Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1986, Page 16, Image 15

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    Dancers prepare for ‘concert’
With the Spring Student Dance Concert less
than three weeks away, preparations for the open
ing performance have taken on added impor
tance. Kim Mahoney-Watson (below) and Linda
Werner (right) are among the students who have
toiled since February in anticipation of the
The annual event will be performed May
16-18 at 8 p.m. in the M. Frances Dougherty
Theatre. located on the third floor of the Gerlinger
Annex. Tickets are $2.50 for students and senior
citizens. $3.50 for general admission.
Photos by Cary Pangares
Authors design guide
for freelance writers
By Barbara Shaw
CM Itw Knwrald
Aspiring Northwest writers
often have a tough time get
ting published, hut Portland
authors Dennis Stovall and
Douglas Freeman recently
brought out the first book, aim
ed at helping them over this
"Writers’ Northwest Hand
book" grew out of the authors'
own needs. As writers, they
sought outlets for their work,
but soon realized that
thousands of writers in the
Northwest have a difficult
time locating people who
would be willing to pay for
their work
Stovall and Freeman will
speak on campus tonight at
7::t0 p.m. in Room 21?> Allen
Stovall said in a recent inter-.-•'»
view that top magazines de
mand "clips." or samples of
previously published articles,,
before they consider assigning
an article to a Writer they do .
not know. . r '
Getting first clips is a pro
blem. but many small,
regional publications ant not
fussy about credentials and of
fer a place for writers to* get
started..Stovall said.
Arts commissions have 'put
out pamphlets on writers'
resources and .publishers.
Stovall said he and Freeman
tufnbd lip dozens of such lists
in Oregon. Washington,
Idaho. Montana and British
Columbia, ail of them in
complete and most of thorn
‘‘We decided to do the grunt
work, compiling lists from all
the partial lists wo could
find." Stovall said.
They started the project out
of self-interest, but soon
realized anyone wanting to
find readers could use a book
like the one they published,
even poets Stovall said.
"Writer's Market (a listing
of national publications)
couldn't cover the whole
country in this kind of depth
It would take a 20-volume
encyclopedia.’.’ho said.
Interviews with Northwest .
writers enrich the tmok. "Hd
Flmo is a Native. American
. poet from The Dalles." Stovall ,
saiil. "He talked about the
writing of contemporary
Native Americans • And Plul.
I'inarich was an enjoyable in
terview to do ttecause he • is
such an ardent supporter of •
the developing Northwest
literary voice •
Despite ihe success of their
first book, both Stovall and
Freeman are looking to the
They want. to. cover both ■
newspapers and in-house
publications.- which .are dro'.'
iwiblv the least known of all
the profitable freelance
markets. The next edition also .
will include more of the forms
the two authors developed for
writers to keep track of their
business, from article ideas to
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