Lifestyle Planning Program Inlcrmat ion on health tuples will be available at a table In the EMU main lobby on Wednesday April 30 from 9;30-2:30. Peer Health Advisors will be availa ble to answer questions. Stop on by! WELL READ Womancare by Lynda Hadaraa and Jane Pat tarson, MD A complete reference guide to woman'e health that offers a full range of Information, treatments, and altarnatlvea allowing a wo man to aaka declalona regarding her body wltb which aha will ba aoat comfortable. Dlacuaaaa gynecological and braeat aelf exaaa, PMS, birth control, toxic ahock syndrome, harpaa and othar STD's, cystic breast dlaeaaa, and much more. Excerpt: "Thera ere whole ahalvaa of gyne cologist-talka-to-the-layvoman books, but the majority of these books provide only tha most superficial, Mickey Mouse sort of ex planations of gynecological problems. None are of much use In helping a woman navigate her way through the medical marketplace for even the beat of them had a basic fault: They failed to Inform women about their op tions and alternatives." The l.KARN Program for Weight Cent re 1 by Kelly Brownell, Ph.D. A prectlcal (and sometimes huaorouat) work book atyle approach to weight reduction. The LEARN approach lntagrataa five components: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitudes, Relationship., and Nutrition Into a multifaceted, step-by atep procaaa that la eaay to read and positive. Excerpt: "When you loae weight on this progran, only one person deaervea credit. I would be happy to claia credit, but I deserve no sore than Rand McNally doea whan you uae their Atlas to drive from one city to the next. It sup plies tbe possible routes, and nay even sug gest the best, but you chose the route and you determine whether you reach your desti ne tIon." BOTH BOOKS ARC AVA11.ABI.R AT THE HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER Nutrition Counseling *• w« *11 kno«, student life can take a hard toll on our diets! Unbslanced aeals, lata night snacking, lack of exercise and stress can have a great Influence on our health and overall wellbeing. If you have concerns about: ‘weight aanageaent ‘diet and exercise ‘stress and nutrition ‘general nutrition Information com in and visit the nutritionist at the Student Health Center. All 10 alnute counseling sessions are free for students. We’ll help you design a prograa especially tai lored to aeat your lifestyle and to achieve your optl aal health. Call 686-4441 for an appointment with Paula Stalght, Nutritionist. UppER DivisioN UNdERqRAduATES ANd CRAduATES... APPLICATIONS FOR P€€A HEALTH APVISOA POSITIONS NOUJ BEING ACCEPTED i 1986 GAIN EXPE RIENCE IN... • HEALTH COUNSELING * • PROMOTING WELLNESS • PROGRAM PLANNING Of ADilNI toA AffllCATIONl JM I fO« MOII INFORMAlION Pit A SI CAU AMT MUMLI « UM 686-4441 Lileslyle Planning Progiam University ol Oregon Student Health Cenlei