Scholarships Available Sophomore* and under, free inform* lion NSR8 Bo* p*ft*nc* Application* ar* availaM* m Moore 300 EMU » 5 pm Cloaing dal* May 2. 1900 O 0 ( is »n Equal Opportunity Employ*! ttl orr CAMPUS HOUSING i* now ar cypling appncanon* for in* Dupe lor* position 0**crip|ipn* ar* avanam* in Bull* 3 EMU bumtni Application* ar* do* by Monday May l». Stipend or wore aludy avMIM** Motivation and a good background ol in# Eug*n* spring! i*«d araa i* a mull'. W# ar* an Altirmaliy* Ac nonrEqual Opporlunlly Employ*! lAlao muti 6* wound lor ret* sum "»•>) E202 S2 THt OACCOM DAILY EMERALO I* now accepting application* lot goal non* covering Higher education Student Activities Spin are aaaociata editorship pot •Iona, reoultmg about 30 hour* a weak job* ate non *uikiii«)» pay .is about $3Q0tm« Application* and |i>b descriptions aia available in Room 300 EMU Applications aia dua Mon May S. at S pm The Emeiaid ia an Al donative Action Employ#' Woman and minorities are encouraged to ap »»! EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR F'oeMSoph science ma|or ip study and work m tMophysicaPneuroecientte lab Student myst be brigm end dedicated CaJIMerk 886 4510 _ 1 7008 MH COPY EDITOR FOR THE OREGON DAI LY EMERALO nave hired Due to the number ot applicants ere are unable to reach an moaa who ware not hiiad II you applied lor a copy adding position, wa entourage you to re apply ne«( tail ___ __ S3 DECISION RESEARCH WILL PAY you W to lake part in up to tv, hours ot pepar and pencil lodgement and deci aton making espertmrnyd Come to Room ?0T Chapman Hall anytime bet ween 8 30 am end 12 30 pm Saturday momma it you went lurther details cell «»*«»_ 7223 42 IF YOU ARE A MEMBER ot s pioup dial •» trying to raise funds. Decision Research will pay S8 to your organic* lion (01 every member who lakes part In our paper and pencil lodgement and decision teak that last about t vy hours Call 484 2400 or turn up al Chapman Hall loom 207 Saturday morning bet i ween 8 30 am and 12 30 pm 7223 5 2 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC We help you find the RIGHT Roommate Call 6878213 6194 tin SHARE LAROE LOVELY Duple, in 5 W Eugene from May 1 Lota ot living and sloraga tpacs on 2 lloora with dack, patio, draplaca. caipadng. orchard daar, raccoons $144 plus W Ullt *50 da posit Call Shans 3450410 5 2 For Rent QUIET COUNTRY LIVING In the southwest mils Beautiful 1 and 2 badroom apis with view, tennis, pool, 'ac room, laundry Close to city bus line Prospect Park Apia 1710 Nor thvlaw Blvd 484 8553 7153 ttn FAMILY HOUSING, nwrttd couptn and single parent* possibility o( Im m*di«l« occupancy or place yoursait on waiting Hat Westmoreland furmahad apart mant. 2 badioom It 44/mo 1 bedroom St 15/mo Amazon unfurnished ? bad room tiJO/mo Future opening* 0*p*f,a? NJaiaa* Contact UOMoua Dapt 686 4277 4942 tin SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOOOSIOE MANOR . 1810 Ham* Furnished quad* with aharad or private bath Utilities paid Covarad parking and^laundry tacititia* a«*nable From Call lor more delaiie Manager 344 26S7 Banned Man* 1143 Oak St Management Co. 7062-ttn 1760 ALOES Furnished 2 -bedroom apt* vy block to campy* Laundry, covarad parking In wall managed compler Resident manaoar 6870684 or. 4861707 1PM Co On rear! , - • „ 6027 ttn CloM to Campus 334.6 .tsth . 2 bedroom townh'ou*# Available. now'$3lS, . ■. Robert Belknap Realtor ' . • •«» Country Ciitp Road 485*1212 i ^ ; •••. V . 61' ROOM FOR RENT IN .nice 5 person- V hooka th. Heryjt'icks.Park .area-'.Star' ting June fit* 2276' Fuiral-Hill. > 3426738 • . »■ . .• a5 FURNISMEO APARTMENTS ; block': lo campus 4 bdrm $466 7 bdrm S.100 David 144 tutnu ■ • EUGENE MANOR: High rise living'at " «•—>1 Jlt V STUDENT COOPERATIVE ASSOCIA TION ha* tlngle and* double apace* „ open Rata* will bo" prorated with 10 pPrcant diacoont Call Campbell CltJb, at 663 3463 or "Janet Smith,Co-Op at 663 3777- 7222 M Quads • CAMPUS:COUBT.QUADS !% Ju»t on* Mock lion Vnm library. PnvM* -oifionmw : W oath an.uiiliim P*M. from f160 8o« or; KaHy/1544 ' AWrricW H5 4400 ‘MM Un CHAN NEW CAJHIHET. -Ui.m.s paid tIM. . IUIMMI, *(M IM4 Harris. Manager no 4 14? 47SI / ; 7704 tin 6 * *».. ! ' o. Pets FAtf LABRADOR PUP to good noma WHOM ;. ; V yc ~y 'M ERlSBEE DOO, Mat* ahippat l yr old MS 34*1086 M Food a Drink TONIGHT ' 25$ Gourmet HOT DOGS '•f*' * t4Bi vy turn CHRLA Presents Hard Times Lunch tultwnUc Latin Horn* Cooking Smi GuwimI Food Valua In Town Thurs. 11:30-2 MENU: Spanish Tortillas Wonderful Spring Salad Veggie or Chicken Soup Fruit Drink Ail For Only $2.25 Dessert extra Eat Wonderful Ethic Food and Support Human Rights 1236 Kincaid 484 5867 Petto Dining EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: 1 • Tudioy i Chooso tillod croissant '• Spinach 1 Choooo fillod croissant Straight from tho ovon 1100 am M F 7 30-0 00 881 E 13th ^Olurday S3_ «84 I66J Events Eilu we CTO Lost & Found Sals (Lot* of UmbralUtl) Wod A Thuitdoy 11 AM 4 PM EMU bnomont, XJ711 __7186 5-1 Holocaust Memorial Week May 4-10, 1986 Opening Session Sunday may 4, 4 pm EMU Room 167 FEATURING: Of Paul Olum; Sylvia Frankal Of. Tom Nadai Monday May 5„ 7 30 pm FILM Ksddtah Waalay Cantar. 1238 Kincaid CompMla acHadula aval labia In EMU Cultural Forum Ollica Sulla 2 EMU „ 686 4373 ... Sponaorad by 170 Hoiocauat Memorial Council'.- - • •• '. ’ .* FREE • . 7224S2 hi RMANN HESSES SATURDAY Reel Changes' / ..Cinema presents: INTERN AtlONAL WORKER’S DAY Eugene Debs ; and the “ I American Movement TODAY - '8 PM ... ' 107 Lawrence FREE 722SS1 Whitewater! Trtpa and Raaourcaa Program EMU 66 4366 ’ . : 7174:4.25 BACKPACKING A Ira#’introductory workahop will be givan tonight at’7 30 pm In theOutdoor Program’ room." .EMU Equipment clothing emu s and.othgr uaalul inlor mation.w.ltl ba dtacuaaed aponaoiad by U bl’O Oudoor Program For mora mtor motion cab 686 4365 7226 5 t Entertainment prmnti SATURDAY 7 & 9 pm 150 Geology Ad 1HM 15 THIS UP* TOTALLY