H Wanted § SCUBA GEAR WANTED Call 608 4600 flay*. 344 0277 nva 5-1 Opportunities | Scholarships Available Sophornoras and undar, fra# inform# .1(00 NSRS Bo* MS. Eugana OB 97440 ■>fl Help Wanted GOVERNMENT JOBS 916.040 *69 23Giyr Now hiring, Call 9066874000 Ent B 9642 for currant fadarai list. ■ ■ ■ ■ , _. -m • ACCURATE TYPIST. 9M6/hr Wort. Sluriy Call Barb066 6728 /IB. -.2 NEE0 SO PEOPLE who warn to los* ..walghl .fcjai 344 6613 ' j,| ,E X P. E'B ( E N C E. MO NE y . 'ADVANCEMENT Sae why thousand* of- ptudanfs consular ihistha bast summar lob anywhara Musi hava.an .lira *ummnr.lr*a. 94400 av’g cornmis wonWrita- SummSr Work Po’ So, 3U4 : Eugpna 6B*. 97403 inciuda n*ma,ma)or y* In school 'im no 4-JO • ' . O&tytWV ’DBivtB/piiZA* -‘ MAKER. ’ i 20p76-hour*-bar' wiwk f.s,l p#ca- I„|« rnigh.Vhafd .work' ’Apply in. Marion ■ Trachlo9rn'.:Pljr/a. ,lB09D Franklin.-Biyd *■ ‘ v'-*’** -■.:"*72E3^8* :. POSITIONS AVAIL/CBLE'Sr.* k'liarpar.” ^^Siii>mir.iiijpitcaf»on;of Vesume TW*6‘ WMiarrieria'bV •IhursOay.MaVl'* v/.y).i;* to-' ■■ « ; -y '. ■ . , * • ™“j a • « ywar minimum . .Salary*,-plus' . privai’s r.rborn ^'6>nd *W!6'!Ca»l (301)‘22^4/so V 5 ?’ - O/f CAMPUS-MOUSING; ■' oaptlng.Applications.for.'iho>Dirac ’ ; -.*■ tor,s’,.poAc - ’ -ticft/Equal.. Opportunity.’*Employ*! . ’{Also mus't'.ba, aroumf. tor'this'’Wm ' rrwr’i’ *. • V,’.. 7.. 7202 6'? ■. I DO YOU ALWAYS: T GET THE WORM? Are you always .the on* digging deep*' worilng herder »n<1 fWiinwrhg IhrgugtV with-protects long .afler- fhe Othert^have.'gon*'1; lt.yQu;ir* 'inti 'll irnt ere interested.in working 'with other . Early ■ Birds then' we would Ilk* ,y<& to ‘apply tor these opjtnings* The Oregon Deity Erntfild Advert 11 •ng Department- currently hit* .’open mg» ' for. apprenticeship ’ positions throughout Spring term The'** post non* will'turn into seie*-positions neil yeay after intensive training. In tale*.*' marketing inti general Duttnet* procedure* The position* r * a u i r e 0 u »e o t. a car. (NO-' MOPEOS/BICVCLESL'ml.nimum on* hour a day arid of’ cgurs* unlimited enthusiasm and energy' . ■ We have to be hone*! when'w* tell all I not* interested In applying lor the** lobe' that .the competition i* tough* But. we. al.wayt .need quatitied aeieapeopie and now more than ever' experience ,on the 7ih largest” morn mg paper .In Oregon will'piv* you in valuelb* experience Appllcationsar* available in Room 300 EMU .05 pm Closing .date .'May 2, 1.986 OOE'n an Equal Opportunity'Employer • 5 2 THE OREOON MILV~ EMERALD It now accepting applications- lor pdf Hon* covering * • Higher Education Student Activitiet Both are aatoclat* editorship pot tion*. requiring about 30 .hours a week Jobs are non workstudy pay it about 6300/mo Applications and |ob descriptions ant available in Room 300 EMU Applications are due Mon. May 5, at S pm The Emerald It an At lirmatlv* Action Employer Women and minorities ere encouraaed to ap Lex_ m Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. IRC We help you find the RIGHT Roommate Call 6878213 ___ 6l94|ln SHARE LARGE LOVELY Duple, in $ W Eugene from May t Lott of living and storage space on 2 floors with dec1 patio, tireptac*. carpeting orchard, deer, raccoona S14S plus V» ulil 160 deposit Call Shane 3460410 6-2 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couplet t and tingle parents, possibility of Im medial* occupancy or place yourself on , waiting Hat Westmoreland furnished 1 apartment. 2 bedroom * 144/mo, t bedroom S11 S/mo Amazon unfurnished : 2 bedroom $t20fmo Future openings „ expected, all areas Contact UO Hout- , Ing Dept 688-4277.__4942 tin j QUIET COUNTRY LIVING in the I southwest hills Bgautiful 1 and 2 7 bedroom apt* with view, tennis, pool, rec room, laundry Close to city bus line Prospect Park Apts 1710 Nor thvlaw Blvd 484-6553 7153 ttn SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOOOSIDE MANOR 1610 Han't f umlahed quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry tecllltlek available From 1100 Cal' lor more details Manager J44 26S7 Bennett Management Co 1143 Oak St. « • __7062;tfn 1780 Alt** ; ' Furntahad 2 bedroom apis v» block lo campus laundry, covered parking In wall managed comples Resident manager 087436*4 or 466 1707 IPM Co. . nn Peed toutin' 2 Bedroom $200 Very large unfurnished apartment laundry, parking No pets or children Available until end ol August only 2045 Willamette. 