hel At Thg Muvtfs ACADEMY AWARD — WINNER BEST ACTRESS URAUHM P¥,f Musi Ena Soon*' FrISal MS 4 9 40 Sun Thor* 9:45 6 9 00 Sol Sun Bargain Matin** 4 pm Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Comer U of O telephone hotline. 24.hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call 60S 4448 I44:ttn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright 6878651 3162 M WANTED Quality woman % and man s clothing Maka axtra rnonay FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS 720Vy E. 13th - Foe appointment call 343 1312 0 116 Mon Sal 3744 M Learn to Sky Dive Weekly Instruction at discount Prices Call 484 9868 HFMttn EVETTE. Good luck in Miss Gr**k Tomylltl ALPHA DELTA PI s 5-5 VIDA BARN-Available lor parlies, etc Details 4853222 during business hours 7154-tin DID YOU KNOW? Even thouoh you are enrolled spring term you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARO if you re planning lo attend the SUMMER SESSION There is still lime lo do It so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Office or call 686 3475 7228 6 9 FRIENDSHIPS, COMPANIONS. SASE. Sweet Memories. Box 1537. Newport OR 97365 6 9 "STUDENTS: DONATE BLOOD I PLASMA, make money while you study Call Eugene Plasma 464 2241 for details 6250 H Ml In DELTA ZETA TORY Good luck in the Miss Greek Pageant tonight YOUR SISTERS 5 5 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION Don I lor get to tile your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Admissions Office 722869 MISS GREEK Contestants good luck lo you all We ve enjoyed the last week* and are very proud ol you all' FRANCIS 4 GIOR OANO. 5-5 NEW ARTINEW MUSIC/NEW YORK. Spend nine exciting days in New York City exploring contemporary art and music June 14 24 Summer Session program offered by Portland State University S695 includes airfare, hc’ef. PSU ciedit Contact PSU Summer Sss Sion (503) 229 4061 7230 5 5 MISS GREEK University of Oregon Pageant TONIGHT 7:30 Hilton - Free Parking ' • ' ■ ' . ' „ ' ' ’ 5-5 If you are a PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR, interested in helping others, working in. a friendly environment and would like to receive 3 upper division psychology credits apply to become a PEER ADVISOR WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS loi summer and /or tall term adivsors Applications are available in 141 Stiaub and will be accepted no later than May 9th al 3 30- . 72J4 S5 PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIPS! Career Planning and Placemen! Service is looking lor two dedicated students to help promote its'* programs and’ser vices You must be 'a |umoi or senior and possess .excellent crfting. com muniction and planning skills, and you must be willing to work hard for al leas! •all arid winter terms. *1986 87* Submit resume covet teller and two writing sample to Gina Huston. 244 Hendricks Hall Deadline May_19 7257 5-5 MARCIA Wednesday.is hump night al the Mill Camp Wednesday May 7th is littlke- King's Night Come visit the King LOVE. JOHN 6040 5 7 Wants to Know Who and What You’d like to see and hear Next Year! Drop by EMU info Booth Wadnatday Friday for furttWH details ATTENTION Graduating Seniors M.A and Phd CANDIDATES Cap and Gown representatives will be •n the store to take your commence ment regalia orders Tuesday, May 6th Wednesday. May 7th 8-5:30 pm Personalised Graduation Announcements are now available, please order at the Information Counter on the mein Moor. Orders lor regalia and graduation an nouncements should be pieced as soon as possible 13th & Kincaid M-F 7 30-5:30 686 4331 SAT 10 00400 GREEK WEEK FRISBEES On sale from any Gamma Pfil for $3 un til Greek Week 7258:5-9 'YOU'RE A DINGBAT. Fleatrus the beat coffee around is at THE BEANERY, just a block from campus on 14th street _ 725955 GOOD LUCK TO all the Miss Greek con testants tonight Especially Evettef THE ADPi's. 726055 Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Evening Eucharist 5 30 Service. Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid Street Supper and discus sion group following. Everyone welcome__. Gel nd of it with a few deeply relaxing 20-minute sessions in our state-ot (Heart Wolff System sunbeds firing m this ad today (May 5th or 6th) and receive $10.00 OFF the regular tO-session price: , SomShower 4*52323 , « *74 E. 13th " . Air Conditlonad Conveniantly Local ad Up th* stairs nait to Kinko's RICHIE K.: Happy 20th Birthday En loy‘ LOVE YOUR -LITTLE SIS' 55 IFC RUSH COUNCIL is now taking applica tions for Fall Rush Counselors. Applica tions are due Wed. May 14, 5 pm in Suite 5 EMU. ■ _ 7262 57 Alpha Phi Lisa Nunley We're behind you alt the way, Win Miss Greek Tonight Sigam Chi 5-5 RON: Happy Birthday old man I hope you can stilt keep up with this youngtn (just kidding) I know you can LOVE YA, EEEP5-5 BRAD: Congrats on becoming Walton's new R H G C Rep for next year Good Luck! R W _5-6 WE MET 2 YEARS AGO yesterday and although we are no longer together I still love you 5-5 Spiff & Spruce It s your good buddy Goose1 I (ust want, to say. nave a great day I love ya both I’m glad you came my way_ 5-5 PRYSE: Happy birthday a week late but we were busy GDIs. 5-5 KKG Tina Good Luck in Miss Greek tonight _- ’ 5-5 Goddess Alyson Simmons If this were Nevada. I would buy you a mixed drink at the nearest Ceasar s Happy Birthday from “THE OTHER”*. 5-5 Bogey Beanhead Loves You and Wishes You Happy Birthday 5-5 Desperate Alyson Simmons (a.k.a. Fawn Eyes) Fd be desperate too Happy Birthday anyway The Tower ot Babble P S Better late then early BLOOM COUNTY QUKHe„ SHOOC-tm TKU9T W-TM MtMCAL atm a Mm mmemeNta... mm, m maspAsnm* atm tmy, MY MOStON **> STTTCHBi MU N68V XKMM* 1MC£ a WB6K...MV mruKmy my F€KSOMM. MXtLY HMCTWN6 by Berke Breathed uhy sMt.iCAneve* OFCOUK& mSH XXX SOCKS You can / Mwur 7055m