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IMt alter • One coupon par errter ' COUPON •m»— * ■I I I I I I I I I I I .1 i" German AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA -/: Reliable service >or your Q/|0 OQ1 O ’ 2025 franklin Blvd foreign car since 1963 4*»>7 l.fc -Eugene"Ore.97403 24” X 36” COPIES Page 6A Photojoumalist shoots Eugene for book about life in America By Michael Rivers Of lb* Knwrald A scene from the University could end up as one of 350 photographs portraying “A Day in the Life of America” if deemed representative of American life by the organizers of the largest photographic project ever attempted in this country. Gianni Giansanti, one of more than two hun dred photojournalists from 30 countries who are participating in the project, arrived in Eugene Tuesday morning to scout the area before the designated 24-hour shooting period which began midnight Thursday. Although he has been assigned to do photo essays involving the Weyerhaeuser Company and the American Gym nastics Training Center, Giansanti has complete freedom in regard to what he wants to shoot. “I’m free to follow my own creative in terests,” he said through an interpreter at a news conference Thursday. Aside from his photo essays, he is here to find “whatever interests me, whatever strikes my fancy," he said. Giansanti is participating in a project organized by photojournalist Kick Smolun and editor David Cohen, editors of four international ly best-sailing books about Australia. Hawaii. (Canada and |apan. Their most recent venture will culminate in a 288-page. 10 X 14-inch book with 350 color and black-and-white photographs that portray the broad spectrum of American life. ' Sponsors of the project include Eastman Kodak, who is supplying.all of the professional film and film processing for the event, and United Airlines’ who is responsible for transporting the photographers to the 50 states, ’ ■ . ” ° Beginning at 7 a.m. today. Giansanti will at tempt to follow and document the path that a log follows.-from the time il’ji cut in.the woods and transported for processing in a miH. to the finish • ed.product ip the form, of lumber ’ .; i—;-:——• - Ed Baker, a Weyerhaeuser road construction foreman, will act as guide for the trip. Due to his set time schedule, Giansanti will begin by photographing logs as they are unloaded from a train at the mill, before being taken to a logging site near Marcola to shoot trees as they are boing cut down, Baker said. From there they will follow the log as it is "yarded to a landing." loaded on a truck, transferred to a train in the reload area, taken to the mill and dumped in the pond. Baker said. A new guide will take over from there to lead Gian santi through the inside of the mill, he said. After capturing the Weyerhaeuser logging process on film. Giansanti will go to the American Gymnastics Training Center at HHH Gar field St. Giansanti is interested in the center because so many "Olympic kids" have come from there, he said. While at the academy, he said he hopes to find and capture on film the "beginnings of champions," Even though Giansanti will shoot rolls and rolls of film, he said it does not bother him that only a couple of photos may be selected for publication. Even if none of the photos make it in to to the book, "I will let tremendously happv to have participated in this project." he said Giansanti is normally employed by the French news agency, Sygma, and he works out of Koine. Before coming to the United States to par ticipate in the project. Giansanti had traveled from El Salvador and Cuatamala to Libya, arriv ing there shortly after the U.S. Isimbing One of his interpreters. Carolina Murillo, said that Giansanti also covers the travels of the pope when he leaves Rnme> Oregon is host to two other participating photographers as well one in Port land and one in the Three Sisters area. While visiting Eugene. Giansanti is staying at the home of Evelyn tevine 1 Adolescent Invasion Busloads of high school students came to the University Thursday to participate in Foreign Languages and International Studies Day. Some highlights included tier man folk dancing lessons and an aerobics class taught in Spanish. Photo by lameci Marks Et al. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS “Leh-I.adakh — India’s Little Tibet” is the topic: of a talk, movie and slide show Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Eugene Public Library. )igme Topgyal, who traveled out of Tibet into India with the Dalai lama. will talk on the Tibetan culture. MISCELLANEOUS The Foreign Student Organization invites everyone to come to a "La France” visit hosted by Marie-Ange today at 4:30 p.m. in the Interna tional Lounge. EMU. Phi Fta Sigma currant and new members are holding a campus beautification project Sunday at 1 p.m. in front of Room 150 Geology. Bring hammers and screwdrivers if possible. Postponed in case of rain. German students and their friends are invited to go on a hike Saturday through Silver Creek Falls State Park. A sign-up sheet with picture, map and detailed description is on the German Club bulletin hoard across from Room 202 Friend ly Mall. Call Helmut Plant at 080-4059 for more information. Friday. May 2. 1980