World news___ Nuclear fallout spreads; foreigners leave MOSCOW (AF) — Up against a wall of Soviet secrecy. Western governments urged their citizens Wednesday to pull out of the stricken Ukraine, where a nuclear lire spewed more radiation across Kurope and . touched off a storm ol world outrage. The kremlin claimed radiation levels were dropping at the devastated Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Blit a Servlet diplomat was quoted as saving the.inferno was "out of control..'' ami ICS. sources ' in. • W ashington agreed . The extent of Soviet casualties also re mained uncertain. / ■ • The Soviet, government said Tuesday two people had been killed., and Wednesday that H(7 others- hiyl been -hospitalized. Mol .unofficial.' unverified reports spoke of • higher '-casualty tolls in histoYv’s worst' nuclear disaster: ■' ' • . < Some of Kiev's -2; 4 million people were. ' fleeing the Ukrainian capital fyr Moscow.. • 4.'at utiles to.the northeast. West (iormatr ■ snort es said •. 8 . . Kadioat live* « ;louds ,meanwhile spread' as far west as the Swjss Alps and Norway, home on. mile-high'winds. - ‘ « ° ‘ l.urn| health off it tills reassured the public thi'! radiation levels presented no major danger. Hut anger built up against the Soviets, who kept word of the deadly nuclear event from the rest of the world un til Monday, three days after it happened. "The Soviet Union has an obligation and duly to the international community to give the fullest possible explanation of what happened and why." Hritain's foreign secretary. Sir Geoffrey Howe, said at a West Ruropeau ministers' meeting in Italy. Ills West. German . counterpart. . llans Diel riih Genscher. called on Moscow to shut down all nuclear- power stations similar to the crippled Ghernohyl plant, which uses an unusual .graphite-, moderation process. • . 'The Soviet government has .thrown a .wall id n< sir-lot a I secrecy around happened • last week at Ghernohyl. a four-reactor com plex Ml miles north uf-kiev.'. "I- am hoj- authorized to tell "yo.ri anything..’-' a Ukrainian IIdalfii Ministry of ficial'said ^Vednesdav. in a typical-com „menj- He was mu. hi-il hy^ letephwmrvbv ■ Moscow'.. *■!' • . Gin tor. . I Ke. official news ihedia carried. a :U)0-word .statement by the Soviet (k'luncil' of Ministers saying remedial measures had reduced the radioactivity spilling from the damaged reactor, and "the radiation levels in the area of the atomic power station (had laten) lowered.” It said the chain reaction had,been shut down and specialists- were cleaning up. “polluted sections'.'around the plant. Of the 107 people.hospitali/tnl. 4‘l were 'discharged after a checkup, it said.'The . statement also criticized Western news' agencies, for "spreading . rumors” that 'housands had been killed.' ••• . • Hut: again, the Soviei statement offered ' •little p'lithe cause and effects of the'aci i ' deni. The most detaijed siich jufprmatiou- ' . canie f.roin intelligence and oilier II.$», sources in Washington, apparently dhtaiii . ed v;ia l]..S', .surveillance satellites^ • ' • liaritld I Viitdn. a safely ■experj'at-the’t !«S • Nlucjear-Kegulaforw (hjnnnission.■ told • reporters0 iT. v\as unclear vv.hal 'touched oil; •' • I he.reactor tire, last .-Friday. bni’.liy Saturday. • it had evolved! pto a nieltdow'n —the Huri.i*’ iirg up of the uranium find core! au’exirennv ° ' Iv -dangerous'eVenl.- '' • and' In; -Sunday- a chemical-.evpIosioiO oci urred- lha'I ri.pped tin- r'eai ior buildlng ap.iil • '» ' Ruling lets prosecutors screen jurors by race WASHINGTON tAP) — Prosecutors never nun dis qualify potential jurors based on their r« i< the Supreme Ckturt ruled Wednesday Th>; (ourt's 7-2 decision curtailed dramuticallv the tradi tionally broad pow*ir of pru'as ulon In strike prostHH.tive jurors fmin trials by using |»en*mpt«ir\" nr automatic challenge* The justices said the exclusion of potential juror* from any * rirninal trial because of their race violates the equal prolix lion rights of and of those people excluded In a separate decision focusing on the role of rai e in i rimimd prosecution* the t onrt said murder defendants fa* tug a possible death sentence must be allow ed to ask |x>ten tiai juror* about their racial views d the killing was interne ial In a third ruling