346-7907 7105:ttn . FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY LIVING IN THE LUXURY OF THE SOUTH EAST MILLS 10 minutes Irom .UO ", , 2 bedroom • tW bath 2 private balconies ' . ■'; • Fully ,-applianced '•’* .Sauna 4, -Pool. . Small .pels.okay ' • fanning-bed • * - -.1300-4 8315 . ■ Adon cofhpte* . „• *' . ..-Foretl yillags-' - ■ Call now 667 1318 > •.' V.S1314.30 %.’• •, '* ~s *•.-/ . ■ m\ -.•>Cio$»i6 Campus--' ... .- '■ • ,r,-..334;E M6'lh;^.' ‘ J.bedrourh^loWnhbuse'". V -.rYAi?eila6te;r«fts':S3.l5‘! -f - -.-Robert- Belknap’ Realtor ;• 1*95 Country Cliits'RoAl 465-6212 . t-/’V- "-si ' "jifll HlOft 8T_ * Sigdio apL.ul.ililins,-ij.atd^shioa ktlclkrn wilhonerotharip'itatti-.balh^Rarkino' -ayaiiabla'-.Campuii/dovvniowff ideations' °F(dm-41.8«.,riS,aning-June "1166 '2i75 Floral.M"lf;34;', " FURNISHEOl APARTMENTS bio. k to^campus^bdrm i»6S 2 bdVm S3b0 Oavldr.144,6669 - -, \ . . EUGENE.MANOR High rise living aids best 464 7441 “* ^72tt Quads .?• "CAM*US;COUBT?QUAOS «'r Jusl on*'block trim Ityi* library Private,rptrigeHWPff’Vi bath all,utilities MtifjJtom;I'W'Bob*6r • Killy> 154 4• - v-sato’itn clEan/new-carpet; utiim *i59’42.438f , ■; 7204 tin. ' Dorm Contracts 1 DORM CONTRACT/FOR' sal*: c«u 0#rltiie344 1606 • V. . 4 30 Pets FREE LABRADOR PUR to good born* 6*33092 ••,'■■. •• • . 3-2 FRISBEE OOQ Mai* whippet i yr old *25 343 1855 5-2' Food & Drink II < pIMS . FALL C REEK BAKERY WVWVWUWWVUWVU NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with Us! TODAY’S MENU: ; . • Ham 8 CtMaaa tillad cioiuanl • Poppy Seed croissant with Rlcolla Herb Chaaaa • Broccoli 8 Fata Chaaaa croiaaani Straight form tha ovan 11:00 am M F 7 30-6.00 Saturday 8-3 881 E 13th 484 1862 Events ANIMAL HOUSE MEMORIAL TOGA PARTY Vadnaaday. April 30th 9 pm 2 am Alllcamp, 215 O St, Springfield Ipeeials. prtres good times 7204 4 30 Windsurfing Earning video 1985 O'Neil cllaalc in Maui Thrill* and spills by tha workd s best Sponsored by boardsports and Outdooi Program Wednesday April 30. 12 30. Outdoor Program 7205 4 30 EELINQ STRESSED? Don t lal II get to ou Now you can learn to handle it. to ring It under your control The Relaxation Seminar earn how to relaa and then how to use rlaxailon to handle stress. Increase our productivity, enhance your reatiylty. open opportunities and evelop your salt-confidence Free lec ire Wednesday April 30 7-9 30 pm emlnar Sat May 3 10 am 3 pm Call lor iformallon, fees and preregistration 26 9751 The Quesryoslty Center 331 Q West 13th Eguene OR 97481 _ 4 30 EMU REC CTR Lost & Found Sale 216 4 30 Anti Apartheid RALLY! Thursday .. May 1 12:30 ' EMU Courtyard/. FREE SOUTH AFRICA! Com*‘and prolaat (n« u»o ot yout stu dent t*»B .10 maintain Apartheid1 Witchcraft as Goddess Worship with Carol Queen. Brown Bag Forum Wed. April 30 2:30-3:30 EMU Forum Room Entertainment TONIGHT DON’T MISS Hw RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS EMU Dining-Room / 4:00 7:00 $1 Cover Food and allarnativ# Bavaraoa aoailabl* . ID Raquirad BEER GARDEN TONIGHT •v" '• wijaio Personals PROBLEMS?**™, Center u of O' telephone hotline 24 hour, 7 Pays Stnclty confidential Cell I r , ■ •144 tin IF YOU RE IN DOUBT About pregnancy . call Birthright 6878651 ■ v 3182 W MAKE MONEY! RAQS TO RICHES buy*, consign,, and * trades For appt 34, 7039 360 E 11th ' __ 4960 WHF HERPES EDUCATION! SUPPORT GROUP meets.Wedridsday Aprl|'30 at 7 pm EMU Century B Conference room Everyone r i»‘ welcome, no '-fee: Call ■686.4456 for ' further information ■ ' : :: "■ • V 7207;4 30 Sigma Chi Coaches Andre, Carl Rick, Jon Th*nfca tor wiping us place In Games Day G Phi B '_ 7212 4-30 Oarcell What’s up girl? It, yo birthdayt Shout' Well lets party at Golden burger ’ LOVE, LIZ AND DAR BELL. ■ 4030 The Pad is back With food and drinks Open 11 am-midnight 52 Congratulations T