Jpo. I I L Coupon Agate Video Presents... Monday - Thursday Special 2 Movies $iT95 & VCR O 1495 E. 19th □ 344 2691 Coupon Expires 6/13/M Tune-ups • Brakes * Fuel Injection ^ «+I7 Fr«i»kH«i BM. Ewgew*. Or. +74*1 48SSZU jzmu d^'i Food Service Marcos Gelato ice cream ice cream ice cream veezeway "afe M - F 7:30am - 5pm freshly baked pastries and specialty coffees, too. SHADES-R-US AT DIANA’S Prices start at only $2.99! Check out our new spring selection of sunglasses i r I See our new stock of TIES, too! Records Tapes T-Shirts 772 E. 13th St. (Smith Family Building) Enter the KRXX "Hit-List” contest details on AM 1450 KRXX (clockwise from top} A student looks for cmatures hidden between the rocks: ~ students wait for counselor Jeff Partridge to hand out name fags: students search tide pools for starfish: Hot) Aigner carries a student to the next resource area. Story arid photos by Maria Corvallis SALE KHS Mountain Bikes ^ 15 Speed ✓ Alloy Wheels 2705 Willamette 345-5979 Nature becomes classroom for students ■ .. ■ . °. .. ^ . •. . _ Surf and sand on Oregon’s coast create a new kind of playground IjisI Monday morning. HO fifth-grade students rolled into Camp West wind on tin: Oregon coast in bright yellow school buses for a week ot Outdoor School. Ten college students. equipped with orfor 'nation on counseling. teaching and bed wetting, sang to welcome the campersto Iheir new residence Name tags made of wood cookies tied to strings were passed out to nameless faces, while counselors introduced themselves by ficticious names. During the next five days, Glnsu. Dude Man. A boo and Bird were the students' rede models, instructors and enter tainers. Seven students shared a «abin with each counselor. Resource study was the main activity of each day. The students alternated bet ween four different nature studies of the beaoh. highlands, dunes and estuaries in order to learn the relationship between humans and the environment In the evenings, campfires began with competitive cabin cells, followed by skits and songs. Toward the end of the night applause was forbidden and palm raising, was accepted to show apprecia tion.- inspired by .1 Native Amrrtcan campfire custom • Recreation was spent doing almost anything a fifth grader could i/nag inn. A popular' gaine was '.'catch the Counselor ";wInch inWlved swarms of students runniugatter a single 1 ouuselor .with only the ocean and the sand for boundaries. • ° And 'nothing, could keep'the young campers from ( limbing the rocky moun tainside and running aimlessly down the dunes. .At nightfall. counselors led the students tn the end of the seashore to watch the seals swim into the harbor as the sun.set. When Friday arrived, addresses were exchanged and students filled their nametags with counselors signatures The game of guessing the counselors' real names cams to an end. Hags were packed, and students boarded the buses with tears in their eyes and promises of always keeping in touch. DON’T FORGET THURSDAYS Calzone Only *2.95 Dining Room •pedal only. Save $2.00 Thursday* In April "SSiftfl “Chicago Style’' pizza Calzone and Paata •52 E. Broadway • 345-4114 Czrry out or Delivery Cash For Textbooks , - Mon. • Fri. Smith Family , . *) Bookstore 768 t. 13th 1 Slock V rom npus 345-1651 Sunny university Sunny Service Foreign & Domestic Cars wroTl speci W Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen Major & Minor Repairs ASE Certified Technicians £B 1905 Agate St. • 344 0869 Just a few blocks from campus Specialty Drink of tha Month Cafe au Lait 75< with coupon good thru 5/31 /86 860 E. 13th 344 7894 SUNSHINE DINING for a perfect afternoon try our, new outdoor patio j ; BOOK and TEA • Open 8-30 6 qO’daity • l