National/Regional Paulus not surprised by Goldschmidt’s gain in polls EUGENE (AP) — Republican guber natorial candidate Norma Paulus says she's not surprised by the big gain made by Democratic opponent Neil Goldschmidt in n recent statewide poll. The survey essentially placed the two candidates in a dead heat. "I said a year ago It would be up and down." Paulus said Tuesday after a cam paign appearance before a Eugene civic club. Earlier, during an interview with editors at The Register-Guard newspaper. Paulus said the poll shows only that Goldschmidt has picked up support from previously uncommitted Democrats. "I didn't lose any (support." she said. The survey of Oregon voters, publish ed by The Oregonian newspaper in Portland on Sunday, showed Goldschmidt leading Pa ill us by 45 per cent to 44 percent with 11 percent of those questioned undecided. The results were an improvement for Goldschmidt over those recorded in March, when the newspaper’s poll put Paulus ahead by 40 percent to 40 percent. Goldschmidt has since then boosted the visibility of his campaign, engaged in a well-publicized debate with his Groups make plans to prevent expected prostitution upswing PORTLAND (APJ - Portland neighborhood groups have started to make plans fur fighting |h« upswing in prostitution that traditionally takes place when the weather improves in spring and summer Working under the '“Save Our Neighbor hoods Prom Street Crime” banner, a broad based cHitsana* committee plan* to exert pressure on prostitute*, their customers and «,» ty officials Unlike pas I years, when neighburlwKid protests were sporadic, committee members say this year they plan to organise, start early and not slack off, "This is a logical progression ' said t om m it tee member Ron Herndon, who also is co chairman uf the Black United Front For the past several years people have pleaded with city government to do something about prostitution. ”And over the years folks have seen very little has corns of that.” Herndon said. ''Peo ple have tried to make use of the city officials. but they have found that if there is going to be any change, it wilt ultimately have to come from the people themselves.'* He said the IHVmember committee plann ed a rally today night in northeast Portland to gather community support for fighting prostitution. 'Were sick of seeing our neighborhoods disintegate before our eyes." said committee member Toni Williams. "Every year when the weather gets better and the prostitutes start to work the streets, some well-meaning group springs up and has a rally or march against prostitution. "Then, when the rally or march is over, the effort dies down.** she said. "Not this time. It s going to be different this year because we're going to zero in our attention on prostitution. '* Williams said the three-month-oid com mittee wants the city to allocate additional police resources to sections of the city in which prostitutes work Volcano spouts steam, rumbles ; VANCOUVER. Wash (API — Earthquake activity ;under ' Mount St. Helens was reported; at slightly elevated levels . Wednesday and the volcano again spouted a steam plume, a US. Geological Survey spokesman said. "The number of earthquakes under the volcano Increased slightly over the weekend, pro-/ . , mpting the University of Washington to increase the ear* . »hquake category from ‘background’ to 'slightly elevated.' " said Steve Brantley oi the t JSCS. Another "degassing event." one of many over the past five days, was reported shortly after !» a.m. Wednesday, hut there were no eyewitness reports, and so it was not known whether the emission ot steam was mixed with ash. Brantley said. Geologists to o k measurements on the north flank of the lavu dome in the crater of the southwestern Washington volcano on Tues day and found no change in the rate of swelling. Brantley said the recent events do not signal an immi nent eruption. Even though geologists cannot measure other parts of the dome due to lack of space around it in the crater, they are confident it is not swelling on a large scale because there has not been an increase in rockfalls off the crater's wulls or formation of new ground cracks on the dome. Gypsy moth spraying now underway in county PLEASANT HILL (AP) —'.Aerial insecticide spraying to kill gypsy moth.caterpillars finally!g«>t underway in lane County -.Wednesday. ' •’■*.