Childrens’ art is Celebration highlight of art began to pile up in Leigh Files* living room last week: The works of Eugene-area school children, gathered to appear in thu fifth annual Imagination Celebration and Very Speciul Arts Festival. Files is coordinator for the Very Special Arts Festival, a component of the celebration that pro motes and showcases the artwork of disabled children. Mosaics, drawings, paintings and prints,, will appear at the event, which will be held Satur-. day from II a m toT> p in. at the Mult Center for the Performing Arts. , • •••• The Very Special an outreach phi gram of the John F. Keiinedy Center for the Perfor ming Arts of Washington: D.C. The celebration. . , will, showcase the Quality and variety of student: . •• arts activities in.bane County. '* "This is a whole day at the Hult Cepter just . for- kids,/, says Jill. Weiss, of the Lena Regional , ' ■<' Arts Council, which is .sponsoring the event. . , - ' : About -5.(KM) students, teachers and parents .. attended last year's celebration, which included a * parade and.all-day entertainment. Weiss says. . This year's event will begin .with an. • - . . "Umbrella-antics'" parade that will wind through the Downtown Mail before arriving at the Hull Center. Entertainment will continue throughout the day with .a variety of performances by students and local musicians, storytellers, singers, dancers, tumblers and jugglers. . There-will also be an expanded, visual art display in the Hull (Center's (acobs Room and main tabby. and hands-on arts activities at the °. "Imaginarium" on the outside courtyard. ' ' As a special gift, the Kennedy Center is sen: ding the Magic Carpet Band to perform at the event. The hand, which can be seen on the Nickelodeon cable-television network, is com posed of a group of actors, mimes and musicians that perform acts written entirely by children. The main focus of the event, however, is the art exhibit. Weiss says, noting that it is hard to find a special place to display student art. Students from first grade through high cchool will have their work on display. Most of the children participating in the program are from the Kugene School District. Weiss says. But con tributions from Springfield and Pleasant Hill schools have grown during the past few: years. • she add». ' “V / '• Piles says she believes the event has special significance for the handicapped individuals Who participate. ? •..... . -:-.vA ”1.think the .program is a very important \ vehicle for- expression, teaching and learning skills.’’ she says. /‘Sometimes a handicapped kid's greatest .asset is how he or. she can draw .or play the piano by ear.” ■ ’ By showing his or her ari to the public, a han dicapped person can. develop self-esteem, which w.ill help him or her in other areas. Files adds. Interpreters „ for the deaf and wheelchair assistants will be available at the event to give the disabled an opportunity to participate in all of the planned activities. • ‘ The entire celebration is open and free to the public. For more information, contact Weiss at 485-2278 or Files at 344-4178. :• ■ : By Julie Freeman Percussion shows slated Percussion is the word lo remember when considering on-campus live entertainment Saturday. Jazz-fusion drummer Billy Cobham will give a solo drumset performance from 2 lo 5 p m. in Beall f '-oncert Hell. Admission is free. Cobham. known lo many as the greatest Jazz-rock-fusion drummer alive today, will perform material from his latest GRP Records album. ‘'Warning.*’ His past performances have included work with The Mahavishnu Or chestra. John McLaughlin and Jan Hammer (of "Miami Vice'‘-theme feme). Cobham has played drums on recordings with such notables as Miles Devis. George Benson. Ron Carter. Horace Silver and Hubert Laws Cobham's other albums include "Inner Mounting Frame." "Birds Of Fire," Between Nothingness And Eternity." "Spectrum" and "Class Menagerie." At his Beall Hall appearance Saturday. Cobham will introduce Eugene to New York City drummer Dom Famularo. Famularu will open the drum show with a performance tec ture, followed by Cobham’s performance. Saturday night. Beall Hall will see a switch from drums to marimba, as Leigh Howard Stevens will appear in a virtuoso solo recital of classical marimba. Stevens is cur rently regarded as the world's foremost classic marimbist. His performance begins at 8.00. and admission is free. Stevens, a native of New York City, has performed worldwide and has received fre quent standing ovations and outstanding critical acclaim. Stevens is credited with the development of the modern independent four-mallet classical marimba technique, and is the author of an authoritative text. “Method of Movement for Marimba." Stevens and Cobham appear as part of the Northwest Percussion Festival and eighth an nual Oregon Day of Percussion. The event is produced by Charles Dowd, professor of per cussion at the University School of Music. For more information, call 686-3761. „■ ,‘-4 : . ; ‘ v • • 1 . • Photo by |ame« Marks /je/g/i Files is assembling artworks created by Eugene-area han dicapped children'for Saturday’s Imagination Celebration and Very Special Arts Festival.' SUNSHINE DINING for a perfect afternoon , try our new outdoor patio BOOK and TEA Open 8'30 - 6 00 dairy • 10:00 -6 00 Sunday , on the southeast cornet ot campus 1646 E. 19th • 344-3422 Picture Yourself Making s1481 This Summer per mo. avg. Great Experience For Resume Call for possible interview — 687-0104 THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY c 0 p 1 E S 3* All Pay Every Day Mon. ■ Fri. 8:30 - 5:00 519 E. 13th 485-1940 EUGENEX HILTON \\n ( in ( ONI EKI NC I (.'ENTER The Performance Center next to the Performance Center. 342-2000