Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Soiling 40-50% oil IKI pries •ToaibookMCtlll Nol*»*M*g«in*s« USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE TSt Sul IJIh 4973 tin through (ho U S govornmonl? Qot th* loci* today' Call 13(2743 114? E«l mat. • . . • m IN' YAMAHA SECA VM Mr... gr..l BW'i'Iri Coll Hick '34V46M -4-29 •9 HONDA ELITE 250 M*d •, yr (l.gitol m*» kpoiod 74 mpH plus 1500' mil**, '• Must Mil giOol voluo* *1 91149-080 ton SBS-4BM • • 440 *5 HONDA SPREE E-stol'lant < undftidn 9300 A»k to. MoinrTOM 3446 • 4 n : 1991 KAWASAKI KZMO good liro* RWM Mil 9904 dr 0**1 Includot hoi mol ° 466-46S7_ - ' , 4-30: 1994 DO DOE vy Ion MOM Nx^cyi 3 *pd • wmbRbMobBv *Our»0 344-8631 • jfrl . 1990 HONDA *1 1*5 , ".l.lxm 943S 4912361 SnodoSO bm • . ■ S3 . 1971 DATSUN 1200 '•dial* run* good. 9440 -Tom 699 4361 oncompua, • ' - S-,1.. •6 HONOA 125 A*ro 9760’ 1400 mil** ‘ 3424691 S-1 „ Travel SINGAPORE trm RT •• Call loday to insure, your spot Campus Travat.Cantar EMU 342 31,70' 5238UW Airline Ticket United Roundtrtp Eugana S F *S8 may 7 12 344 9980 I ...M, Wanted House To Sit Reiiabi* gradual* student will taka good car* ol your house. pal*, and lawn wtilla you r* gon* this tummar In a.chang* I thro In your house SHorl larm car* available. la* negotiaM* Nalarancaa available P»< 3*30847 98840*1 • ~ 4-29 SCUBA GEAR WANTED Call 586 4608 days. 3*4 9277*v*-—51 - Opportunities Scholarships Available Sophomore* and undar. Ira* inform* lion NSRS Bo. 886. Eugan* OR 97440 JUNIORS. SENIOR. QRAOS give youraalf cradii Apply lor VitMMattar card. Saar*. Jala, card* No am ploy mani. nigh acceptance rat*, today EMU toe 4 29 Help Wanted GOVERNMENT JOSS St6.04O-659,230ryr Now hiring Call 8054878000 e.t R9842 lor currant ladaral Hat si] NEEDED SUMMER CAMP Couniioiet Camp Fir* Camp Wilani June 29 thru Aug 9. call Uaa. 342009? morning*, ayanlnya.... __ 4-?9 Do you know what PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING ha* to oiler? unofficial degree analysis psychology requirement* clartfiad summer psychology court* information lost Ilia, tutor Mating WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS tor summer and tall term advttor* coma on in ~ I4t Straub to pick up an ap plication or for academic advising 72004 29 DELIVERY DRIVER/PIZZA MAKER. 2025 hour* per weak Fa*t pace. IM* night, hard work Apply In parson Tracktown Rtua. 1809 Franklin Blvd 72015-2 EXPERIENCE MONEY ADVANCEMENT Sa* whyIhouaanda ol aludanta consider I hie I ha bast tummar job anywhere Must have an lira summer fro* 54400 avg commis sion.Write Summer Work PO Bo. 3124 Eugan* OR 97403 include name, major, yt In school, tat no 4-30 POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Snack bar par ton D J Submil application or returns at Players Cabaret. 1045 Wlllamatt* by 12 noon. Thursday May t 7203 4 30 NANNY WANTED. Washington DC, warm parson wanted tor child car*, laundry and house work t year minimum Salary plus private room, bath and board CM! (301) 2208790V52 NEED U PEOPLE who want to lose weight CMI 344 5813___0*1 NOT WANTED Military notation* to political and aconomlc problem* Oregon SANE, the Commute* tor a Sane Nuclear Policy, la hiring tor It* community outreach program Salary, training, benatlt* Interviews May tat Conbtact Emmett. AM 3214 tor appoint men! _4 29 ACCURATE TYPIST, S» M/hr Work Study Call Barb 6M 5728 7181:5-2 OFF CAMPUS HOUSING it now ac ceptmg application* tor Iha Dirac tor1* position Description* are available In Sulla 3. EMU basement Application* are due by Monday May 12. Stipend or work-study available Motivation and a good background of the Eugene sprlngtlald area is a must!. We are an Affirmative Ac UonrEqua! Opportunity Employer (Also mutt be around for this sum met) ■■ ■'. 7202 5-2 THE OREOON DAILY EMERALD I* now accepting applications for posi tion* covering-. ...*-* Higher Education. , . Student Activities ... .* Both are associate editorship pot' lions, requiring about 30 hours a week Job* are non-workatudy. pay Is about.1300/mo Application* and lob description* era available In Room ■ .too EMU Application* are due Mon, May 5!