The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat About 70 cyclists turned out Sunday, despite cool temperatures ami intermittent showers, to compete in a oriterium bike race sponsored and organized by the University cycling team. While police maintained bar ricades closing the course to traffic, riders in three classes raced up to 50 laps around the sixth-tenths of a mile circuit bounded by 15th Avenue. University Siroet, 13th Avenue and Agate Street. Clockwise from left; Dan Watrud. Kelly Weiber and Doug Clark battle for first place in the 30-mile senior 11/111 class race. Clark, u University cycling team member, lapped the field and went on to take first place. • Hard turns on wet corners made this race difficult, but for tunately there wore no serious accidents. Croups are tight on the straightaway as participants try to follow close lathind someone who can break the wind for them. Mike Kitzovy fights to take the. inside in an effort io put other cyclists behind him on- his way to the finish line.. Story and photos by James Marks Typ ed VS Typese With all the competition, a professional-looking resume could make the difference! Graphic Services, located on the 3rd floor of the EMU at the offices of the Oregon Dally Emerald, can produce a typeset resume that you can be proud of. We have 11 different typefaces and countless formats from which to choose so your resume can be custom tailored to look its very best. A short resume can even be stretched to fill one page. Just bring in your resume in a typed form and Graphic Services will take it from there. Put your best foot forward with an attractive professional-looking resume from Graphic Services. Graphic Services Suite 300 EMU ODE Offices 686-4381 THE BEANERY 790 E 14TH % :0% < ,v^ °} CV^ - ?$$** * *mIeI“48: CLIP COUPON '■I 1 FREE Soda plus OFF any slice 11:30 • Midnight, Mon. • Frt. 3:30 Midnight, Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 6869598 Syj New York Pizza coupon expires 4/30/86 ■CUP COUPON ■■ i