** : : Lorna Youngs, spokeswoman fpr the trtultl/agency spray ^project. said-one helicopter began spraying a biulwgical insec ticide in-Lane, (bounty, about 5:55 a.m. ancl was still.spraying three hours later.. ■ ? u '. .. The spraying-had been scheduled, to start Monday, but was delayed because-'of' unfavorable- weather coddi lions. Wednesday's-spraying was-South ul l’leasanl l lill and west oj I tester. , " i . A second helicopter.resumed '.spraying ndar CU.ide in Douglas County. where spraying began last week, Spraying V there'was halted about two hours after it began Wednesday las ause of a developing air inversion that prevented, the . spray from reaching the ground. Youngs said. A total of I<15.non acres have been targeted for spraying in l.ane County. (i 9^t0' i \ $1 off any pizza! name phone (Expire* June *. (Ml) a 687-8600 | a 1432 Orchard • Eugene 5 | One coupon per pizza Va W HanJ VJntkmg WE BUY. TRADE ft CONSIGN quality clothing (new to 2 yrs. old) J Keincmber us when cleaning out j your closets. Or just come browse I through our unique shop j Call Mornings for Appt. I 344-7039 SAVE MONEY 10-6 Non. Sat. 360 t. I Ith. between NIII Be ttiqh t__curat save_l Democratic primary opponent. Sen. Ed Fadeiey of Eugene, and won the endorse ment of the state s biggest teachers union. Goldschmidt also has reported spen ding close to $1 million in cash and in kind contributions on his campaign through mid-April, compared with only $405,000 for Paullts. "It’s taken a whole year and a million dollars for him to come back up even (in the polls)." Paulus said, adding that she yvas not worried that Goldschmidt had raised more money than her campaign. "The bad hews for Norma Paulus is that he has raised a million dollars. The good news for Norma Paulus is that'he has spent it all,” she said, adding that it has been easier for her to raise money since figures for the two campaigns became public earlier this month. ”As a matter of fact. I've had a lot of people that said earlier. ‘Oh. you don't have anything to worry about,' who are now coming forth with money,” she said. . _* ; V .* ‘ . Goldschmidt and are both ex pected to easily win their respective parr •. ty nominations, ili the May-20 primary. . . according to The Qregbnian poll. : Terrorism causing people to cancel tours in Europe PORTLAND (AP| ^ NUir.'Nurllnv.-sl residents are canceling Kumpean Iravel'plans- localise -of fears about inhfrna tiorial terrorism, travel agents say. . *.. / |bhn Curtin, president of John Curtin Travel anti Tours Inc.. I'nil land. said'he hasseen-the* .worst decline’ in business, in his’HO years in the IriiVef hidusfry . • ' ■ "It's hurting terribly/ .Curtin said "We've, never bad this kind of pniss'iire befrtrtv If hasn't Ireeh like.this ever/•' '•* Dollar volume for his agency is down about 70 percent from last year. Curtin said.' Hookings for.all of Kurope have fallen almut 70 percent, reser y at it.ills ftir .Metlili-rriinea.ui:ou:iit litis arts down I (Ml pen fill, anti .liter recent bombings’jn Kiigland. reservations for Croat Itrilain are ’ dropping as'well, Curtin-said/ ; • -. /'Kurope.. .is now what vye'd just call closed.*' said Haul Inhesion, co-owiier of Ambassador Travel in .Eugene. “Right now it’s a hot spot .'and Why walk intoit? That’s how our travelers feel/’. * Major.carriers of package tours, such as’American Kxpress. TUA anil Clobus Cate wav. are canceling or consolidating their package lours to Kurope.' several agents saitt Mediterranean cruises, once a strong stiller for the travel in dustry. are virtually non-existent now. anti many nl the cruise liners tire liei'ng diverted to the South Pacific. Hawaii and Alaska. Agents hope their 'customers will lie diverted as well..and are moving their advertising dollars away from Kurope to other ureas. Hut some agents-are concerned they will lose money because people avoiding Kurope will hot opt for other distant foreign coun tries, ehdsing-instead to travel in the United States. "It takes just as much lime Ip sell a $ Kin ticket as it dries to sell a Si.(Mill ticket, (inly .you make III limes less." said kalhhsm Chap man, manager of the l.lnvd Center branch of Meier and frank World Travel bureaus. Travel plans for some student groups twive been dropped. |on Steiner., a French teacher at McNary High School in the Salem-Koizer School District, has scrapped plans to take his family and 2 I students on a 17-iday, trip In Kurope in June. "We did cancel Two. weeks ago it was just after the limiilnng (of l.ib"ya|.“ Slojner said. ..■■.* FREE SATURDAY MAY 3rd Are you really getting what you paid for out of your system? FREE Clinic Analyaia of your Car Starao 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. NOW. A NAKAMICHI TD -300 cMMtttack. Dolby aac. oxcobof.1 limbi Ssytntsly *395 00 BALANCED. CLEAN ■Ml. 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