International Opposition politicians in Haiti call for ruling council to resign PORT-AU-PKINCK. Haiti (AP) — Opposition politicians said Sunday that the deaths of six peo ple during a demonstration proved the ruling civilian-military council could not maintain order and demanded Its members resign.. Former National Assemblyman Rockefeller Guerre called for a general strike on Monday. . "No School! No work! the council should. . resign." Guerre- said Saturday in a radio inte.rv.iew. . • \. . Opposition JeadersGrogdireKugeue. Hubert IJeroriceray arid former .Justice Minister. Gerard . GOurgue,, who heads the Haitian Human Rights . •>. larague, alsodemandedthe coiittcM resign hut did ■ -pot join (iuorre's caII'for a'strike •. .* .ThethrCe cnuji'c ii members remained silent ' - about the ;.demarvd* for °theirj resignations and. • ' about the demonstration Saturday in which. w'.-.. police fired on a crowd of about 10.000 people. < , some of whom tried to storm the capital's main ., ;prison. - *■ .* •‘Three’people-d ied from police gunfire and -three were electrocuted when electric:.wires were -knocked .down-, onto a rain-drenched street. - '■■■’ Witnesses said;. Hospital officials reported at least . *" 2t*peopie were injured. ’ ‘.. • * . - • The Associated PiretS fried' unsucc essfully to contact t.i', ‘'Gen.. Henri Ntfmphy; -Hie council president. !.‘v v . ’ ’ . . ‘ * ° „ ' Pori-au-Prime. a city with a population of 1 million’. was calm Sunday, with stores ami street markets open. The opposition leaders made their demands that the council resign in radio interviews. . Eugene, head of the Social -Christiah Party,, said if the government Were.strong ii'could have . stopped the demonstration before it began.; Itpbert Deroncerav. a presidential- candidate for.the elections the council has promised to -• huold,!said- V the’ pouncil has lost the. faith of -the! • ■ people;.’'/ ■ And fJourgue said that *''a differehtipdiit'icai. formula" is need.ed. i;l.|e/'was.'a,:memb«ir of.-the ' .'<»riginal couiVcij.ihaf'tiH)'k;over after Presidehf-'fpr .lihvfcsatrtijaucie.lfiivairer.fled jlaitViin Keb", T.'and/ yveiit.' td lYaitee. cVuVi ng /v idle n’t ant|-go^’ernmerit" . clethon%tratioiis. ; ' ’U, *■': * :■ ■ V Saturd a y? p'marchwa s cidled tpinark the an niversary' of the' govi)'rnmeiit-'crackdown:an! Aiiril 26.. 1 Jesus was crucified ami buried- Catholics. (Irtn?k Or thodox and most other.Christian groups believe the Church of the Holy Sepulchre inside the Old City is the site of the crucifixion and burial. The Carden Tomb shrine borders on the Old City, which was crowded Sunday with those observing the eight-day | e w i s li I’ a s s over c o m - memo rating the biblical Israelites1 escape from Kgyptian bondage. The Key. William White of Dorset. Knglund. a chaplain at the site, said a woman beard a shot ring out around 12:50 p.m. and be ran to call file police Military sources said last week they were trying lo un cover four terror gangs operating out of Jerusalem's Old City and the occupied West Hank. The sources said the gangs were responsible for.recent at tacks iii and around Jerusalem, including the March 2 assassination of the Israeli appointed mayor of Nablus, /.afer a! Masri. As news of the shooting broke, Tourism Minister Avraham Sharif noted that re cent attacks have reduced tourism to Israel by 4t) percent since January; said ministry spokeswoman Orly Yegoro. The loss has cost the troubled Israeli economy $:to million in lost revenues. Sharir said, urg ing American Jewish leaders ’’not to surrender to terrorism and to coine visit Israel now." L 342-8111 Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Service! * •free delivery wilh a minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon. - Fri. 11 00 - Midnight Sat. 5:00-1 00 a m Sun. 5:00-11:00 p.m. MEANS SALAD Order a medium or large pizza and receive a EDCC SuPer Single rlVCE Serving Salad Hal »aM on delivery or carryoal • On* coupon per order TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. - 484-2799 ... " COUPON"8 I I I I I I I tJ Before you go... Save yourself some time and trouble - get a map. 20% off MAPS This week in the General Book Dept uo . 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