Cook, ‘confidante' of 25 years gets a tasty tribute from ‘kids’ By Frale de Guzman (K th«i Kmrraltl Swaying t<> the beat of Randy and tin! Equators, residents of the Chelsea House quickly made dinner, lit candles on ti cake and then dimmed the lights ail in honor of their surprise guest, Ruth Thorne. Fittingly enough, Thorne this time was catered to by about 80 of her past and present ‘'kids.’* or University students she has cooked for during -the past. 25 years. . Although she currently cooks at the Chelsea House, Thorne began working In the .University area as the first cook ai the Philadelphia House' in- 1961. She then .cooked fqr Phi Delta :Theta and Alpha Tau Omega before starting in 1976. with the Chelsea House, where she has cooked for tin* last four years, Famous for her ’ chocolate chip cookies and sirawfterrv pies, Thorne was more than, a cook and managed to% endear herself to a lot of people,.says. Mike Evans, a former A TO member. “Ruth fulfilled a.much larger role," Evans says. "She made' sure the house functioned. And . she was a great friend." In addition to being- a cook and budget director, "she was also surrogate mother, friend and confidante And she-takes a lot of pride in what she cooks,'.* says Jeff Bissonnette. current manager of the Chelsea House. The smells of Thorne's cook ing is often what make! is viiittjF want to live at the Chelsea House, Bissonnette adds Many students say the love and affection she gives her "kids" have enriched their lives, earning Thorne a special place in their hearts. ■ --- "She's a real pioneeron cam pus," says Kevin long, an English major and a .currant' resident of the Chelsea House. "She's reul traditional and has got a lot of charisma," "She's one of the most giving people I've ever known," says joeinne Green, Thorne's daughter. "She really knows how to love. I'm really proud of her." love and a strict adherence to the Golden Rule is Thorne’s key to success, she says. In the 25 years she has cooked in the University area. Thorne has witnessed many changes, especially in the Greek system “After the discontinuation of hazing in the Greek system, things began to quiet down," Thorne says. "Now the boys have a lot of respect for older people, and in the last few years, they’ve lieen mom con* Kuth Thorne, "surrogate mother ” to scores of students in. the pest 25 years, (tots a huff from k'im Ketterer. ERS "WHERE ADVENTURES BEGIN" 198 W. Broadway, Eugono Downtown 683*5877 EUGENE'S NEWEST DOWNTOWN OUTDOORS STORE Most new GUITARS in stock are - Vl with this coupon Case must be purchased with . . most guitars •, Layaways, but no trades. With this coupon you can buy a set of GUITAR STRINGS for V2 PRICE Limited to 4 sets per • r customer Coupon valid through April 30.1986 M-F IQ-7 (Closed noon hour) Sat. until 4 LTD “Fox Hollow'' Bus Park at our front door 380 E 40th Eugene • 345 8289 uiwjuii I'Pin; uimaiu uw, uingun uan? miieiaiu um uiwgun uairy mwniu UUE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald r>nr Prepon riaii. r>nr fW, Vr~*r.\A r>nr corned with their' .education. '"'Bpt .tjoys'wlTnSS'boyii!' . "When the movie 'Animal Mouse' came out,.my friends •tried to convince me not to' waufb'thh movie.They probably thought I was a prude," Thorne says- "Bui I told them.that I had ; serin i fa I l‘i n per si i iT' As confidante, Thorne was. often told about upturning pranks and* special events such as the engagements of various house members "1 was full of secrets," Thorne says. "And I wish that I had kept a diary, then I could i blackmail somebody." Thorne , adds with a. laugh A widow since HitifS, she says she regards the "kids" she cooks for as her second family. "The kids mean a lot to me,” -Thorne says. "They're what's kept me going all these years. They’re my life. "It's been interesting and rewarding life," she adds. "I feel that I've made a little mark in the lives of boys and girls, and if I have, it's all been wor thwhile because they're all good kids." • Life’s a Beach • Quick-Silver •96° • Town & Country Willamette Sports Center r