Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1986, Page 6B, Image 13

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    Foreign students face red tape in off-campus job hunt
By Souna Kang
Of the Emerald
Red tape and restrictions face
foreign students who want to
work in the United States, but at
least three options are available
for those seeking employment
here, said Peter Briggs, assistant
director of the University Office
of International Services (OIS).
“On-campus employment is
open to all international
students," Briggs said. Limited
work-study funds are available
for awards to foreign students
each year, he said.
But in order to work off
campus, foreign students must
be authorized by the U.S. Im
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migration and Naturalization
Service, he said. To qualify,
they must obtain one of the
following: a student work per
mit. a practical training
authorization or a green card.
Foreign students can apply
through the OIS for a work per
mit, which allows them to work
full time during summer vaca
tion and part time during the
academic year.
“Applicants have to
demonstrate financial need due
to an unforeseen change in their
financial circumstances. They
must be planning to enroll full
time at the U of O for the term
following their application,"
Briggs said.
According to U.S. immigra
tion regulations, a foreign stu
dent on an F-t (student status)
visa only can apply for a work
permit after spending at least
one year in the United States as
a full-time student.
Practical training programs
are another option. If practical
experience is unavailable in
their home country, foreign
students can apply for up to 12
months of practical training
after graduation. Students can
apply for up to one year after ob
taining their degrees and are re
quired to find suitable training
positions within six months of
And. according to INS re
quirements. the training should
be recommended by the educa
tional institution as an exten
sion of the educational pro
gram. Three months of practical
training can be used during
summer vacation.
Another option is applying
for a green card, which allows
foreign residents to be
employed in the United States
The green card gives
foreigners “resident alien"
status, which entitles them to
an unrestricted period of
resident:!; and employment in
the United States. A foreign stu
dent can obtain a green card by
meeting one of the following re
quirements: marrying a U.S.
citizen, applying for political
asylum and proving ho or she
would face persecution in his or
her country, filing for "family
reunification" if a sibling or
parent Is a U.S. citizen or
presenting a labor certification
as evidence of special skills that
will not displace a U.S. citizen
from employment.
International students in
terested in obtaining off
campus employment can see an
adviser in the OIS. 330 Oregon
Hall, for more information.
"Employment and the Inter
national Student" will be the
topic of presentations May ti
and 7 at 4 p.m. in Century Room
l). EMU. Briggs will discuss
U.S immigration regulations
affecting foreign students who
plan to seek employment in the
United States.
Qj|'|^0|g Continued from Page 5B
said. Red and yellow ties are the
fad this year as well as paisley
pocket handkerchiefs, she said.
The most common fashion
mistake women make is to wear
evening outfits, such as a bright
silk dress and layers of jewelry,
to the office. Wort ley said.
Although businesswomen dress
more femininely today than five
years ago, they should wear cot
ton, linen or wool skirts, or
dresses with blazers for a more
executive look, she said.
Businessmen and
businesswomen should not
overlook their shoes when
dressing for success, she said.
“A sloppy pair of shoes can
destroy a carefully coordinated,
expensive outfit." she said.
"Shoes should be polished end
Taupe and black shoes are th«
most versatile for office wear
while brightly colored shoei
should be reserved for fun. shi
said. |
Women should wear pumps
with heeis no higher than two
inches, and they must always
wear nylons regardless of the
weather, she said.
Wortley said navy-blue and
brown suits express power and
dignity and should ho worn for
important presentations or
"You can never go wrong
Read the Emerald
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photo In Shu Shi rut Ohm
wearing a blue suit for nn inter
view." she said,
"At work, you are represen
ting your company. If you dress
well, you feel better about
yourself and have more con
fidence in your abilities," she
said "People who look good
get the breaks."
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