Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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Amused as hell
What is the problem with this
1 road with amusement Shu
Shitty Chen's letter about the
SPA ("Not amused." ODE,
April, 23). but something about
it bothered me.
I think it was the headline.
Not amused? Isn't this about the
fiftieth time we've seen "Not
amused" in the pages of the
Emerald? I mean, what's the
mutter, isn't anybody amused
around hem anymore?
Take Lynn Pinckney- She
rampages against the Emerald.
; -the Commentator, men in the
• escort service, a few shares of
IBM stock; the athletic- depart- •
mept and some poor Chinese
restaurant "thaH ,inadvertently/
. placed'.an amusing; if off-color
i ad,. • ‘V*..
' liuf in three months Lynn will
lie” V' higrtime lawyer with
. "AStlO executive," on her
resume, and the'World will still
not he .free from the collective
evils, of college journalism. ;
Kepubltrims, men - doing nice
; things for women, apartheid;
Oregon' football, and' Chinese
food, music and girls. And yet
she acts as if she is doing
something that matters.
Not: amused? frankly. I’m
amused as hell. .
loshua Tan/.er
In response to the letters
"Greek lifestyles" and "Eti
quette quiz." I d hardly con
sider name calling lo be any
more "cool" (oh no) than
Shame, shame, however, on
the "Creekies" whose "harass
ment" dubbed you a "narrow
minded SOB." In one way or
another we all are, alas for
human nature. Isn't it funny
how we are all so perfect that
we can point out each other's
When I nmd your first letter I
laughed looking forward to the
heated rebuttals and responses.
"Etiquette quiz" was a beauty!
Thank you Blake for your enter
tainment I laughed hysterical
ly! Have you ever considered
Beth (iaiser
Simple minds
This is a very simple message
for the obviously very simple
minds at work here at the U of C)
campus. Regardless of your ig
norance. intolerance and
hatefid attitudes toward gays
and lesbians. IX) NOT rip down
or cover up our flyers.
It appears that the mere sug
gestion of a reality existing that
is not your own offends and
threatens you. I hate to explode
your illusions, but white,
heterosexual, able-bodied rich
kids are not the only ones to ex
ist on this canipus. This is. not to
imply that any-one group of in
dividuals is responsible ;fdr
these offenses just realize that
your reality' I*, nirt the only one
and the "right" one : .
i. .It is opt .your pjai e. to oppress
a mi -harass' us. 'I.’ret e nd' ft ir ’ j qs t
fivtf m.inuieb'; that-r'ypuare
,, ad u It a nd. letjdiverse. a nd u'n iq lie,
peopje&.exisf regardlessf(»cyfiur'
, phobias; ajid :;‘;'.is jiiS:’.?■■;I of you r.
Hatred, go It can-only' .'benefit'
your own growth / • ; :
: •• liiah juniper
Judy C. Finch
(io-I)irectors, (lay
and Lesbian Alliance
Music choices
In response to Robert Duffy's
complaints about'. KWAX's pro
gramming: As a student at the
.University ybu support many
things that may lie of no-use. to
you.. The museum, the library
(unless there is an important
paper due) and the Athletic
As to whether or not KWAX’s
programming is conservative,
maybe you should decide what
conservatism is. To me, so
meone is conservative when
they an; afraid to stup out of
their usual cultural landscape
and experience something
which is new to them
I'm sure that if you listened
with any sort of awareness, you
could find within KWAX's pro
gramming musical ideas that
would satisfy your most outlan
dish fantasies, music rich with
rythms and harmonies that are
far less conservative than the
straight ahead dance beats and
simplistic harmonic structures
that make up most of the music
you mentioned in your letter.
Thu radio dial in Kugene has a
number of very fine stations
with a wide variety of listening
choices. Between KRVM, KLCC
and KRXX you will find the best
of the music you mentioned; the
addition of KWAX'S programm
ing only serves to round out
your choices,
Nathan Waddell
Di versification
I would like ■ to respond to
Robert. Duffy's letter on his
ideas of changing the format of
bur own university's,radio^ sta
tion. KWAX ("Change format,”
April 24). • •’ „ ..’•••
’ i am' Sorry Rob, but. 1 do hot ..
.think it .is’ ridiculous for a col
lirgif, station tb play classical
music. T, tcw> am from the'. San
Francisco Hay area and am well .
awam bfvKALX' aiidv KlISF. I
;ajways>jist'ert to urid enjoy both ,
'■ Yfin iriust crynehiber. though .
: th^fTwe am^hotV.in. tii^hayvares! ,
and'- >yhaV can iy^birt'. fpr a Jarge
y metropolisOnay; not. b^i'sudiiblh ‘
- - for.' a cornniivn it y, ; such " as -
Eugene.. ^DiVersifjeati on is. what
yoicstress1 and" i n; Kugerib.d iver
, sifi.«:at ion exists! *!-yy.'v’.;. -
" Stations^ sut:b* as KRXX and
the ;*pTibfic schpq} .\district's
KRVK1 are two such stations
that follow the format you pro
pose As for any other'classical
stations in the area, then; are
none.’ If your ideiCwas establish
ed, . it. vvould create riot more.
Hut jess diversification for the
Oh. and please do not think
that everyone that listens to
KWAX is over 35-years-bld. I
am riot even close to that age
Daniel (.onkc
Senior, Political Science
Telecommunications and Film
Election letters
won't be printed
Due to the enormous number
of letters received in the past
week, we have many election
related letters on hand that
could not be run before the
As always, we publish letters
in the order received, but we see
no purpose in publishing "vote
for me" or ballot measure opi
nion letters when the election is
All letters of this genre will
not be run. Anyone who sub
mitted such a letter that did not
run is welcome to talk with us
regarding this policy.
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