Letters Substantiate To the closed-minded Pro fessor Rousseve, loot's separate religious myths from historical facts. Jesus of Nazareth — a man of history, see Encyclopedia Hritannica. 15th edition. 1974. Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated supernatural powers, see the works of Julian the Apostate. Roman Emperor from 361-363.' Jesus.of Nazareth was put to death by Pilate, See the Annuls of the Roman historian Tacitus (XV. 44} / t; .. . . • .Jesus .rose from the dead, see 'Antiquities’ XViil 33.by Elivius. • ‘ Josephus’ - ; . ; ; Jesus promised iiterhal Tlfe'to ,' ... those • who ' will . follow', his ■teachings..see |oHn10:7H . .’ " When non-Biblical •' source's .1. ; dictate tliat .there; was' a ./man ‘•. who fulfilled Several hy ndred . . ^prophecies; ^inade. 'over ? a 1 ;0Q0 year, period, all prior to, this man's existence. I'rp incltn— V ed to ut the very least study this • . man .' yOu haven't., ; " • ' ' Your ‘ideas are vain,V°coh-. ‘ : ceiled and empty. .You'., egn : • • repudiate what you' wish: however. $2pd •• if you' . can ; Substantiate, cal I 740-9923.; ‘ • Brian Krary •...' Hieing}-/Religion. ■ A few questions V In regard to all this stuff bet >• .' ween the U.S. arid Libya’. I.have a few questions. ••; ' • 1. What is a Palestinian? \a 2. Whem is (was) Palestine? 3. What is Zionism? ' '• If you already .know the answers you don't reafly. need to read any further, just tell your friends. If you didn’t know-the answers( a dietinnarvJ_iiiight.,be_ able to tell you but it wouldn't, he fair to answer them without . ■ first understanding .the?-first, three. : MAKE MONEY to /?; WE BUY, TRADE «f CONSIGN ' quality < lot hint] (wvilo 2 yrf. old) Knm nitxt us Khw tlr doing out you* closets. O* just tom* browse through our unique- shop Call Mornings for Appt. 344-7039 SAVE MONEY IO-® Noa. S*l. .160 t. I lib. between nil! «r ttiflh I I I t_cur • SAvr ___i SALE KHS Mountain Bikes ✓ 15 Speed Alloy Wheels 2705 Willamette 345-5979 1. What is a refugee? 2. What is a terrorist? 3. Do two wrongs make a right? Than I have a final question and it is directed to those who didn't know the answers to the first three, and those who really want an education. t. Why didn't you know the answers? It's not entirely your fault, sometimes0 we just don’t hear the full story. In .order to solve the problems, we have to - : understand'the cause. Daphne Petrohilos •; • Student Support GTFs • ; Thjs.' ye«r-: the O.S. govern • merit;'in yet another'aitefnptto • (valance its budget, onthebacks' •of the piK>r.-dotiided: to. tax;tui-:' tioii waivers given do graduate • ..stH^dehTs ; (don \t . wbrryV. ' undergrads. -ybur financial-aid •is safe,.-- -for the, moment!). ’ /(Iraduate "Teaching * Fellows and o.ther university employees whorhceiveK?duced*jtuit ion- are • * no w, required totnclude'lhls so; called! .''in-kind 'income.”' as . earned - income,- and pay taxes •; pn both actynl- income and. the " •' waiver. - .- •' • Chancellor- Hud Davis 'has 'v. decided to add th® .Waiver ..for . t‘hisk-year‘s winter and; spring ; .terms to GTFk' April.and-May paychecks.' The typical (IFF currently grosses? about $500 per month’, and: in the;past net- - ted-about'$430 -after income, •-.taxes., Davis’- additional withholding wilj-reduce net in-' 'crime to approximately $2B0 per month As-far as we know, Oregon is’lhe.only state in the nation to actually implement . the’new iayv. ,v' Now', it doesn’t take a gnnius _ to figure* out that GTFs simply .won’t be able to make ends meet . this spring Many fine teachers • and - research assistants will , have -to look elsewhere for Take A Gelato Break! ; DISHES ONLY Sorry, no cones. Offer good April 21-25. 1986 I WITH COUPON ONLY FALL CREEK! BAKERY! wwvwwvuwwvw 484-1662 M-F 7:30-6, Sat 8-3 . Eugene, 881 East 13th next to UO Bookstore j employment as they strive to complete their education. Both graduate and undergraduate programs will undoubtedly suffer. The GTFs need the entire university community’s sup ' port during this crisis. Ken Seiden Stan Wingate Economics GTFs Delightful hour; Happy Birthday to the Bard as actors from-the'Theater Depart-. itient craftily . reminded us’ .. Wednesday •in the EMU cour- X;[ tyard ? Such a delightful hoUrl speht.1i) the 4 6 th Centwi^. ; ‘ i;. > • Ka t hart pa •. a nd ' P'etVu ch.it> ' clashed'. Titariia. sizzled {and Hamlet vowed to- haye the tfilth-.' • .Ofice.'agalh' Shatespeare’s'-eio- \ cjuent words iechoed irito’ thi&{ • 2()ihCent.ury-. And sd'did-I re- { • jo ice that day that I. was .born "with an -English, tongue! ■ . . % Kathecyn Shatnrell ' ; •; Linguistics /' r 1 'Corner 13th « HMyard eroM from the now rSacred Heart atfdttton \t& I aaannaaaaa \±**V** aad^BSthaw Phone _*• % 343-6234 if. 0080000000 MjjrpjuLur* ■ aoaQooQQaoooQoaaaoooQooao - - -.** I I I I I Special Peking Dimer For 2 or More offer good Mon.-Thur. includes Egg Flowers. Velvet soup Appetizers Fried Wonton t ■ Fried Shrimps Mar Far Chicken Entree Chicken Almond Sub Gum Chow Mein Pineapple Sweet & Sour Pork . . ; Barbecue Pork Fried Rice Tea or Coffee & Fortune Cookies . • Now Serving Beer, Wine & Cocktail* -Special Lunch M*F :■> I , (open 7.days a week from 1.1 30 to 10 00 pm): SAVE *2.00 *39* perse* Reg. *6.00 per person Check for money-saving coupons in the Oregon Daily Emerald • For 25 Years, we’ve been exporting America’s most valuable resource. The men and women of the Peace Corps. Dedicated volunteers who help people in developing countries live better lives. \ It's tough. And.it takes more than just concern. It takes motivation: Commitment. > But for 25 years, being a Peace Corps volunteer has been a chance to stop dreaming about a better world and start doing something about it. Peace Corps The Toughest Job You II Ever LOve INFORMATION BOOTH: Mon.-Tues., Apr. 28-29, EMU, 9:00 a.m. • 3:00 p.m. BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Public Invited Mon., Apr 28, EMU, Rm 108, 11:30 a.m. • 12:30 p.m. “Teachers Meeting the Needs of Developing Nations” OTHER SEMINARS: Public invited Mon., Apr. 28, EMU, Rm 101, 7:30 • 9:30 p.m. “25 Years of Peace Corps • Is it Working?” Tues., Apr. 29, EMU, Forum Room, 3:30 • 5:00 p.m. “A Look at Peace Corps Projects in Sierra Leone, West Africa” SCHEDULED INTERVIEWS: Tues.-Wed., May 13-14, 9:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. Hendricks Hall, Career Planning & Placement Office. Sign up in advance, bring your completed application to the office.