University Forensics team takes regional title again By Lynda Singletary Of the Emerald For the third consecutive year, the University Forensics team captured the Northwest Regional Championship title. The competition was held mid-March at the University oi Puget Sound in Tacoma. Wash., against eight other Pacific Northwest schools. Debaters Rick Peacor and David Long received Outstanding Senior Awards at the meet. After earning first and second places at the Northwest Cross-Examination Debate Association Championships, held March 16 at Pacific Lutheran University, debaters Mike Sistrom. Alec Boyd. Rick Peacor and David Long advanced to the national tournament. Overall the two debate teams placed seventh at the national tournament held in Wichita. Kansas, April 5-9. .Sistrom and Boyd placed fourth among the 238 participating schools. Peacor and Long placed eighth at the competition. In ad dition. Peacor received the third-place individual speaking award and Long was awarded 12th place. “Last year, we did better as a team, but we weren’t among the top speakers,” said Peacor, program president. The spring debate topic resolved that membership in the United Nations is no longer beneficial to the United States “I’m not satisfied with the outcome because the U.N. is still good for some things.” said Sistrom. program director. The cross-examination debating style used in the competition evolved at the University in 1975 and has since spread across the nation. Each member of the two-person team delivers an eight minute constructive speech and a four minute rebuttal. The Individual Events Championship, held at Western Oregon State College in Monmouth April 11-15. qualified nine team members for the National In dividual Event Tournament at the University of Texas in Arlington. Budget constraints allowed only the four members qualifying in two events to compete, '“it's too bad because those five people had to sit at home,” Sistrom said. Overall the team placed 12th among speakers representing I4ti schools com peting at the meet. Rich Cray received second place for his speech following dinner. Gray and Kevin Warr were quarter-finalists in the Dual-Dramatic In terpretation category. Warr was also a quarter-finalist in Prose Interpretation. Mike Lee qualified for the Prose Inter pretation semi-final round and placed ninth. Karlier In the season. Loo received the law? Mohr Award for Outstanding Speuker. Sistmm was an impromptu quarter-finalist. Lisa Bergquist, a junior rhetoric and communication major, competed this weekend in the Intra-State Oratory Championship, a national tournament in Denver. Colo. Bergquist delivered her persuasive speech on the sanctuary movement. The team will hold its banquet Wednesday at the Black Angus Restaurant. 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