In brief Speech contest All University undergraduates who will be atten ding the University next fall are invited to enter the George W. Cherry speech contest. The contest winner will receive a prize of between $250-$300 from the University Mothers’ Club. The first round of the event will be May 2, but students must sign up for the contest at the speech department by Friday. Speeches can be on any topic, but must be per suasive and 10 minutes long. All entries will be judged Student at Large Position One to be Elected • Vote for One Anne Flaveli • no statement Grant Kimball My primary reason tor running tor the student at large position on the Bookstore Board Is to eipand my leadership experience to a different area of campus involvement As a junior..pursuing a 5-year education in journalism and political science.-1 have gained considerable leadership ex penervce. For three years I have been involved in the Inter fraternity Council at various capacities, and I am Currently ser ving as the Vice-President for the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Ad ditionally. I am currently acting as the University Housing Con ference Assistant for Oregon Boys State, a program in which I have been involved tor five years These activities, in addition to my 3 45 GP1. have netted two tFC Honors Awards. Dean s List honors, membership in Phi Eta Sigma and Order of the Omega (and hopefully Druids), and several scholarships I now wish to expand my experience at the University of Oregon to include a challenging two year term on. the Bookstore Board as the Student at Large t will utilize my past leadership experience and willingness to work in order to. represent the best interests of the student jjopulation While communicating with outgoing board members. < will strive to maintain the quality of our student oriented bookstore Robin Leonard My name is Robin Leonard and I'm the SPA endorsed candidate tor the student at large position on the U of 0 Bookstore'board of directors As a Junior in the Human Ser vice Department and having six years of varied work ex perience. t have developed extensive skills in communication and administrative processes. I am seeking this position because I. like many students, feel there is much room for im provement in the Bookstore's services My goats include fin ding new ways to facilitate increased communication bet ween students and I he bookstore, improving handicapped ac cessibility. more competitive pricing of books (especially us ed books), expanded minority book sections, and more em phasis placed on books, than on other, potentially money los ing. retail items I feet confident that t can accomplish much in this positon t hope you will give me a chance to work toward these goals by voting for me. Robin Leonard, for student at targe on the Bookstore Board of Directors Scott Lewis I am running for the position of student-at-large for the Bookstore Board of Directors for several reasons I leel that the Bookstore is an important aspect of university tile The students and faculty count on their bookstore to supply what they need and provide a variety ot services. It is essential that those in charge ol the store know what the students and facul ty need and want I feel that I can be that vital link between the administrators at the store and its customers I am presently president of my dormitory and an active member of the Car son/Earl President's Council as well as the Earl Basement Committee I also head my dormitory's Advisory Board I have taken an active interest in the bookstore and am aware of several issues which the Board of Directors is currently deal ing with I believe that I can use my experience in representing others needs and wants to let those in charge of the bookstore know and understand what their members, the students and faculty expect, need and dasire from the store It's your store, let me represent your interests by standards of the American Forensics Association. Contact the speech department at R86-4171 for more information. Plant walks Four ethnobotany walks are scheduled during May. sponsored by the University Museum of Natural History. The walks, led by Peggy Robinson of F.ugene. will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays at the Autzen Stadium side of the Knickerbocker Footbridge . Robinson, an environmental educator, is the author of "Profiles of Northwest Plants." "Every wild plant we come across had important uses in the past," Robinson says. Topics covered during the weekly walks will include: •May 1 — "Wild Foods" •„ •May 8 — "Wild Medicines" •May 15 — "Plant Legends and Magic" •• •May 22 — "Plant Technology of Northwest Coast Indians" •; •• . ' . /.; • For more information, contact the museum. 688-3024. • ■ " . . . •••••• VOTER’S BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S ELECTION Eligible Voters: . Current.'UO Students;-Faculty,'Classified Staff/Mangement Service Personnel. : ‘? • ‘.Gurrent^lD is required at polling Ipcatibris: v %- ; : :■ / Purpose: .The Board of Directors’ purpose is to maintain the bookstore’s responsibility to \ * its members. Alt Directors are elected to serve two years. VOTING SITES: UO BOOKSTORE EMU . - CANDIDATE STATEMENTS: Graduate Position One to be Elected - Vote for One Roger Durham As a graduate student in Political Science l am constantly concerned with the quality ot service available trom the University Bookstore It l were elected as the Graduate Representative to the Bookstore Board ot Directors I would be dedicated to maintaining, as well as improving, the high level ot service currently In existence I would actively lobby tor cheaper used that the bookstore could save students money and be more com . petitive with other bookstores Improved handicap accessibility Is essential .The '". bookstore currently lacks convenient access tor handicapped people oh the interior ot the store, (a freight elevator clear »cio the back ot the store; and narrow aisles in most 61 IImi foot space), and on the outside as well ° The current plans to implement a guaranteed book, pro- • gram should be followed through It a course book is late in its arrival, xeroxed copies should be made available'until the' book arrives No student should be forced to drop -a class because a book is unavailable Because I am constantly concerned with Improving the University ol Oregon's educational efficiency. I have gamed . the endorsement of the Student s for a Progressive Agenda I hope to have your support as well » Sophomore Positions v - > ’ > v Two to be Elected • Vote tor Two Doug Aylesworth • no statement Kathy Cleveland As a registered student, faculty member, classified staff employee. or mangement servlceemployae you area mambar • of Iba University of Oregon Book tiora T ha' book flora is her* . to serve you . ' ' - . ' It elected,to the Bookstore Board-of Oiurito's' I plan lo continue the'past Board s.'conscientious 'scrutiny ot the • • Bookstores operations and investments, which resulled'in raising the dlscounl isle on books Irorn lO*/. tctl1% fatso. hope to help tellow students.understand the store's pricing " and buy back policies Additionally t Will locution the pur chase Ot more used textbooks This wilt mean in additional - savings at the beginning ot each term. ~°(f' ' <3 ' .'. I have the necessary experience to meei the.diversitiad ' “ interests ot the Bookstore's members t em a sophomore honors student: matoftng “in marketing *