-at 5 pm TheEmeral is an Alflr mauve Action Employer Women'and minorities are encouraged to apply ' ' :. ** DO YOU ALWAYS GET THE WORM? Are you always * the one digging' . deeper, working harder* and following through with profedtt'long after the others have gone? II you are. arid;if. you'are Interested, in. working• with' other "Early Birds ’then we would . Ilk* you to apply for th**#!op*nlngs -The .Oregon* Daily Emeraikf Adverbs mg Department currently has open mgs * .tor. • apprenticeship*' position* throughout Spring term 'These post lions will turn into* sales positions -nest year, alter intensive .Paining, in sale*, marke.ung. and . general business^ procedures - The positions require us*.of a car'(NO MOFEDS/BICYCIES) minimum .one hour a day and of'course. unlimiied enthusiasm and energy I . We hav* to be honest when we tell *11 those interested tn applying tor the** lob* that the,competition is tough Bui.' w* always 'need qualified salespeople and now more than ever, eapertenc* ori Ihe.Tth larges! Morn log paper in Oregon will give you ln: vWualbeesperience Applications*## available -In Room 300. EMU 85 pm Ctoeing due May 2. tM5 O O E is an Equal opportunity Employer— 52 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC We help you find the RIGHT Roommate Cell 6878213 . 6ISM tin SHARE LA ROE LOVELY Duptea m SW Eugene from May 1 Lola of living and storage spec* on 2 boors with deck, patio, fireplace, carpeting, orchard, deer, raccoons $145 plus W util ISO deposit Cell Snan* 345-0410 ' 5-2 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, rnantod couples and single parents possibility of Im madia)* occupanty Of Plata youtselI on ■ waning llal' Westmoreland lurniahad apart men) 2 bedroom JI447md. I bedroom 21 15/mo Amazon untarnished 2 bedroom SlJOlmo Future opening* expected. all area* Contact UO Houa ‘5£ Papt, 888-4377 *942 tin SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIOE MANOR 1*10 Herd* Furnished quad* with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parsing and laundry I acuities available From 2100 Call lor more details inager 344 2*67 tl Management Co 1142 Oak SI 7082 tin 17S0 ALOCH Furnished 2 bedroom apt* W block to campus Laundry, covered parking In well managed complea Resident manager 667-0684 or 486-1707 IPM Co, 1111 Peart 6027 tin 2 Bod room $200 Very targe unturnlshed apartment Laundry, parking No pet* or children Available until end of August only 2045 Willamette 145 7987 _ 71051 In FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY LIVINO IN THE LUXURY OF THE SOUTH EAST HILLS ■10 minutes from UO -2 bedroom -m bath -2 private balconies -Fully appllanced. Sauna 6 Pool -Small pets okay •Tanning bed 2300 6 2315 Adult complex Forest Village Call now 687 1318 _6131:4 30 QUIET COUNTRY LIVING ~ln the southwest hills Beautiful 1 and 2 bedroom apt* with view, tennis, pool, rec room, laundry Close to city bus line Prospect Park Apts. 1710 Nor thvtew Slvd 484-8563 7153 tfn Close to Campus 334 E 15lh 2 bedroom lownhouse Available now $316 Hobart Belknap Realtor 896 Country Club Hoad 486-5212 8-1 1331 HIGH ST. Studio apl ulillliee paid share kitchen with one other private bath Parking available Camputrdowntown locations From $180 Manager 34S877B, BENNETT MANAGEMENT 485-8991 7173:4 30 NICE 5 PERSON HOUSE In Hendricks Perk area Starting June $185. 2275 Floral Hill 3428735 5 2 OAKCREEK 225$ Augusta St. very nice 3 bedroom. 1'vtbath townhouses Fully applianced; carpeted, on site laundry Conveniently located-lust east ot Hendricks Perk end 1 mil# from campus Manager. Unit 2255 Call 345 5983 $425 JENNINQS • CO 883-2271. 701LUB' FURNISHED APARTMENTS V». Mock to campus: 4 bdrm $485, 2 bdrm .$300 David 3448889 • ■ • 5-.1 Quads CAMPUS COURT OUA0S •* Just one block from the library Private refrigerator; vy bath, all utilities - paid, from $189 Rod dr Kelly,. 1544 Alddr no2T, 345-4490 • S8S2ttn ■ • CLEAN. NSW CARPET, Unities peSF. $*159 summer $99 1888 Harris,. Manager no 4 3428281 7204 ttn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR sale ' Call „ Damn# 344 1806 ' -4 30* Pets FREE LABRADOR PUP id good,home 8833092 . ' M Food & Drink KUGEXfc-S FALL GREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Havs Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: ’ Turkey 8 Cheese titled croissant SpMech 8 Cheese lilted croissant Straight from the oven 11 .*00 am M F 7308 00 Ml E 13th peturday S3_ 484 1862 TACO TUESDAY 35* S-Spth. mmioi Events ANIMAL HOUSE MEMORIAL TOGA PARTY Wednesday. . April 301h. 9 pm 2 am . Mlllcamp. 