Sports Golfers head to Phoenix looking for NCAAs [By Craig Harris Of lb« f mwrulcl Going into the Sun Dev II-Phoenix Collegiate golf tournament this week, the Oregon men’s golf team will be looking to do something they couldn't do two weeks ago. That is to play well enough to finish ahead of UCLA and San lose State University to wrap up an invitation to the NCAA championships ( • , By doing that, a lot of pressure would be taken off the team's back going into next week's Pacific-40 Con ference Championships, "This tournament ia more important than the Pat; 10s," Oregon couch Scott Krieger says, "Because if we play well we could close out San Jose .Slate and UCLA, and probably clinch that.berth.,"-. ’' " The only other factor that worries the third-year Duck mentor is if the NCAA committee picks live or six teams from district 8. .Oregon currently holds a fifth-place standing; If they play the way they did in iheir last tournament., the team will lie sitting home in late May watching the NBA. playoffs instead of travelings to Winston-Salem. N.C,. for the NCAAs . A/fer finishing a disastrous 14th out of afield of 18 in the Stanford Intercollegiute. In what Krieger called their worst performance of the year, he now feels that his team is ready to turn things around. ' . ’ : "I think they are ready We had'two weeks off, and that was really helpful. It gave us a chance to work on things that nueded work, and we should be fresh." Krieger says. *'r He also says the team has a changed, attitude since its last tournament. .... . . . \ "I think they realize that no one is going togive it to them. They know that they will.have to go out and per form,” Krieger says The Sun Devil tourney will consist of 14 teams, most of which art; along the West Coast , ^ But a few will be making cn>ss;cauptry trips, These include the University of Florida and the University of Missouri. Regardless of this. Krieger is more concerned with ASU, the host team, and USC. "I think Arizona State is one of the best teams in the field, and it’s on their own home course. The other team that will be tough is LJSC," Kreiger says. "It's really important to at least beat ASU and USC at some point, since they are both nationally ranked in the top ten. We want our program to be at that level some day, and beating them would give us a lot of con fidence," krieger says. He went on to say that if the Ducks play well this week, they should have no trouble finishing in the top five, H« also felt that his squad maV oven have an out side chance of winning the tourney if they play the kind of, golf.that they were playing in mid-March. Oregon will be led hy senior Ceorgo Daves, who is looking to finish high or win the tournament in order to help his bid for an All-America team. Other players in ; elude Rob Huff,.Tony Joyner, Croy Cochran, Steve Rin toui and Paul Weinhold. who nudged out Tim Scott for the’final. qualifying position. • After the Sun Devil tourney ends Saturday, the Ducks wifi;head to THousand Oaks. Calif,, to compete in the PiicvtO chanrpionshipsfrom May 5-7. Sports Shorts I ‘ Registration is now open for adult and junior ten nis players interested in competing in the annual Oregon Spring. Tennis Championships hosted by the lJniversityd ' . ;v ; .. ~ The adult tournament runs May 9-11 at the 15th Street and covered tennis courts on the Oregon campus. Kntries for th»* tournament will be accepted through Ffldaju. ‘ *•' . , • ■ , Tht; junior.tournament is, slated for May Hi-1H at tlje same sites, with registration. c lbs in g May 9, Players rnust present USTA cards for the sanctioned event, with awards-being handed out to winners and runners up in all events.. \ -• .. .. . •• 'A'dditjonal lnfornuitibn.may be obtained by contac ting Kmory "Buzz” Summers in the Athletic Depart ment at Photo by Michael Wilhelm Senior George Daves will lead the Oregon golf team when it heads to Phoenix. Ariz.. for the Sun Devil Phoenix Collegiate tournament before the team goes to the Pac-10 championships. Where Have AU The EMERALDS 0&M ■ I '/it* * J ' we hav$ received enough inquiries to justify request. You all have noticed the EMERALD drop in the EMU has changed locations. We want your thoughts and comments on this new distribution point. We ask that you HU out the comment form below to help us better serve you.: Thank-you for your patience and comments. HSL Sincerely, The ODE Distribution Director Clip and bring to 300 EMU ODE OFFICE I 1. Have you been able to locate ODE’s in the EMU? , .i^luSl,lU YES □ NOu£3lU,‘‘11' Where? __ Comments: Please use the below space to add your comments regarding this new distribution point or suggest any other points on campus you would like to see the Emerald distributed. 2. 3. Do you find the new distribution point to be convenient and accessible? YES □ NO □ jU. Has this new distribution point deterred you in any way in picking up your daily paper? YES □ NO □