NATIVE AMERICANS Public health haa h»»n aan Igned rhf task of reaching Native Americans aa a high health rlak jnpuUt Inn, Susan Meredith la eager to begin an outreach tn Native Americana under the auspice* of Lane County Community Health Servlcea. Suaan la a Native American registered nurae who completed her Haater'e Project In Auguat of I1K5 on the Health Aaaeaament of Unlveralty of Oregon Native American Student a. Lane County Community Health Servlcea offer Vital Statistics, ImmunIcatlone, Communicable Dleeaae Teatlng and Treatment, rami1y Planning, and Maternal-Child health Programe In Lane County, and are located In the Lane County Anne* building at IIS t. 6th Ave. Suean la a Maternal Child Health Nurse In our county and la able to offer eervtcea for home aaaeaamenta for high rlek Infants and children up to school age, and developmental ecreenlng If appropriate from hlrth tn age three. She la alao able to act aa a resource and refer Native taertcana to other health programs and social service agencies. She wilt act aa a liaison for these services if needed. If you have any questions or health eoncerna, please feel free to call Suaan Meredith at 687-4013, Monday through Friday, 8am - Spm. Peer Health Advising We can help you ■i //Optimize^ your ) ^Health// Pm health advttm mtr efudentt helping tfudmii They haw been Pained lo help you develop and maintain a healthy Mealyte Pen Me all h (ptodtit In I he luNavitg ae