Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1986, Page 11, Image 10

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    Women’s film festival
A festival of four films by ami about women will help
kick off the 'Women's Symposium: Creativity" tonight at 8
p.m. in Room 187 EMU,
•'Picture*." a short, animated film made to com
memorate International Women's Year, will start the festival,
followed by "Luna Tune." featuring a reading by 80-year-old
lesbian poet Elsa tildlow.
"Animation for Live Action” explores the themes of
women's roles.
t he last film. "On Cuard." is a science-fiction thriller
hImiuI urban guerillas.
Admission is $2 for adults amt St for children.
An article in Wednesday's
Oregon Daily Emerald incor
rectly reported that a series of
nature walks on May I. H. IS
and 2- will begin at Knicker
bocker Foolbridge. The walks,
to Itegin at p in. eai;h day.
will start from the Autzen
Stadium Footbridge. The
Emerald regrets any confusion
litis error mav hate caused
Picture Yourself Making
This Summer
per mo.
(ireat Experience For Resume
l .ill lor possible interview — 687-0104
Eligible Voters:
[ Purpose:
Current UO Students, Faculty, Classified Staff/Mangement Service Personnel.
Current ID is required at polling locations.
The Board of Directors’ purpose is to maintain the bookstore’s responsibility to
its members. All Directors are elected to serve two years.
• -:
Student at Large Position
One to be Elected • Vote tor One
Anne Flavell * no statement
Grant Kimball
Mv pnmary reason for running to* the student *1 large
position on the Bookstore Board it to expand my leadership
experience to a'dlttersnl area of campus involvement
At a luriioi pursuing a 5 year education.in (durriatism and
political alienee. I ha-re gained considerable leadership o*
parlance For three years I have been'.invdlved In the Inter
fraternity Council at various capacities, and.l am currently per
ving as the Vice President 'lor.Ihe Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Ad
ditionally "I am currently actmg.es the University Housing Con
lerence Assistant lor Oregon Boys State a program in which I
have’been involved tor five years Thesa aclivities in addition
to my 3 45 GPI, have netted two IFC Honors Awards. Dean s
List honors, membership in PhrEle Sigma and Order ot I he
Omega (and hopefully Druids), end sever el scholarships
I now wish to expand my experience el the University ot
Oregon' to include e .challenging' two yeer term on the
Boo*store Board ee the Student at Lerge I will ulilue my pest
leadership experience end willingness lo work in order lo
represent the beet interests of the student population While
communicating with outgoing board members. I will strive to
maintain the quality ot our student oriented bookstore
Robin Leonard
My name is Robin Leonard and I'm Ihe SPA endorsed
candidate lor the student at large position on the U ol O
Bookstore board ol directors As a Junior in the Humen Ser
rice Department and having six years ol varied work ex
parlance. I have developed extensive skills in communication
and administrative processes I am seeking this position
because I. like many students, leal there is much room lor tm
provement In the Bookstore's services My goals include tin
ding new ways to lacllttate increased communication bet
ween students and the bookstore. Improving handicapped ac
cessibiility. more competitive pricing ol books (especially us
ed books), expanded minority book sections, and more em
phasis placed on books, than on other, potentially money los
mg, retail items I leel conltdent that I can accomplish much In
this postton I hope you will give me a chance to work toward
these goals by voting lor me, Robin Leonard, tor student al
large on the Bookstore Board ol Directors
Scott Lewis
I am running lor Ihe position ol student at-large tor the
Bookstore Board ol Directors lor several reasons I leel that
the Bookstore Is an important aspect ol university lite The
students and taculty count on their bookstore to supply what
they need and provide a variety ol services It Is essentlel that
(hose In charge ol the store know what Ihe students and lacul
ty need and want l leel that I can be that vital link between Ihe
administrators at the store and Its customers I am presently
president ol my dormitory and an active member ol the Car
son/Earl President’s Council as well as the Earl Basement
Committee I also head my dormitory's Advisory Board I have
taken an active Interest In Ihe bookstore and am aware ol
several Issues which the Board ol Directors Is currently deal
Ing with I believe that I can use my experience In representing
others needs and wants to lat those In charge ol the
bookstore know and understand what their members, the
students and (acuity expect, need and desire trom the store
It's your store, let me represent your Interests
Graduate Position
One to be Elected • Vote for One
Roger Durham
Asa graduate student in Political Science,! am constantly
concerned with the quality of service available from the
