Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1986, Page 4B and 5B, Image 12

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    Before you go...
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Career Fashions for.
the ti
.Ml. Ohllct-tiMvs
Sui! in while
k k
with.pink whiu
\ i‘-i{ us fur >our
Carter Afardrobe
Newest Arrival — J.H. Collectible det im
Give your resume a professional look
by having it typeset at the Oregon Daily
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In order to be taken seriously in the
business world, women took to dressing
like men a few years ago, wearing dark
suits, high collars and ties, said fashion
expert Susan Wortley.
But those days are over, she said, To
day. female executives can dress n.
brighter colors with more accessories
and greater comfort and still be taken
seriously, she said.
Wortley, who manages the alterations
department of Seattle's Place Two. a
retail clothing store, was on campus
earlier this month to present a fashion
show for "Career Week 'Hti ” Shts ex
plained the "dos and don'ts" of dressing
for success.
"Individual companies have their own
dress codes. Employees of financial in
stitutions must wear more conventional
outfits, while fashion consultants and
graphic designers have more leeway."
she said.."A new employee should ask
about a dress c ode."
But in any career, the most important
aspect of creating a successful business
wardrobe is investing in quality suits
and separates. Worthy said.
"Inexpensive clothes will not wear
loitg and. wilf costmore to replace in the
long riii} than quality clothes." she said.
. A' businesswoman should begin her
wardrobe’by purchasing one navy-blue
suit and one grty suit, she said. She also
'should have two or three separate skirts
and’blazers. in; basic colors such as tan, •
» rust,.taii peblack, burgundy or cream..
- ;»he said-. V; C1' ■
'.'Wheh buying these more expensive
^ core items, arwpman should select a style,
that flatters.her body and won’t be dated ...
quickly-./'Cdriifqrtabie wool or cotton'
gahardinesiii.ts can be worn fashionably-' .
for.seveh tii;e,igHt:years." she said. .
The idea;behind building a wardrobe
is.to estidiiish a |irm foundation and con
tinually expand and update, it with
hrightly coloreil blouses and accessories. . .
she said.v
. . Blouses, .which are cheaper and are.
. repiacin'l-every-tWo or three years, can be
bright'and titrndy. Wortley said. .Yellow,
and fuchsiaam this year's fud colors, she ,
'said.* ‘ •. •
; ° Women.should be prepared to spend
about.Sl.SOOon clothes their first year if. ;
they are'jjust-lieginmng a business ward
robe.* Wort ley .'said, which would In'
'■ chide two suits, 10 blouses, three skirts, •„ .*
two blazers and two pairs of shoes. *
Men should begin a career wardrobe ' '
with a' niavy blue blazer, which can be
combined with a variety of slacks, she
said. . . .
"A blue,blazer, gray slacks, a solid
colored .'shirt and a red tie (with a .
diagonal stripe pattern) is an appropriate * :
- combi natlbnn for almost any situation. -
from art.interview to a dinner party." . .
she said; •.'*
A man alfo should have a solid gray .
suit., a pin-striped navy blue suit, and
tweed and herringtsme sports coats, she • -
Continued on Page HH
Rcmloiic yiwr college degree and get a better Ban through Army lU/IL Get
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