Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1986, Image 19

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Spring cleaning you ask yourself. You
don't even have what boom* would call an apart
ment , let alone a house to spring clean.
Well wait a minute. We're talking about
the kind of spring cleaning that students con
enjoy. Start by packing your dreary winter
gear away and try to remember where you put
your spring stuff. When you find It, take It
out and try It on; walk around In It and prac
tice because spring Is here I
Sometimes It's difficult to make the tran
sition from sedentary winter habits to the ac
tivities that spring offers. We are all too
used to stsylng Inside and keeping dry. Here
are a few Ideas to get you started on your
spring behavior.
1. Open the drapeal Let In some light;
don't be afraid of what will be illu
minated. If It haan't killed you yet,
it probably won't.
2. With the longer days there's plenty of
light to enable you to walk to a near
by park In the late afternoon or to
cycle to a friend's house.
3. During a spare hour, take your lunch
over to the bridge and bike path along
the Willamette river. It’a close and
and pleasant break from the hectic
campus atmosphere.
These Ideas should get you warmed up for
spring. But whatever you choose to do, remem
ber that sunshine, friends and activities In
the fresh air arc some of the best ways to dump
that excess baggage that we've carried around
all winter. Spring has sprung!
Jennifer Cole
Human Relat lona/Sexuallty Peer Health Advisor
Health Habits
Springtime on campus can conjure up plea
sant pictures of flowers, kites and blue skies.
But let'a talk about another side of campus
life. A side that Includes such things as co
caine, marijuana, hash, methumphetamlnea, PCP
and alcohol.
If your are trying to balance these two
sides, maybe this Spring Is the time to re
sales the use of drugs In your life. Spring
cleaning could have new meaning for you.
Peer Health Advisors are available to
talk with you. There's no charge and all
appointments are confidential. For an appoint
ment call 686-4456.
Pam Trapp
Substance Abuse Peer Health Advlaor
You uy hive ten aorv years In your body
that you aren't even aware of. Eating well,
exercising, getting enough rest, and reducing
or eliminating behaviors that are detrimental
to your health ar# all ways to Increase your
longevity and make yourself feel cleaner,
lighter and healthier. It's time to clean out
the winter cobwebs!
If you follow at least six or seven of
these steps, you'll Increase your chances of a
longer, healthier life that will at the same
time Increase your dally well-being.
Eat breakfast.
3 meals a day.
Get a move on!
You need fuel to function
throughout the day.
Well-balanced meals are Im
portant .
Exercise that body- walk,
run, dance, garden, bike...
Cet 7 or 8 good hours sleep
a night. Nap If necessary.
No more fat city.
Keeping your weight within
normal range helps keep you
healthy. (It also avoids
anguish when you sea your
eelf In e bathing suit.)
Limit alcohol. Longer living people drink
in moderation or not at all.
"Klas Your Butt Goodbye".
As tha American Lung Associ
ation aays,"Nobody'a saying
that quitting smoking la ea
sy. But then neither is
dying from smoking effects."
Kate Schuyler
Nutrition Peer Health Advisor
When your mother told you to eat something green every
day, I don't think she had M & M's in mind. ”