It's time to graduate college, but there's no career in sight It's graduation limn, and unlike many of my more motivated (and disciplined and organized) friends. 1 don’t have a clue in the world us to what I'll he doing uftnr )une 15. No resume, no interview suit and no ideaof what l want to do or where I want to do it. The Reporter’s notebook whole concept of actually set-, tin# out to- find a . job seems almost unreal. Sure, graduation day . has been five, years: coming and it's not as though I didn't have some spare time along the .way to think, about my carnet'-. Hut in alt . honesty., the gravity of this [ situation has . only recently become the subject of daily thought; ; . Why am I getting a journalism degree Instead of. Something more marketable, like computer science or business? • Because your boyfriend; freshman year was a journalism major, you copied all of your friend's computer labs in 'CIS. 121 and you flunked Calculus 207, Why am my grades so lousy? Because your priorities (let's say between .study time and par ty time) are distorted. Why wasn 't I born into a family with so much money I’d never have to think about finding a lob? • V " •; ; Because not everyone can .be a Kennedy. While this basically negative thought 'process. compounded by an endless barrage of pawn-. Editors: Michelle Brcnce Chris. Norred Cover. Photo: James Marks ■ Photo Editor: James Marks ** • , ’ • ‘ *• . ■ Production: Angie Muniz. Photo Tech: Ross. Martin tal concern" ("Don't even think about free loading- anymore because It won’t work'.'), isn't especially helpful, there are oc casional bright spots. •• Accounting.-' majors who ■ graduate. with jobs that have starting salaries of $26,000 a year1 are hro wn -nosing • overachievers. At least you didn't com promise. your .principles.,;-. Accounting majors who ; graduate with jobs that have, starting' salaries of $28,000 a’ year amprohahly Ty pe A. high "stress personalities, who'll have heart attacks 'before, the year 2000. J ■ ; ■ " • , At least you'll still bo healthy. • : J ■■■ •. V . '. ■ Accounting majors who ■ graduate -with jolts that have starting - salaries of $20,000- a 'yeur'caniiot possibly. lay any■ fun. At least'you . get invited to parties- . 1 don't know, maybe 1 haven't ;• Rent an Electric Typewriter. Rent now! Availability limited. At your Bookstore. made the most 01 my educa tional .. opportunities at the University, and maybe I don't have the most optiiriistic job outlook. But when all is: said . and'done. 1 wouldn’t .trade the' das! five'years.for anything. Not even for a job with a starting salary of $26.OtiO a year.' . by Kirsten Bolin Food Service DELI Sandwiches, Pizza. Fruits. Bagels, Croissants. Pastries, Soft Drinks Brownies & Chocolate Chunk Cookies 9am -11pm Mon - Fri 8am- 11pm Saturday 12am - 7 30pm Sunday PDE Oregon Daily EmernM ODE (Vegon Daily ODE On-,on Dally Emerald C Emerald ODE Oregon Dally Emerald ODE Oregon Dally Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Em jaily Emerald ODE i )r«gon Dally Emerald OPE Oregon Dally Emerald ODE Oregon 0 * • ' • •*.. • .• - i-; • ' r< /;v;' ■>. ' .**••' •• ; . •• 2 [ Coupons in the Emerald save you money, j Check every page, every day. It pays. U----J ———-—=======^^ in : You've worked hard these past years arid that diploma is almost yours. You've spent long days and .weeks'indoors • preparing for those important final papers and exams-.'You're. deservedly proud of all you've accomplished. • . You!re also paler than the bejly of. a cava-fish! Some color ' your cheeks (your mother was .right!)- cbuld be,t'the intangible . edge which might make all ths difference.'at that Important'job ; interview ypu'ye Spent-so. long preparing 'Jop!. ,' vV Fret hot, lob seeker? f- you;cah aqquirfe that .healthy, self confident glow with just a few'deeply relaxing sessions in' ogr • Wolff.System ^unJbed*- . • . . . - • *,* SunShower Tanning Center The moat convenient tanning facility In the Unlveralty area v. •)'; v"-' 874 13th Ave • 485-2323 Upstairs next to Kinko’s •» - LOOK GOOD — FEEL GOOD FOR THAT CAREER INTERVIEW! REG ON F I N E end-of-school 6 WEEK SPECIALS! rrmcss ujurun $35°° INCLUDES: Unlimited Aerobics, Eqiupment Use, And 2 FREE Tanning Sessions, May 1 - June 15,*86 ... TANNING COUPON 4-AQE FOR UNLIMITED TANNING! ^ May 1 - June 15.1986 BEST HOURS * BEST PRICES VISA 6am - 11pm 7 days a week 485- 1475 Franklin Blvd. 1624 Across from campus