Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 7B, Image 19

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Continued from Page 6B
Audiophile Audition al II am San
I ram. iseo Symphony al mam New York
Chamber Music Festival at 3 p in The
Reword Shell al b p.m Cleveland Or
vhcvira al 7 p.m Monday Cirwal IJeu
cion* al b HI p m Music in Oregon
Eugene Symphony. Adrian Onam con
ducting al K p.m. Tandiy Ol Special In
icrevl al b Ml p.m New York Philhar
immiw 4l * p m Vkednesdav Special In
terevi Arts al 6111 p m Chicago Syni
phimy at X p m I hur-alav Ol Special
Interest al b HI p.m CD Showcase al
b 4.' p m law Angeles Philharmonic al
M p m
KI.CC EM IW 7 Weekday* Morning
Edition inewx) from 5 f a m The
Wireless <j*//i al 9a.m ami 12 .H) p.m
lilac Plate Spec ial al mam One hour of
All Thing' Considered al 4 p in Local
Sews at 5 p nr Mimuoradio al V HI
p.nt The complete All Things Con
ideted al b p in Mondays: Friends and
Neighbors al 7 Hi p.m Women s Music
al M Hi p m New. Dreamers ai IT P f»»
liter da vs: la// Inside Oul al 7 U) p m
Night la// ai 10 pm Wednesdays:
Emus im Ja// ai 7 30 p m Dr Kebop
ami The Masters ol la// ai H VI pin.
Night la// al 10 HI p m Thursdays:
Two 'Wa» Radio al fj Hi p m New
Acoustu Musk al 7 Hip in la// Album
■Preview al 10 p m Nighi la// ai III 4*
pm. Tridays:. Straight Street at 7.HI
* p m, |)tac k Is at H p m Air Jamaica at 11
pm Saturdays: N'ew Dimension*-at *»
am..Saturday Cate: pt'.IO.'a nt Infinite
Ig//al noon Blues Power aC Vp ni A
' PraiiK- Home Companion.alti p m The
Thistle and Sbamriick at K p m Musk
from the Heart* of Space at H p m Putc
lift m Hip m Sundays: Mist Covered
Mountain al H a m Sundav Morning at
II a m Big Baml Bash al m*m In ihc
I radii urn al I pm Sunday.-Afternoon
„ la// at 3 pm A Prairie-Home 1'omp.i
mon al b p m .Ahora Si ll.alm iihisk i al
X p m I nloque Nacnmal at 10:30 p m
■ Amahcr (ireen World .at '|J p m
KKVVCPM 9i « Wwkdnu: Mnt'nmp
ljn Ironi h-W'»V‘& m "Kudin Wh inmi *i
. i m I (• m | Vcnmjr.Ja// irotn 4 Op hi
■ Hi>- MtM* Ptiiv '.irom 6 III p.m Kudin
‘ Chivm-t'iiiTd lime ij»l i<> i he jin.-i jt 10
p in • Ri'di o K 0 s It n t«
10 Wlp m iimlni^-hl SjIumIjii: IWh
Hnltthn Shovi Iiihii M 0 j m HltK'prjw
Houf o 10 j in tVlinitvl) l)ivie from
MUM .j m Radio' v irom II
•Mil mum Ilk- Brill<4i Ini avion Irom
m*in p hi t niin Back Irom .2 4 p m
, Album' Preview ln*m . 4 <» p m Kudin
• -HOo'.inhii h pm muliii|.-lit Stiitdtnv
Him Suhdas Iiomi H. I I jiii Cruisin'
from II j iii -2. p in Modern M«uto
llolll 2.4 p m K.nhn HOo Iron! 4
' p ni. midnijifti
I llil.n A 2
Women jml Creativit) linni-rwl)
. _ Editor‘a Sou- Pie Friday
lull non is the Fmeruld's
wtrkfitr entertainment supple
mem published each Friday
, ■ ^except during finals n eel and
fcditor ,Shciln Landry
Copy Editor.' . Mike Sims
Production Anjicl.i Mum/
Photo Tech Row Marlin
Looking for
Qr What's better than a
shot in the dark?
A: A Resume from ODE
Graphic Services!
Women'* Symposium Women's
Literature Duy; "Women Writers
I'unel EMU Forum Room 4 p.m
Key Hole address, readings of poems ami
essays by poet June Jordan 167 EMU 8
Travel Seminal with Rick Steves,
author of "Europe Through the Busk
Door" I It) Fenton Hall 7 10 pm Free,
but call 142-1133 or 461 0506 for
The Hull Center Performing Arts
Commission Marketing Committee
public meeting. Hull Center Conference
Room 8 10 a m.
Saturday, 5-3
"Women and Creativity" University
Women's Symposium. Women and the
Arts Day; "Women in An: Past and Prc
sent" 177 Lawrence, .11-11:50 a m
"Women in.Art Panel" 1.77 Lawrence
Noon I 15 p.m.' "Art Therapy:.
