Use Your StucIent HeaItM Center ASK DR. WELLNESS Dear Dr. Wellness, I like to |o hiking and a few weeka ago after hiking a few hills on the weekend, I think I case down with a case of poison oak rash. The ltchlng and pain have finally gone but I'd like to know what to do If I should get it again. A: The best prevention Is of course avoiding contact with the poison oak plant. However, if you unfortunately do get the oil of the plant on your skin, wash your akin with tepid water and strong laundry soap as soon as possible after exposure. Also wash all clothes worn at the t lsie of exposure as clothes which are contaminated with the plant oil will cause rash not only In you but in others. Skin rash usually appears anytime up to 3 to A days after contact with the plant. Pimples and blisters which Itch greatly break out, con tinuing to show greater aamints of lesion up to 7-10 days after exposure, then gradually les sening and drying up by the 14th to 70th day. Keeping cool with cold compresses, solutions such as calamine lotion or ointments help de crease the Itching and scratching. This Is Im portant as scratching Increases the Involved areas and risk of Infection. You can alao control the Itching by using antihistamines and steroid lotions which pre vent Inflammation. Weaker doses such as Beni drll (antihistamine) and Hydrocortisone (.SI steroid lotion) are available as over-the counter medication at the Student Health Cen ter Phamacy. A Herpes Education/Support Croup arrl every Wednesday evening at 7 pm In Centur Conference Room In the EMU. The group is facilitated by Carolyn Pursley, a graduate student in counseling. There is no fee to attend and everyone, from herpes sufferer friends and Interested parties are welcome For further Information, call the Lifestyle Planning Program at . I i I •J iout Stud cm Health (enter - sponsor ut ■tell Mow - offers health and aedlcal rare ■ervlce* to all fully registered student, at the University of Oregon. u. encourage you to ut litre our services and save yourself < or rour parents) lots of money ,m your health in- ni*«*>** f IM '-* I UUELL NOW... Published Monthly lOtIOIIS: Amy Cor ol Bodnar STUDENT HEALTH CENTEK University o( Oregon Eugene, OIL *17403 1-503- 68b-4-1 <11