University Bookstore It t were elected as .the Graduate
Representative to the Bookstore Board'ol directors I would be
dedicated to maintaining- as well as tmprovihg, the high level
of sendee currently in'existence ’•■ *
I would actively lobby lor cheaper used books so that the
bookstore'.could, save students money and be more com
petitive with other bookstores V
o Improved handicap accessibility is essential The
bookstore currently lacks convenient access lor handicapped
people oh the interior ol the store (a freight elevator clear in
the back of the store, amt narrow aisles in most ol tli« Moor
space) and on the outside as well ‘ °
The current plans to Implement a guaranteed book pro
gram should be followed through II a course book is late m its
arrival, xeroxed copies should be made available until the
book arrives No student should be torced to drop a class
because a book is unavailable
Because I am constantly concerned with improving the
University of Oregon's educational efficiency. I have gained
the endorsement ol the Students tor a Progressive Agenda I
hope lo have your support as well
Classified Staff/
Management Service Personnel
One to be Elected • Vote for One
Fred Wilhelm
Lot the Record Stand
• Classified Management Survey
• New Bookstore Hours
• Warehouse Acquisition
• Store Remodeling
Shelley Carlson
As the undergraduate secretary for the Department of
Political Science. I see a large part of my role as that of stu
dent advocate " This role could logically be extended to in
clude my participation as a member of the Board ol Directors
tor the Bookstore Hare I could actively participate in seeing
that students needs were, first of all. known and understood
and, secondly, that these needs were answered by program
and policy implementation
The U of 0 Bookstore Is a good resource center for
students, but as with any business, it could be made better In
the past year, the Bookstore has made strides toward being
more responsive to students, tor instance, a further reduction
In book discounts for ail members I would actively pursue the
maintenance of these discounts and strive tor more book
price relief, in particular, lower used book prices
I like the Bookstore and t like the direction it is heading I
feel that I could contribute In a creative and enthusiastic way
to further realize the goals of making the Bookstore a truly
‘ co-operative" venture
• General Book Discount
• Increased Text Book Discount
• Lower Prices/More items
• U Lane O Bank Window
• Revision of the by-laws
Sophomore Positions
Two to be Elected - Vote for Two
Doug Aylesworth - no statement
Kathy Cleveland
As a registered student, (acuity member, classified staft
employee, or mangement service employee, you are a member
of the University of Oregon Bookstore The bookstore is here
to serve you
If elected to the Bookslore Board of Directors. I plan to
continue the past Board's conscientious scrutiny of the
Bookstore s operations and investments, which resulted in
raising the discount rate on books from 10% fo 11%. I also
hope to'help tellow students understand the store's pricing
and buy back policies Additionally. I will focus on the pur
chase of more used textbooks This will mean an additional
savings at the beginning of each term
I have the necessary experience to meet the diversified
interests of the Bookstore's members I am a sophomore
honors student majoring in marketing. Besides being in
leadership positions for the past two years. I have worked ex
tensively with foreign students, classified staff, and manage
ment service personnel at Ihe University Representing ALL
members of the Bookstore community. I hope to be a creative
benefit to the Board I encourage you to vote tor Kathy
Cleveland for the University of Oregon Bookstore Board of
Mike Sawyer
I am running (or a position on the UO Bookstore Board
because of the competent leadership I feel I could provide due
to my leadership experience, business background, and
responsible nature
My personal credentials are perhaps best revealed in my
academic achievements I am a sophomore with a 3.8 GPA.
hold a Presidential Scholarship, and am enrolled in (he
Honor's College I plan to pursue a Masters Degree in
Business Administration, and have primarily studied Business
at the UO I offer these credentials not as a direct indication of
my performance on the Board, but rather to show I am a hard
working. experienced, and responsible person who takes the
tasks before me seriously
l am also involved in the leadership of the University and
Greek system I was recently elected to the Student Senate,
and I hold a position in Public Relations on JIFC, a branch of
the Interfraternity Council
I teel the UO Bookstore has enjoyed competent manage
ment in the past, though University students and faculty must
maintain a close vigil to ensure the Bookstore continues to
best represent their interests Supporl Mike Sawyer for the
Bookstore Board
Facultyat-Large Position
One to be Elected • Vote for One
Barbara Edwards - no statement