Creativity" |77 Lawrence 1-30.’ pint
Music with The Righteous Mothers
EMU Courtyard -2 4 p.m ‘Women in'
the Recording Business" ( MU' Forum
Room 4 pin "Women's Drama
Panel" , EMU • Forum Room 5 pm
'/Women's Dance fmprov ami Theatre"
> MU Foruni Risiin K p.m/
folk toys Workshop 5 with Boh
Holden EMU frail' -Center ' Ml
am 12-30 pm . • 510 members; $12
non members
Plant Dyeing Workshop with Barbara
l.tfscbui/ EMU Cralt Center 111 Ml
am 12 Rip m 514 members. M* turn
members ■
filass Etching Workshop with John
Rose EMU ' Craft Center 10:30
a m t <0 p in $7
Wins! l.allte „ Workshop with Billy
Sullivan EMU Crall Center 1:30-4
p m 510 members. 512 non members
Saturday Market 8th Ave and Ouk
St 10 ant. -4 pm Food, crafts,, and
The Imagination Celebration and Very
Special Arts Festival' In and around the
Hull Center .Call 485 22.78 lor complete
listing ot activiiies • ■:‘: ••
Sundae. 5-4
Women ami Creativity' University'
Women's Symposium Women's "Alter
natives Day "Women at Big Minint'am".
I pm Women inNiearagua Alter the
Revolution" 2 p m- 'WotiienVDivcrse
Spirituality Panel 4 p.m Closing
Take A Gelato Break!
Sorry, no cones.
Offer good till May 3, 1986
484-1662 M-F 7:30-6, Sal 8-3 • Eugene
881 East 13th next to U0 Bookstore
ceremony, with music by Sweetgrass
mu) poetry 6 p.m. All event* in LMU
Forum Ream.
Monday. 5*5
Casting Found Objects Workshop with
(i.try Dawson EMU Cf.it I Center.
6 W-V p m. $9 members. SI2 non
Sea Kayaking Clinic and slide show
with Keith Nelson. Outdoor Program.
7:.H) p m Free.
tame l.iterary Guild Meeting and
Writing Workshop Literary Lion
Bookstore 7 CO p.m. All are welcorire.
bung your work. ,' ■
I uesday. 5-6
Stars anti Points Workshop with ,Sheila
Steers . EMU Trait Center ft. X) 9 p.nt.
W- inember*. $12. non-memben».
W ediwsday v 5-7
Brown Bag Forum: AIDS EMU
Forum Room. ..’:W V VI p m. Free .. .
Introduction to Rafting. Ouulotrr Pro •:
grain' 7...V) p.m. Free."
Thursday, 5*9
Ptdal Pusher*, bike louring lor all:
levels Otildoor Pr<*gram,-4 pm ’ . '
Walt). Medicines' Plant-. Walk„ with
the Knickerbocker Footbridge over the
Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Call
686- 3024 for furtlier info.
. "The Field of Noble Employment
Llcals for Young Indies in America
1840-1880" talk by Francic Copan.
l.anc County Historical Museum. 7:30
p m SI suggested donation. Call
687- 4230 for further info.
Gallery 141; Works in various media .
by Laurie Ibird. Anne Korn. Lauren
Sauvage. and .'Denise Seit/ Breuser
Through,May 2. "Images in the City "
works by Univeristy School of Arehitec
lure faculty members. May VO.
Aperture: Photographs by t.irula Jones
amt Cynthia Kapah Through May
t iniyersity Museum, of Ail Works by
ss'ulptor Paid Buckner ami painter Ron
Grail. Through May 4
Photography at Qregon Gallery Large
loFmul photography by David Fisher
Through May 18 , . , -
• 'Keystone Calc: ."Transitory Figures".'
i pastels by Stephen Boswelf Through
May 12 • \~ ,\-'
Iaine -County Historical ' Museum
•‘Perfect in Her Place: Women at Work
in Industrial America" a Smithsonian
traveling exhibit Through May 15.
Lane Community College: Sculpture
hy Jeff Adams: jewelry by Carol Ahern;
ceramics by Caryn Daschhach Through
May 15.
New Zone Gallery: "Travelogue: In
ner Journeys to Outer Plates" mixed
media works on paper by Carol Gales.
Janet O'Doherty, and Terri Warpinski.
Through May 22.
Maude Kerns Art Center: Photographs
by past and present directors of
Portland's Blue Sky Gallery. Through
June 6. Reception Friday from'7-9 p.m.
Willamette Science and Technology
Center: Various hands-on exhibits: plus,
planctarmiii shows on Saturday and Sun
day: "Spring Skies" at I p.m. and “Fire
in the Sky" a multi media show on
Halley's eomet. at 5 p.m
University Museum of Natural
■History': ' ' Nafi ve Northw est
• Photographs" by Dave Curtis Through
June 14 Thomas Condon. Father of
Oregon Geology" Through June.
Compiled by Bob Webb
686-INFO Tape 651
INCLUDES: Unlimited Aerobics,
Eqiupment use, And 2 FREE Tanning
Sessions, May 1 * June 15,*86
TAnmnG coupon
May 1 - June 15,1986
6am • 11pm
7 days a weak
485- 1475 Franklin Btvd
1624 Across From campus
WORTH 25*?
The ODE Birthday Beat thinks so.
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