Peace Corps representatives i^asl/ are here. ^ INFORMATION BOOTH Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29 EMU LOBBY • 9:00 - 3:00 BROWN BAG SEMINAR / . Monday, April 28 • EMU Room 108* 11:30-12:30' * 'Teachers Meeting the Needs Of Developing . Nations" SEMINARS Monday, April 28 • EMU Room 101 • 7:30-9:00pm "25 years of Peace Corps - is it working?". • . Tuesday, April 29 • EMU Forum Room • 3:30 - 5:00pm "A Look at Sierra Leone, West Africa" . Wednesday, April 30 • EMU Room • ' 108-9 • 10:30 -11:30am "Peace Corps Potential in Coordination with the International Fair" I F BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Abu Nidal's terrorist group claimed Monday that , its men ; killed a British tourist in .Jerusalem" id revenge for the U.S. air. raids on Libya two weeks ago. ". The United States blames the . renegade Palestinian leader for the Dec. 27. massacres at the •Rome and Vienna airports, in which 20. people were killed, and accuses Libyan- leader Moammar’Khadafy of harboring him. 1 I a« World news_ Soviets have nuclear accident MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet government Monday reported a nuclear accident at the Cher* t nobyl power plant. It said one nuclear reactor was damaged and those "affected'* were Iwiing given aid. Reports on the accident carried by the official Tass news agency did not disc lose whether there were any deaths. It was not immediately known if the reference to those "affected" implied that some people were injured. The Tass reports were issued after Swedish officials said increased radiation levels were detected north of Stockholm, apparently because of a radiation leak in the Soviet Union. Similar in creases in radiation levels wore reported in Finland. It was believed to be the first time the Soviets had reported on a nuclear accident. The initial ac cident report came in a brief dispatch from the Soviet Council of Ministers that was carried by .. Tass. The government Haul an investigatory com mission has been sot up, .‘tiding, ‘'measures are (wing undertaken to eliminate the consequences of the accident.” One nuclear reactor was damaged in the acci dent. Tass said. The Tass report gave no other details. There is a city in the Ukraine named Cher nobyl. north of Kiev. It was not clear from the Tass report whether that is where the nuclear plant accident occurred. In New York, Eugene Gan thorn, an analyst at the office of the Atomic Industrial Forum, a U.8. industry group of utilities and suppliers, said the nuclear plant is located at a new town called Pripyat near Chernobyl. The plant constat* of four t.OOO-megawatt reactors constructed in 1077., . t081 and 1HH3. he said The city of Chernobyl is some 750 miles from1 the area in Sweden where officials reported-in creased radiation. ... Abu Nidal group claims it killed tourist : A typewritten statement delivered to a Western news agency in Moslem west Beirut claimed that Paul Appleby. 28. of Bristol. England, was on a spy mission Sunday when gunmen of Abu Widal's Fatah Revolutionary Council shot him down. In another development, the Lebanese Fonrign Ministry said the Netherlands was closing its embassy in Moslem west Beirut because of the wave of kidnapp ings and murders since the American raids April 15 on Tripoli and Benghazi All Dutch nationals are to he evacuated from the Moslem sector Appleby, who carried a Bible in his knapsack, was shot once in the back of the head with a small-caliber pistol near the I Garden Tomb.- a -Christian H«»ly shrine on the hilltop Protestants believe is the site of Christ’s crucifixion and burial. Palestinian sources in Beirut said hadry probably was an Abu . Nidal follower killed in action, • but they bad no specific infor mation about him : • • . According to the statement-, Appleby's murder was “retalid-: tian for the complicity of-the . Thatcher government-' in the U S imperialist aggression on. Libya,*’ The reference was to , the British government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which supported the U.S. raids. It did not give the number of terrorists involved, but said all “returned safely to base.” Deaver asks Meese for special prosecutor WASHINGTON (API — hobbyist Michael Deaver asked Attorney General Edwin Maes* Monday to apiwint a *jh < iat prosecutor to investigate allegations that be violated conflict of interest laws alter leaving his fob as an aide to President Reagan. ' *1 believe elementary due process and fairness to roe and my family require appointment of an independent counsel,’ Deaver said in a statement released by his office Congress set up the special prosecutor's procedure ‘ as the means by which persons tn my position can have such aliegatons weighed and resolved by experienced, impartial and thorough examination." Deaver said. There have been allegations that Deaver violated the law by lobbying on issues that he handled while in the White House. Federal conflict-of-interest law prohibits former top of fleials from lobbying for two years on issues that were direct ly under their purview during their final year In office, Addi tionally, the officials cannot lobby colleagues with whom they worked in the same office for one year. ■ff'KP Cult by Stltcltd Ptrtonntl *®ss“ -lassf"»