Wednesduv the court unanimously refused to reinstate an invalidated Illinois law regulating abortions, deciding that the < ase was not properly before it The court in tiMdk had ruled that excluding blacks from juries because of their rate is unconstitutional but said defendants had no right to attack a* racially discriminatory a pmsiH utor s use of peremptory challenges in any one case The ruling said prosecutors’ tat tics in a particular case were presumed legitimate unless shown to be part ol a systematic exclusion of blacks in numerous cases Writing for the court Wednesday. Justice lamix Howell said the iue» ruling had placed a crippling burden of pro of" on defendants that no longer can be tolerated The court rejected arguments by Kentucky prosecutors and the Reagan administration that a juror s race can be a per missihle consideration in a prosecutor's litigation strategy The decision was praised bv defense lawyers and civil rights activists, "It will mean black people have an opportunity to have a fairer jury and it will mean that racial discrimination is one step closer toward being eliminated In the courtroom." said Millard Farmer an Atlanta defense lawyer. Steve Ralston of She NAACP Legal Defense Fund said the ruling "will go far in finally eliminating all discriminatory practices and insuring that juries are truly representative of their communities." The court threw out lames Kirkland Batson s conviction on charges of second-degree burglary and receiving stolen property stemming from the theft of two purses in Jefferson County. Ky. miGHisioMn rnongotidu barbecue ^ 4 & ft "A touch of elegance in Chinese dining" Mongolian Barbeque Wok cooking • introducing: Mongolian Fire Pot • Vegetarian Meals Available No MSG • Wines, Cocktails & Candlelight Dining - HOURS-— Lunch; Mon-Fri 11:30-2:30 7th & Blair Dinner. Sun-Thur 5:30-9:30 687-2130 Fri k Set 5:30-10.30 on die Weekend. <§> Laurel appeals to Reagan for aid in regaining assets . BAI.I. Indonesia (AP) — Philippi fit* . Vine- President Salvador Iatnrt'l.. on the eveof /talks yyitli President Reagan..ap (avail'd to/ |hfi : Untied,. [Stales Wednesday to. nvor-fc harder- lo reclaim billions that Ferdinand Marios is. aliened lo h'ayi* stolen.. ■ ; The country: is hroki*: Mar ■ os liHik all the money with him;'*.' laurel told reporters gathered hen* for Reagans talks with " officials of, several Southeast Asian nations Mailin'! said.he wants Reagan to removy. anv "cnbwelm dl . doubt? over whether the United States supports the .present Philippine govfcrmhent headed by . (Umizo.n Aquitur and himself The blunting is among several Reagan has si heihded today with leaders of Southeast Asian nations, ini hiding Indonesia's President . Suharto.. and , the Inreigifhninislen* id the Asmm ia lion of Soulheasl Asian Nations. (ASUAN) It will mark the first moot inn Itetween Keegan and a represen tative of the new Philippine government situ e Aquino took power mi teh. 2-5 and Manns, his wife Imnlda and his relatives and associates fled the country on U S military aircraft Tin* are I i v i n y* in Honolulu, and during a stopover on ids tt-dav trip last weekend. Reagan anil Ids wife Nancy telephoned the Marcoses. I.aurel also said lhal Sei retary of Stale George Shult/ told him Wednesday that Reagan, in his tall to.Marcos, had urged the ousted Philippine leader against trying to make a When hr left the I’hili.ppincs. - Mnrins/inbk • money and ■ some . assrls-wtlh him.,although Hie I’hillppine commission has'not vslimatod the value.of thitU The ■ panel. however. (i«ik said 'if eslfiiiales that I hr .Marcoses hold between.So billion and S ill billion'in .cash. gold'ami works ‘ "< of arls belonging, to’• 1 hr • • Philippines » . » • lailirrl said: "\Yr rrajl.v would appreciate- mnre'dir|.p from flu; Ihiiled Stales govern5 inriii to help grl .sonic of dial money hack." Hr called for assistance in locating.,. the; " money and in helping'fn allow ' ' v the- Philipirtes to .getrit -back-. through lhel.l:S. (.purls • - v, 7 : ■ Shiilfx.. met With iiaclr. of. the • ASHAN foreign ndnislrrs.mad •vance of Kragan's. falkje .The . " association's members include Ihe Phil ippincs. Imlopcsia, Malaysia. Singapore,. Thailand and llrunei. 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