2t5 ,Q St. Springfield Specials, prizes, good times 7204 4 30 * 1 *" F • * * o Witchcraft as Goddess Worship with Carol Queen. Brown tiag Forum Wed. April 30 2:30-3:30 EMU Forum Room EMU REC CTR Lost & Found Sale (Lott ot Umbrellas!) Wed t Thursday tl AM 4 PM EMU baaomanl. X3711 7196:51 Windsurfing Exciting video 1965 O'Nail clastic In Maul Thrills and spills by the workd's bast Sponsored by boardsporls and Outdoor Program Wednesday April 30. 12 30. Outdoor Program 7205 4 30 WEDNESDAY BEER GARDEN EMU Dining Room 4:00-7:00 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS ; $1 Cover ... Food and alternative Beverage available • ..* . 10 Required ’ WEDNESDAY This will be the BEST BEER GARDEN OF THE - TERM DON’T MISS IT! 71894 29 Student Campaign lor Disarmament presents ' « Kate Rogers Gessert luesday April 29,1986 8:00 pm EMU*Forum Room* (•reel Entertainment TONIGHT! MAGIC SWAN and the DUKES at TAYLOR’S S1 HALLUCINOGENIC 429 gNk ‘rainctrOCKLcny v , Hot Fudge , Sundaes CHHS' 994 ' EVERY TUESPAY ME 13th 861 Willamettf I Pool-Darts l Pinball KEGS TO GO BIG SCREEN TV Sunday NightFree Pool • ' Tuesday Hot Dog Night •Thursday Beer Night ° F riday Night.Dad Blind Draw Saturday-Duck Game Specials - Piua/ltallan lood available from our senrlca window ot Pizza Pete's Italian Kitchen. . Black Forest Tavern 2657 WILLAMETTE 344-0816 Personals I PROBLEMS? Crisis Center U of-0 telephone hotline, 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call 666-4486 . 3144:tfn PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS Free pregnancy testing Birthright 667-0651' ' ' 623 U . Hey you Tri Deltas! Super- Du per job with Der by Days! ■ ■ • ’ - ‘ ' 4-29 FRIENDSHIPS. COMPANIONS. SASE Sweet Memories. Bos 1537. Newport OR 97365 6-9 Don’t Get Burned! Sunny weather is on the way! Our clients know that a lew rata ring ses sions In a Wolff system sunbed pro duce a great pre-summer Ian and help prevent painlul and dangerous sunburn. 5um5hower 465-2323 874 E. 13th Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Up the stairs next to Klnko's «mUO Bookstore— WE NEED YOU To Vote For U of O Bookstore BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wed April 30 Thurs May 1 At the EMU and In the U of O Bookstore Lobby t3th 4 Kincaid M F 3 30-5 30 686-4331 _ SAT 10:00-4:00 PATTY P. OF MT. STEENS: You were a Godsend last week memories of smokes, cling, Big O. great cuisine, the daughter", and psychologic si child abuse Cheers to the biggest self-haze in history Love. KAREN OF MT PAULINA. 4 29 FRANK BENDER: If ever there wee a Golden Fox, it was thou Thanks a bunch for the sexy note Now howsa bout that walk in the woods? Camp Tad mor love, KAREN. 4-29 ATTENTION: UNDERGRADUATES. Are you still looking for summer work? Look no further! Southwestern Co interviewing students for summer work program How does *383 per week avg sound? For interview appt call 68701044 30 VIDA BARN: Available for parties, etc Details 485-3222 during business hours._ 7154:tfn CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS For men applications available Athletic Dept meeting for ali ap plicants May 5 6 pm at Mac Court. ... 7193 5*2 ; Chain Letters Have you received one lately? It you have received a chain .letter or know of someone who has received a chain letter, please cali.Ai at 686-5511 or . come to the EMERALD. Rm 300 EMU Confidential: . * • • ■ • 4 30 Designated Saferide Stops Are the EMu on the hour; Library 10 min after Law school 13 min. after, Allied Arts 17 min. after Oregon Fitness half past, Music school 40 min, Amazon 50 min after. The van will take on riders and leave - them at any destination on the route. Schedules are available at the ASUO, Information desk, Oregon Hall, Bookstore, Security, and Housing. Contact Security in case of emergency & after Shut tle hours. 7171:4-29 GREEK PR COUNCIL is now accepting ap plications until 5 pm Wed April 30th. Applica tions available in Suite 5 EMU. For more informa tion contact Mike Clark 683-0656 ir Susan Hum phries 344-6814. _ 7206:4-30 Desperate f§ GTF’s BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed HUP'NUtot/ Mt.mAsm otmxp OHPfMM TVS jU wawzYmx' laitaxs a cm of mcuom emum ¥BHT CAM 06 FATAL If MCK'/estm* iu A'BMPiMKH- TURN ON f&cnon~. ’mi sntfer HumwreL mix' \